Calling Doctor Love- Chapter 3

Jul 14, 2008 11:59

Title:  Calling Doctor Love
Pairing:Vam of course ^_^
Rating: PG-13....maybe more.
Summery:  Doesn't everyone just hate those f**king Telesales people? Bam did that was until he heard his voice.
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them, but I don't, now excuse me while I just go and weep in a corner :(

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

[Yes I am back! not much to say...oh yeah...beware you may not get updates ever mum might kill me :S  I went to go buy a mouse the yesterday and came back with 2 hamsters lol one called Yossa and the other called Midian.  Plus she went mental when I came back with my other hamster Kalu, the other week haha.  Luckily she fell in love with the rabbit I brought home haha.  anyway hope you enjoy!]

Bam held the telephone in his grasp.

He had been sat like this for a week, just begging for the man to call him once more.

Usually when his friends called he would thank any god listening that he had someone to talk to.  Now it was a case of “Fuck off, I wanna hear His voice not your’s”

Many people from the same company had called, believing he was finally interested in buying one of their shitty value kitchens.

He jumped when the phone started ringing, hands shaking as he pressed the green button and pressed it to his ear.

“Hello?” He greeted with a shaky voice.

“Hi honey, it’s me” His mother’s voice rung in his ear.  He sighed, thinking that today was the day the man would finally call.

“What’s up?” He asked, though not actually caring.

“I was wondering if you wanted to help me out at work today.  It’ll get you away from the Tele-marketing people for a day” She laughed, oblivious to the fact that it was the reason he didn’t want to go out.

“Sorry Ape, I have stuff to do here”  He lied, staring at the fire burning in the fireplace.

“Oh, Okay” She seemed shocked.   She cleared her throat, saying her goodbyes.

Once Bam had hung up he let out a large sigh, flopping onto the living room couch as soon as it was possible to collapse without falling off.

The phone rung once more, grunting he answered it.

“What?” He answered, aggravated for no particular reason.

“Oh, sorry to disturb you Mr. Margera” The caller apologised.

His voice, it was the same calm tone. The same delightful accent.  The same deepness.

It was his voice.

“No, No, I apologise.”  Bam smiled to himself, realising that they were having a conversation not about kitchens “My mom just called and I was afraid it would be her again” He laughed.

The other man chuckled lightly.

The laugh that emerged from the callers throat was the most adorable sound you could ever hear.  It was such a nerdy laugh, yet it was the cutest thing ever.

“Oh shit, their nagging is the most annoying thing ever huh?” The called said, making Bam want to just jump into the phone and pop out the other end, cuddling the man and nod in agreement.

“Yeah,” Bam sighed “I guess we gotta get to the more formal stuff” He said, voice saddened.

“Nah, I work from home.  The boss will never know”  He laughed again, lightening Bam’s mood once more.

“Awesome.  So uh….what’s your name?” Bam asked.  He secretly only wanted to know the man’s name so he knew who’s name to moan out at nights, when his only companion was the palm of his hand.

“My name’s Ville”  There was an obvious smile behind his words.

“Wow, that is…such a beautiful name” Bam found himself smiling again.  Ville.  It rolled off his tongue perfectly.

“Thank you, your name is Brandon right?” He could hear the blush in his voice, suddenly a little timid.

“Yeah but everyone calls me Bam” He grinned.

“I knew I recognised your voice! You’re Bam Margera from Jackass” The man called happily.

Bam laughed “Yeah”

He was happy the man recognised him, it was a major ego boost.

“I heard your wife just left you,” The man stated, an apologetic tone in his voice “I was going to get married, the girl cheated on me a month before the wedding.  I’ve been lonely ever since”

He is in the same situation, this is perfect.  Bam cheered lightly in his head.

“I know what you mean” The jackass sighed, resting a hand on his stomach.

He wanted to continue with his sentence.  No one was speaking.  He had to.

“I don’t feel alone when I hear your voice though”

“Me too” The man blushed once more, obvious in just the two words spoken.

The two talked for what seemed like hours that night, getting to know each other a little before having to hang up.  International calls were really expensive.

Bam had repeated his actions that night.  Same as always.

He stroked himself to his release, finally happy to have a name to call out, he said his name.  And oh how it sounded so right to say.
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