It's after four pm and I still haven't been able to bring myself to start. I'm beyond disgusted by it, but hopefully it'll just be this first guest, the rest will probably just be ordinary confessions-to-spouses as opposed to "hey, I'm molesting my 19 year old niece and have been for two years". UGH!
A lot of the old credits don't hold up (I did find the Fame intro, which amused me muchly, and made me want to open up my season 1 DVDs), but Twin Peaks TOTALLY does. The song is so moody and just perfect for the show. Just like all the ones I picked are, in my opinion.
(I still haven' started. My current avoidance technique? Baking!)
Mmm, music. :-) And oh, I still have the Twin Peaks soundtrack somewhere. Though I never saw all of the show. And I can't remember seeing Duchovny on it, either.
Actually, I tend to fastforward opening sequences whenever possible.
I didn't really have the luxury of picking and choosing which intro to have in the meme because that one was the only one I could find.
But aren't there more than two? The one I posted is season 4, but season 3 has a different voiceover, and early on there's no voiceover at all, right? Or did I imagine that part?
There's a couple of differences between them all, what with cast additions and different voiceovers, but the credits themselves remain largely unchanged after season 2 except for the minimal stuff.
I think that the premium channel shows seem to put more thought into their credit sequences, but that could be more the money aspect - they have more of it, I'd imagine.
Comments 23
Oh. Em. Gee. No wonder you're avoiding work!
Oh, Twin Peaks. You are <3 <3 <3.
(That's all I've got. Except: O____O at the Jerry Springer thing.)
(I still haven' started. My current avoidance technique? Baking!)
Actually, I tend to fastforward opening sequences whenever possible.
Eek, Jerry Springer! *shudders*
I never fast forward, but with these especially, they help put me in the right frame of mind to enjoy the show.
"Eek" is right!
But aren't there more than two? The one I posted is season 4, but season 3 has a different voiceover, and early on there's no voiceover at all, right? Or did I imagine that part?
I think that the premium channel shows seem to put more thought into their credit sequences, but that could be more the money aspect - they have more of it, I'd imagine.
I think it's a premium channel thing. And a music thing.
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