The Delay is Over!

May 25, 2010 09:38

Title: Don't Let Go
Author: myforgottenpain
Pairing: Vam
Rating: R for language and violence.
Summary: “Don't let go... because if you won't, then I won't...”
Disclaimer: I don't own anything connected to Ville Valo, or Bam Margera. (Or anyone else mentioned) Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends. The only character I own in this whole story is Eevi. Additionally the title and summary obviously belong to our lovely Ville.
Authors Notes: This story has been about five years in the making. I'm still shocked that this is happening. Hopefully it will be as good as I hope it is. This is a vampire fic... so it's AU. xD and dedicated to the lovely beta: Slasher48 thanks again darling!
Guest appearances made by: Johnny Knoxville, Brandon Novak, Ryan Dunn, Larui Ylonen, Anita and Kari Valo, the always beautiful Jonne “little pixie” Aaron, Tuomas from Nightwish, Jussi and Jyrki from 69 Eyes and the men of Apocalyptica. So many pretty Finns! Do I have enough?

The first thing that Bam thought of when he woke up was seeing Ville again. Realization slowly washed over him as he came to terms with that fact that there would be no Ville on this night, or the next night. He was gone, back in his motherland for an unknown amount of time. Bam snuggled back in his bed, wondering if there was a point to even getting up tonight.

But a noise out of the open window drew his attention. Slowly moving out of his bed, he looked out the window. Something didn't seem right. The night was too quiet. That and something seemed to be calling to him; crying for him to come to it and away from the towers. Fear washed over him as he stared out across the dark landscape, to what he believed were flames dancing on the horizon. The thought of his own safety never entered his thoughts, as he scrambled to get dressed. Running from the building, he made his way right to the downtown area, hoping to find his friends and relieve some of the tension that seemed to have settled over him.

When Bam got to his destination he was out of breath and shaking, but he had no time to think about it since he realized what was going on. There were screams and people running around everywhere. Buildings were on fire and right in front of him, two cars crashed into one another.

Everywhere around him, shadows seemed to move and distort themselves as if alive and moving on their own accord.

It was a raid.

More then ever Bam realized he had to find his friends and he had to do it quickly. Only in the shelter of Dunn's basement, with as much light on as possible, could they be safe.

Running into the thick of it, Bam started screaming for his friends.


Thankfully, it didn't take him long to find them. Ryan, Novak, and Johnny all ran into Bam. Their bodies slammed together, causing them to nearly tumble over, as they embraced out of relief to be reunited. "What are you doing here?!" Ryan yelled.

Bam shook his head, already pushing them down the street. "No time to explain!"

They started running, Johnny and Ryan leading the way, with Novak right behind them and Bam bringing up the rear. Lighting flashed across the sky, threatening to dump rain on the ground below. Thunder rolled and flames leapt and licked at the growing clouds. Ash fell down, stinging Bam’s skin.

A window in an abandoned building just to his left exploded, showering the sidewalk and Bam with glass that nicked his skin. Closing his eyes, Bam came to a stop, in an attempt to fend off the attack. This was the first thing that separated him from his friends…

He thought more than ever about Ville, wishing he was there to protect him. Feeling his necklace bouncing around on his chest made Bam feel somewhat better; at least he had that, though now he wished he would have asked for something for his friends. There was no time to be worried about this since right now they had to think about getting to safety.

Out of the corner of his eyes, once he opened them again, Bam noticed something and it made him forget about catching up with his friends. His lungs burned from running, his nose was filled with the scent of smoke, while a cold sweat started to form on his skin.

Bam would have been able to hide with his friends before the invaders reached them, if it wasn't for the fact that he had stopped, let alone lingered. Spotting a small child, crying and cringing in fear as a demented looking creature approached her, Bam had made the decision to act. His friends continued to run ahead and on to the safety of Dunn's home as Bam turned back. Picking up a large piece of wood, he smacked the man-beast over the back.

The creature hissed in annoyance and attacked Bam, allowing the child a chance to reach her mother and get away. Bam cried out in pain as the creature knocked him back onto the concrete street.

A horrible noise filled the night, but something about it left Bam with the impression that it was the closest thing to joy they could express.

Not too far away, a man watched with pleasure at the scene that was unfolding before him. His plan was working out perfectly; better than he could ever have hoped it would. Their prey had walked right out into the open and was all his now.

The shadow creatures held Bam, as the man appeared before him. Dark eyes glittered with malice and delight in his evilness.

With a swift kick to the head, Bam was out cold and then carried off into the night…


On the other side of the world, Ville opened his eyes and stared out the window.

From the other side of the room, Linde was watching him. He looked through the corner of his eyes when he felt Burton appear at his side.

“We’ll be leaving soon.”

The corner of Burton’s mouth turned up, “Are you becoming psychic now?”

Linde rolled his eyes, but didn’t answer the question. “You know he hasn’t stopped thinking about Bam since we came here.”

Burton nodded, “Something doesn’t seem right though.” He looked around, as if trying to connect something in reality to the feeling he had. “It just feels like…”

All of their attention was drawn to the window when Lauri appeared in it, panting and gasping for air. He was soaked from the trip, stumbling into the room he was so weak from exhaustion. “Jonne sent me.”

“What’s wrong?” Burton asked, as they gathered around him.

“Jonne… He had a vision… Sent… Perttu to find… Bam…”

“What about Bam?” Ville asked, crouching down next to the smaller man, fear rushing over him.

“Someone… is… after him…”


It was only when Ryan and Johnny were slammed against the door, and Novak was crying on the floor, that they realized Bam was gone. Ryan and Johnny looked at each other and then quickly opened the door to run back out. They reached the street where Bam had been taken, but there was nothing. No creatures or panicked victims, no burning buildings or wrecked cars. Worse yet, there was no evidence that Bam had ever been there.

Ryan pulled at his beard, fear washing over his face as Novak screamed Bam's name uselessly, as if he would pop out of an overturned trashcan and yell, “Surprise!”

Johnny fell to the ground, clutching his head. It hurt worse than he had ever experienced before and he couldn't understand what was happening. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, which freaked Ryan out worse than Bam's disappearance. He thought Johnny was having a seizure. He dropped to his knees in time for Johnny to fling his whole body backwards. Tears ran down Ryan's cheeks, as he held his friend’s rigid body, as Johnny shook and Novak freaked out worse.

Blood leaked out of Johnny's nose and drool slipped from the corner of his mouth. Never had he experienced such a vision before. In his mind, numb to everything around him, he saw a man with black hair and cold, evil, eyes. His laughter filled his head and chilled him to his core with the level of cruelty in it. His eyes flashed with pure evil and Johnny feared him and the power he commanded. What he saw made Johnny literally throw up.

Ryan moved them in time for Johnny to puke on the sidewalk instead of them. Sobbing hysterically, Johnny rolled to his other side, clutching his head as he tried to forget the image of the creatures gutting Bam, bathing in his blood, as they devoured his still beating heart.

That vision was just one of many that had bombarded Johnny, leaving him weak and in pain. Every once in a while the vision of the man with the red robe returned, the only sense of solace in the whole experience. None of them knew what to do to help Bam, let alone if there was still a Bam to help.

Ryan yelled into the night, wanting to know why Ville wasn't here to protect Bam. Why hadn’t he done something to stop this from happening? And what good had that stupid necklace been when it obviously hadn’t stopped them from hurting Bam?

Their questions went unanswered and left them with the fear that they had lost their best friend forever.


“Tell me you found him.” Jonne searched his friends’ faces, trying to ignore the fact that he already knew the answer. “Eicca…?” He asked, looking to the man with the long blond hair at his side. “Paavo…?” He asked, watching as the man with short black hair cast down his eyes. “Mikko…?” He looked lastly to the one person who wasn’t looking down; out of frustration he smacked the top hat from Perttu’s head. “I asked one thing of you.”

“Jonne… we tried to get to him.” Eicca tried to tell their friend.

Jonne rubbed his face as he walked over to the window. “This is bad.”

“We’re sorry that we failed you.” Mikko offered softly, moving closer to Jonne. “Should we get the other mortals out of there?”

“Not yet,” Jonne said softly. “He’s got who he came for.” Jonne looked out onto the forest beyond his home, a sad look on his face. “Oh Jussi… what have you done?”

Eicca gasped softly, “Jussi? We were not sure if the rumors were true…?”

Jonne closed his eyes, as if wincing from some emotional pain. “There is no one else it could be.”

“What will we do?” Paavo asked.

“We will do whatever we can to help.” Eicca added.

“Just ask… and we will do it.” Mikko finished.

Jonne looked the three men closest to him over, “Thank you.” He reached out and touched each one on the shoulder. “Stay close… if we need to intervene in the human city any more, I will need all the help I can get.”

They nodded, watching as Jonne adjusted the silky, maroon colored kimono robe he was wearing, moving closer to the only person left. He stopped in front of Perttu, who seemed to be more interested in his top hat. “Perttu…”


Jonne reached out and touched Perttu’s beard with his carefully filed nails. He shivered as a violent, cold sensation rushed through him, causing him to retract his hand.

Perttu jumped to his feet, and bowed a little to Jonne. “I will do whatever I can do to help.”

Jonne, still eyeing Perttu, held his hand close to his chest and nodded. “I know.” He watched Perttu leave, before turning his eyes to the other three. “Don’t let him out of your sight.”

The last one to leave was Paavo, his eyes shining with a silver light as he stopped next to Jonne. “We haven’t been the same for a while now… too long…” He looked to Jonne, who met his glance. “We will watch.”

Jonne nodded, thanking him as he departed to join the others. He drifted over to the window and sighed, “Our only hope now is you, Lintu…hopefully you can get to Ville in time to tell him what happened.” He chuckled dryly and then frowned again, “Of course, when I sent you it was only a thought of what might happen. Well it has happened, and we’re fucked.”

Turning away from the window again, he went over to one of his bookshelves. With his eyes closed, he raised his hand and started walking by it. His hand drifting less than a foot away from it, he whispered to himself as he searched for something. He suddenly stopped and reached in between the dust and books that crowded this portion of the shelf. He pulled out a single, broken chain.

It shimmered as if brand new, a searing and almost white light. The craftsmanship involved in making it was unlike anything humanity had ever seen. “Oh Jussi….” He closed his eyes and touched the chain lightly. “Don’t do this…”

The doors to his room flung open, slamming themselves backwards and crashing into the wall. Jonne didn’t look up from the chain as Ville came storming over to him.

“Where is Bam? What happened to him?” Ville asked, rigid with anger, fear and hatred in his eyes. They had run, when they could, the entire way back; surely breaking some sort of record even in their world. But Ville would not abide stopping; he had pushed his friends as hard as he could to get back here and learn about what had happened.

“If he is where I think he is…. We might never get him back.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Ville snarled, using his height to loom over the blond, clenching and unclenching his fists. He was so distraught; he didn’t even notice the chain of metal the blond was twirling.

“He’s gone where I can’t reach him.” Jonne answered as he started to walk by Ville.

“Give me a fucking straight answer…” Ville started to growl, grabbing Jonne’s arm, yanking it up and finally noticing what the older vampire was so fixated on. The chain slipped from his hand and dropped to the floor. The anger vanished and was replaced with despair. “No…”

“I’m so sorry, Ville.” Jonne said, pulling Ville in for a hug that wasn’t returned. “There is nothing I can do. This is out of my hands.”

Blood tinged tears ran down his cheeks as Ville started crying. “There has to be something we can do for him…”

“What’s going on?” Linde asked, noticing not just how Jonne and Ville were looking, but the looks on Burton’s and Lauri’s faces as well.

“Something…” Burton whispered. “…that I only heard of in whispers…”

Ville suddenly pulled away from Jonne and started heading for the door.

“Where do you think you’re going, Ville?” Jonne asked, following their prince from the room.

“I have to find him.”

“It’s impossible…” Jonne started to say, stopping suddenly when Ville turned and faced him.

“Wouldn’t you try? If…” He trailed off when Jonne looked away at the thought of the name Ville almost invoked. “If he needed you… wouldn’t you try?”

“I haven’t thought about him in so long…” Jonne whispered.

“Liar.” Ville whispered softly, noticing the small smile on his mentor’s lips. “When you bond with someone like that… you never forget them.”

“If you go in there… looking for him,” Jonne said, bypassing the question at hand. “You might just die permanently.”

“I would rather be dead permanently than alive without him…” Ville stated, turning and leaving the room.

“You’re stronger than I…” Jonne whispered, “A lot stronger.”

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight
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