new fic - Digital Versatile Doom in the Making

May 17, 2008 22:44

Title: Digital Versatile Doom in the Making - prologue
Author: mortica_69
Rating: PG-13 (NC-17 in later chapters)
Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own, never happened.
Summary: Ville's coming over, and Bam gets ideas

3 am. 3 in the fucking morning and his phone was ringing. Who the fuck was calling him at this hour? He looked at the caller ID and broke into a huge grin. Ville. That’s who was calling him. Ville! He picked up immediately. “Hey Valo! What’s so important that you’re calling me at this unholy hour?”
“Bam! Bam! You’ll never guess what! Oh my god I’m so happy! This is gonna be awesome! You have to come, and Dunn has to come, and-”
“Ville! Slow the fuck down!” He sounded like a hyper teenage girl…Bam was pretty sure he was jumping up and down as he spoke.
“We’re making a live DVD, Bam! In the Orpheum theatre! In LA!”
Then it was Bam’s turn to squeal like a hyper teenager. “Are you serious? Ville that’s awesome! I’m so coming to see that!!!! I’d better get backstage passes Valo!”
“Oh of course Bammie! I wouldn’t dream of making you stand among the fans! Oh God no!” They both laughed at Ville’s sarcasm.
Bam had really missed these conversations. One would call the other up, completely disregarding the time difference, and they would talk for hours on end about trivial matters…This was no trivial matter though. Ville was going to be in the US, if only for a few days, and Bam was going to make the most of it, for he had genuine feelings for the Finn, and such distances hurt him like hell. For the first time in months, he was going to see him face to face, stare straight into those gleaming emerald eyes, and be so agonisingly close to those full red lips…
A small moan escaped Bam’s lips, and s he snapped back into reality, a voice drifted into his ear.
“Bammie? What was that? Are you okay?”
“Uhh…Yeah Ville I’m fine. Hey I’m really tired, can I call you back tomorrow?”
“Of course Bam. See you soon.”
As soon as Ville hung up the phone, Bam rushed to the nearest bathroom. Damn, was he horny…

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