New Story- Calling Doctor Love

Jul 08, 2008 16:36

Title:  Calling Doctor Love
Pairing:Vam of course ^_^
Rating: PG-13....maybe more.
Summery:  Doesn't everyone just hate those f**king Telesales people? Bam did that was until he heard his voice.
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them, but I don't, now excuse me while I just go and weep in a corner :(
A/N: Hello!!! Yes I have a new one.  I'm not even sure how I got the idea for this lol  I remember going through Nirvana songs for inspiration and then it suddenly clicked in my mind xD  Yeah.  I am extremely sorry but my story Pest Of Westchester will be on hold until I can think of something to write :( I'm really blank on that story.  I was wondering is anyone could be my beta? I'm really back with puncuation *bites lip* please get back to me ^_^

Dedicated to
meduusje for opening my eyes and telling me not to give up on my other story just because not a lot of people are reading it.  You where right hun, I write for fun and it doesn't matter if people don't read it, just as long as I'm enjoying doing it.  Also dedicated to
villespunkchick and
karinvam for both being amazing!!!  I love you all my dears ^_^.

[Yes back, just a short series.  Really don't know how long it will be but whatever xD I'll try and make it as long as possible ^_^ hope you enjoy]

Bam sat at his computer desk, checking his e-mails.  There was some from Fairman’s skateshop, trying to organise his next signing session.

A few spam e-mail’s littered his inbox, quickly deleting them, no matter how tempting a “free holiday in Italy” was at that moment in time.

He groaned at the emptiness of his life.  It had been nearly six months since his wife, Missy had left him and he was still grovelling to himself, saying how it was all his fault he didn’t treat her the way she should have been treated and all that crap.

He stood from his chair and stretched his arms above his head, walking out of the door and into the empty hall way.  It was times like these he wished Novak hadn’t moved out, or Dunn wouldn’t have gone on that stupid Rock Tour with Vito, practically drinking himself to death at each destination.

He pulled his cell phone from his pocket, flipping it open and searching through his contacts list.

He had lost contact with a lot of his friends since Missy left him.

Raab had disappeared with the Russian Mail-order bride, Dunn disappeared with Vito, Novak with his Minghag of a girlfriend and child.  All his friend’s had someone to be with, to be happy with.

Bam had nothing.

He was alone, once again.

He highlighted his mother’s number on the contacts list, pressing the green button to call her.

“Hello?”  He heard his mother’s caring voice answer the phone.  Instantly tears pricked to his eyes.

“Hi mom” Bam let out a small sob, not meaning to but that sneaky little thing escaped.

“Bam? What’s wrong honey?”  His mother asked, concern in her voice.

She didn’t get an answer, just a string of sobs echoing through the small device in her hands.

“I’m coming over” She stated before hanging up.

Bam slumped down to the floor, hunching himself in the corner of his large hallway, looking into his best friends’ rooms, remembering the great times they had had when they were younger.  The day they moved into this large castle-like house.

The day he ditched his parents, leaving them to decorate and handle all the furniture by themselves, while Don Vito remained wrapped in bubble wrap on the back of a truck.  An Elvis wig thing and a drawn on soul patch and moustache graffitied his face.

He didn’t even get to see his brother anymore, he was too caught up with recording a new album and juggling fatherhood.

He started to laugh at the memory of Ape’s face when she came home to the house trashed, mainly because he and his friends were playing pirate games.  Swinging from ropes and smashing his parent’s favourite ornaments.

His memories started to go back to when he first met Missy.

How he thought she was the love of his life, finding out soon after marrying her that he didn’t truly love her.

Noticing he could never fall in love.

He was too childish she had told him while packing her stuff into one big bag.  Storming out of the house, only to return a couple of days later to tell him she wanted a divorce.

He was just about to stand up when he heard his mother’s footsteps approaching him, suddenly right besides him, taking him into her motherly arms.

“I’m so lonely mom” He sobbed into her chest, soaking her new white blouse.

“You’ll find someone soon sweetheart.  You just have to keep your eyes and ears open” She soothed him with her voice.

Bam didn’t know at the time that meant what she had said was true.

All he had to do was get on with his life, and that was what he was going to do.

[Hope you enjoyed, sorry about making Bammie all depressed, but it is to help with the story :( please comment!]
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