Digital Versatile Doom in the Making - Ch4

May 28, 2008 15:01

Title: Digital Versatile Doom in the Making
Author: mortica_69
Rating: PG-13 (NC-17 in later chapters)
Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own, never happened.
Summary: Ville's coming over, and Bam gets ideas

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3

The six men stumbled into the hotel, after 4 long hours of trying to find it. Mige wondered over to the receptionist to get their room keys. “So…” Bam asked. “Who’s rooming with who?” Seeing the evil look on Ville’s face made him quite insecure. “Well, dear Bam, it appears that we booked 3 rooms, and the rest of the band already paired up…So I guess that means you and I will be sharing a room…”

Mige had returned at this point. Bam tried, and failed to ignore his smirk. He handed Bam a room key, and they all departed to check out their rooms. Mige yelled over his shoulder, “Play nice boys! And remember o use a condom!”

Bam blushed furiously at that last comment, while Ville was a heap of hysterical laughter next to him. When Ville caught sight of Bam’s face, he straightened up, wiped a tear from his eye, and grabbed Bam’s arm. “Come on Bammie.” he said between hiccups of laughter. “Let’s go see our room.”

A small smile played around on Ville’s lips as he and Bam entered room 69. His smile grew even wider when he saw the room. “Willa…” a shaky voice came from behind him. “Why’s there only one bed?”
In the centre of the room, was a giant, very comfortable looking bed. Ville looked over his shoulder at Bam, who had started unpacking. “Oh come on Bammie. That bed’s big enough for 3 people! And besides, we’ve slept in the same bed loads of times before.”

Ville glanced at the clock. It read 11 pm. “Come on Bam. Bed time.” Ville stripped down to his boxers, and fell in to bed, yawning loudly. Bam didn’t move. He was too preoccupied with the fact that Ville was on a bed in nothing but his boxers…’No…Must…Resist…Temptation…’

Ville glanced up to see Bam’s eyes glazed over, just staring. It creeped him out a little… “Bammie I know my ass is sexy, but do you really have to stare at it like that?” Ville smirked as bam began to blush again and quickly stripped down to his boxers. He climbed into bed, making sure to stay as far away from Ville as possible.

This offended the Finn slightly. “Why so far away, Bammie?”
“I- It’s just- ‘Night Ville.” With that he switched off the light, leaving Ville to ponder about his strange actions in the darkness.


Bam woke up in the middle of the night, to hear weird noises coming from the bathroom. He froze when he heard his name. “Oh Bammie…Oh god Bam that’s it…So close…” Then he heard a muffled groan. ‘Wait a second…Ville?’ The American was confused now. Did he just hear Ville…?

He got out of bed quietly and tiptoed towards the bathroom. He peeked through a gap in the door to see Ville changing his boxers, his old ones lying on the floor covered in… ‘Shit! He was wanking off over me!’ Now Bam was really confused. What the hell did that mean? It would certainly explain Ville’s behaviour as of late, but-

Bam didn’t get any farther than that before the door opened, sending Bam to the floor with a thud. “Oh God! Bam?” Bam looked up into emerald eyes, as he was helped up from the floor. He led the slightly puzzled Finn onto the bed and pinned him down to the mattress. “Bam, what are you-” Bam captured his soft, pink lips in a crushing kiss, silencing any protests the Finn may have had. When they both came up for air, Ville pouted.

“What was that for?”
“What?” Bam asked. “You didn’t like it?”
A soft smile graced his features. “Bammie…Why the hell did you stop?” Ville pulled Bam down onto the bed and began to kiss him hungrily again. Their tongues played for several minutes before they had to take a breathing break again. Ville chuckled as he heard Bam curse his need to breathe.

Bam gazed up at Ville who was holding him tenderly, and stroking his hair. A thousand questions were buzzing around in his head. Ville could see it clearly in his eyes. Before he could demand any answers, Ville whispered, “Don’t ruin this moment with questions Bammie. That can wait until morning, yes?” Bam smiled tiredly. “Okay Ville. Night…” They fell asleep peacefully in each other’s arms.

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