Calling Doctor Love- Chapter 4

Jul 16, 2008 19:10

Title: Calling Doctor Love
kimmixvalox616 /
xkissxofxdawnxPairing:Vam of course ^_^
Rating: PG-13....maybe more.
Summery:  Doesn't everyone just hate those f**king Telesales people? Bam did that was until he heard his voice.
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them, but I don't, now excuse me while I just go and weep in a corner :(

Chapter 1

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

[Hello everyone ^_^ okay, so I'm really trying to concentrate on 'He's What I Go To School For' so this chapter is really crappy and short :S I am terribly sorry for this, I really am! plus I'm in a Ville haze and all my mind is thinking of is that damn Kerrang! interview xD if you can buy it in your area...go get it! I mean it! he looks so perfect on the front cover! and even the people I work with said he looks really pretty hehe! anyway, go read!]


“Hello Bammie”

“Hey Ville what’s up?”

“I have a surprise for you”

“Oh really? What is it?”

“It’s a surprise, like I said”

“Oh come on! Purr-lease?!”

Bam stopped his whining as he heard the doorbell ring, grunting, he stood from his computer chair, quickly tucking his cock back into his pants.

He had been jacking off to the man’s voice without the Finn knowing.

He felt perverted, but at the same time adrenaline rushed through his body.

He didn’t think the man had noticed the few little moans he had given off.

He walked down the stairs, grumbling to himself, phone still pressed to his ear, not hearing a single word from the Finn’s mouth.

He called his name down the phone, hearing nothing.

“The idiot hung up on me” He grunted, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and he hung the phone up and placed it in his pocket.

The door bell rung again, hoping it wasn’t some crazy fan, or even worse, his mother.

“Hold the fuck on!” He called to the front door, pulling a random shirt on.

He walked towards the door, hearing the shuffle of feet outside.  His mother did that, shuffled her feet when she was waiting for something.

“Why didn’t you just fucking come-” He stopped dead as he swung the large doors open, seeing a very feminine looking male stood in the doorway.

“Hello Bammie” He smiled.

His voice.  That Nickname.  It was HIM

“Ville?” He blinked, thinking maybe it was a dream.  Was he really seeing the Finn in front of him?

He didn’t know what to say.  His throat had dried up, trapping any words that wanted to escape his lips in his throat.

The Finnish man laughed a little and nodded, dropping the single backpack in his hands on the floor and taking the dazed and confused American into his arms.

Bam pulled back slightly after a couple of minutes, just enough to connect their eyes.

“How- How did you know where I lived?” He asked, still shocked to see the other man.

“Well, with me being a Tele-Marketer, I have all your details on record” He chuckled, moving a piece of Bam’s hair from his cerulean eyes.

“It’s like you’re a stalker or something,” He paused with a smirk “although, a very sexy stalker” He winked suggestively at the man.

He gazed into his eyes, noticing the perfect green colour in them.  The man himself was perfect.  His voice highlighted his beauty perfectly.

“Lets go inside” Bam smiled to the older man, taking his hand and leading him into the warmth of the house.
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