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Comments 23

popzealot February 14 2008, 15:12:00 UTC
I'm in a Lesbian Affair with My Niece

Oh. Em. Gee. No wonder you're avoiding work!


_jems_ February 14 2008, 15:24:27 UTC
It's after four pm and I still haven't been able to bring myself to start. I'm beyond disgusted by it, but hopefully it'll just be this first guest, the rest will probably just be ordinary confessions-to-spouses as opposed to "hey, I'm molesting my 19 year old niece and have been for two years". UGH!


selfcontained February 14 2008, 15:43:18 UTC
Twin Peaks! For some reason, I was just thinking about how much I love that show.

Oh, Twin Peaks. You are <3 <3 <3.

(That's all I've got. Except: O____O at the Jerry Springer thing.)


_jems_ February 14 2008, 15:47:50 UTC
A lot of the old credits don't hold up (I did find the Fame intro, which amused me muchly, and made me want to open up my season 1 DVDs), but Twin Peaks TOTALLY does. The song is so moody and just perfect for the show. Just like all the ones I picked are, in my opinion.

(I still haven' started. My current avoidance technique? Baking!)


meko00 February 14 2008, 15:46:51 UTC
Mmm, music. :-) And oh, I still have the Twin Peaks soundtrack somewhere. Though I never saw all of the show. And I can't remember seeing Duchovny on it, either.

Actually, I tend to fastforward opening sequences whenever possible.

Eek, Jerry Springer! *shudders*


_jems_ February 14 2008, 15:49:25 UTC
You know, I think I do too... *hasn't cracked a jewel case in YEARS*

I never fast forward, but with these especially, they help put me in the right frame of mind to enjoy the show.

"Eek" is right!


asterisks February 14 2008, 15:59:08 UTC
I vastly prefer the second opening montage from Farscape, but the first one's music is my favorite of the two. So, combine them both, I guess.


_jems_ February 14 2008, 16:13:44 UTC
I didn't really have the luxury of picking and choosing which intro to have in the meme because that one was the only one I could find.

But aren't there more than two? The one I posted is season 4, but season 3 has a different voiceover, and early on there's no voiceover at all, right? Or did I imagine that part?


asterisks February 14 2008, 16:16:29 UTC
There's a couple of differences between them all, what with cast additions and different voiceovers, but the credits themselves remain largely unchanged after season 2 except for the minimal stuff.


spectralbovine February 14 2008, 17:33:12 UTC
Well, also later, they changed the chanting into something more synthesized, and I don't like it.


spectralbovine February 14 2008, 16:17:54 UTC
I lurve the SFU credits. And the Dexter credits.


_jems_ February 14 2008, 17:07:26 UTC
So, is it a Michael C. Hall thing, or...?

I think that the premium channel shows seem to put more thought into their credit sequences, but that could be more the money aspect - they have more of it, I'd imagine.


spectralbovine February 14 2008, 17:32:03 UTC

I think it's a premium channel thing. And a music thing.


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