i missed your skin when you were east, you clicked your heels and wished for me

May 17, 2008 20:12

once, there were two boys:

a baby-faced skater:

and a lovely brooding scandanavian man:

it began with a video shoot:
during that time, there was ville. and he liked to stare at bammity. whether this is because he's fascinated by bam's fluency in english or because he's in love, well...that remains unknown to this day

and also smile...

and then, after that, well...
bam: "i just like to watch you..."

then, they were left alone in woods...lost

after that, they were quite cozy together:

ville: "if we pretend we're laughing innocently, maybe they'll go away and we can make out"

and this...well...this almost became a dirty dancing moment:

so ville, tell us about bambi...

mmm. bammity, tell us about ville.
bam: who? i don't even...i don't even know who that guy is...*scoff*
(notice the poster in the background)

bam: "look at this new watch i got"
ville: "wanna make out?"

ville: *terrified because he was just about to give bam-bam a kiss when in came the camera*

and, that's the peter panda dance:

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