Digital Versatile Doom in the Making Ch 1

May 18, 2008 21:00

Title: Digital Versatile Doom in the Making
Author: mortica_69
Rating: still PG-13
Summary: Ville's coming over, and Bam gets ideas

Prologue can be found here!

“Missy! Missy! You’ll never guess what!”
Missy groaned and rolled across the bed away from Bam. “Babe! It’s 3 am! What’s so important that it can’t wait ‘till morning???”
“Ville’s coming, Missy! Ville!” Bam proceeded to jump up and down excitedly on their bed. This caused Missy to groan in frustration even louder. “Bam! Go to sleep! Get all excited when I’m awake enough to tell you to shut the fuck up.” She threw a pillow at Bam’s head and rolled over again, pretending to fall asleep. She heard Bam sigh dramatically and fall into bed beside her. She smiled slightly. “Finally,” she thought. “Maybe he’ll actually say something about his feelings for Ville this time.”
As she finally drifted off, she whispered, “Better late than never…”
Bam woke up with a start. What did Missy just say? He hoped she wouldn’t get mad…He’d loved Ville for a long time, and those feelings were finally starting to get the better of him. He couldn’t wait to see the Finn again…He wanted him so much it hurt…


A few weeks on, and Bam was hopping from foot to foot in the airport, waiting for HIM’s flight to land. He’d been here for over an hour…He really needed to piss… “Ugh!” he groaned. “Why the hell didn’t I go sooner?!” The band was due to walk through those doors any minute now, and Bam was practically crying, so much was his need to piss. “Oh, screw it! They can look after themselves for two minutes.” Bam sprinted to the bathroom, glad to finally relieve himself.
As he walked back out into the arrival’s hall, he cursed inwardly. There was a small group of rather confused looking Finnish men in the middle of the hall, surrounded by excitable, squealing fan girls. “Fuck!” he thought “Code red!” He ran towards the crowd, and yelled suddenly, “Oh my god! It’s Jeffree Star!” A sudden hush fell over the crowd, before they all squealed even louder and ran off in search of an imaginary Jeffree Star. He smiled apologetically at the guys, and led them out of the airport to his hummer. Instinctively, he grabbed Ville’s hand, and Ville grinned slightly at the younger man’s attachment to him. When Bam yelped, obviously embarrassed, and let go, Ville grabbed it back immediately, muttering “My hand…Mine…” Bam chuckled quietly at this as he opened the hummer’s doors. They and the rest of the band drove to his home, swapping stories of the last three months.


“MISSY!!!!!! Guess which band of Finnish men I brought back this time?” Missy smiled widely as she descended the stairs. “Hey, you guys! Great to see you again!” She hugged each of them in turn, a huge smile still on her face. “So…What do you want to do?” Gas answered her immediately. “Sleep! Preferably for the next two years…” Bam pouted as the rest of the band agreed.
“Stupid time difference! Always ruining my fun!” Ville chuckled. “I’m not tired Bammie. I’ll stay up with you.” Bam’s eyes lit up. “Cool! Let’s go watch Nightmare Before Christmas!” Ville’s whole face lit up then. That was his favourite movie ever! Missy and the rest of HIM were watching this display all with slightly amused looks on their faces. Missy was next to speak. “Well I’m kind of tired too, so I think I’ll turn in as well, okay, babe?”
“Yes boss.” Bam replied, with a playful grin on his face. Missy pecked him on the lips and ascended the stairs with a very tired Mige, Linde, Burton and Gas in tow. When bam was sure they had gone, he dragged Ville towards the sofa, and put the movie on. Soon, both men were completely engrossed in the film.
As the credits rolled at the end of the movie, Missy tiptoed down the stairs to check on them. She smiled at the sight that met her eyes. Bam was sleeping peacefully, Ville’s arm wrapped protectively around his waist. She padded quietly across the room to fetch an old blanket she kept down there for long movie nights. She covered the two men with the blanket and padded quietly up the stairs again.
Mige was sitting on her bed waiting for her. “Well?” he asked as she walked in. She smiled. “They’re cuddled up together on the sofa down there. It’s so cute!” Mige grinned widely. “Good. It’s about time.”
“That’s exactly what I thought.” Missy said.
“Well, I guess I’ll se you in the morning.” Mige hugged Missy and made his leave, leaving Missy to get into bed alone for the first time since she married Bam. And yet, she was happy. Happy that her husband had finally come to his senses…Finally realised who he really wanted…

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