so i'm still sorta new at the air force cop deal... graduated tech school back in july and i won't stop training while working for at least a year... but damn the last couple of days have been fun... lovelady and myself were on QC training getting ready for our tests for three days... and then we were given two random days off (the first night off
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so my father's close friend and almost life long mentor in a lot of ways... a close family friend as well... passed away this morning... owned/ran a bajillion dollar business that my dad started working at when it was a wee small ambulance business as a peramedic... and through it's years of growth worked his way up to corporate facilities manager
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so did the 8 mile run yesterday again... ran all of it but one of the middle half miles due to a friend hurting their knee... i think i now have shin splints... woot
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so this morning after warming up PT ended up being on our own... so some basketball was in order... 4 on 4... the kids deploying soon vs the rest of us... we beat them horribly... we got them to give up 20 minutes into the game... just call us the McChordTrotters... cause we (mostly me HA!) psyched out the other team with craziness
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so was supposed to go camping for the weekend on friday... but found out last second that the party/dinner i was help setting up for was mandatory for the squadron
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so i haven't played basketball in the longest time... and i was never really good at it... well today we played 5 on 5... and let me tell you... i whoooooped... i was the rebound master... i was mr D... we were whooping them so bad i would handle defense with lovelady some plays and the rest of the team would just stay on offense... we were
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Again... this was originally the core of the counter arguments i had the other day during a debate class activity... which then just grew as i tried to paraphrase them in my last livejournal post...