The secret is revealed!

Apr 12, 2008 10:01

 Title: A Love Divided - Chapter 17
Author gothic_elvis
Pairing; Vam, though Jonna/Ville at first.
Rating: PG-13 - slight R
Summary: Jonna and Ville are engaged to be married, something which Bam secretly loathes (as does someone else *Shhh!*) and tries to keep them apart, not knowing what his actions are going to cause. (It is written in third person. )
Disclaimer: I do not own Ville, Bam, Jonna (But man do I want to kick her ass! Sorry, that was not necessary. xD) or any other character I mention in this story. I do, however, own the writing itself.
Warnings: Language/underage sex
A/N: This chapter is all in flashback. I was going to have a bit of dialogue and what-not afterwards but decided I'll wait for the next chapter. As of now, hopefully only one more chapter and an epilogue. *squee!*

Previous chapters beneath the cut!

Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3 -
Chapter 4 -
Chapter 5-
Chapter 6 -
Chapter 7 -
Chapter 8 -
Chapter 9 -
Chapter 10 -
Chapter 11 -
Chapter 12 -
Chapter 13-
Chapter 14 -
Chapter 15 - 
Chapter 16 -

(By the way; if for some reason there's new readers, please PLEASE for your own sake, go back to the beginning and start there. Do NOT read this chapter first; it will ruin the whole storyline. Okay, warning done. Onward!)

A year ago


It was late; dark, and Ville was cold.

He’d spent the remainder of the night drinking at a bar, after shopping half the afternoon with his fiancée, Jonna.

The time was just a few minutes after two in the morning at which he had been very politely kicked out. It was, indeed, politely done. The owner knew who Ville was and how many girls and women he would upset should he die of too much alcohol consumption. Not too mention how many of those girls would be after him once it was out where he’d died.

The man pushed him out onto the misty streets, fog hanging heavily in the air. It wasn’t his responsibility what happened to him now; he was the streets’ child.

Ville looked back as the door slammed, too disoriented and groggy to remember where he had been.

He simply grunted and looked ahead, beginning to stumble forward to - where he hoped - home lay.

His fingers gripped the sweatshirt’s hood tighter to his face; curls hanging out from underneath, limp because of the moisture in the air.

The fog wasn’t so bad that it limited any sort of vision at all; it just wasn’t possible to see more than ten feet ahead.

It was a wonder he didn’t manage to run into any poles or buildings; his feet tripping over every crevice in the pavement.

Soon, he’d made it to the intersection that - even in his stupor - he kneww as close to home.

Suddenly his sleeve was grabbed and he was turned around to face a girl. Normally her small weight shouldn’t have been capable of moving him, but, alcohol does bad things to you.

She couldn’t have been older than seventeen, approximately fifteen or so. It was obvious by her HIM hoodie and heartagram necklace what kind of girl she was. Her dark eyes were outlined with eyeliner and the lids smeared with kohl. She was done up as if she knew she would meet him.

“Hey! Ville! I knew I’d find you here.” She whispered excitedly, glancing around as if someone from the shadows would pounce out and take him from her.

“Come on, we have a room.” The girl murmured, starting to drag him along in the opposite direction.

Drunk hands pawed at her, trying to get her off.

“Girl, let me go. I have to get home.” He slurred, blinking rapidly as she dragged him off towards a building.

She laughed, “Name’s Nicole. You can call me Nikki, though.” Looking back at him, she winked, before giggling.

Ville simply shook his head at her, deciding to let her take him where she will; just be glad it was a little girl not a large man.

Nikki dragged him up the stairs to an old building before pushing the door open. By the way the hinges squeaked it was quite obvious how old the place was; and no wonder it was uninhabited.

The stairs creaked as they climbed them; dust coating every surface.

“A bit dusty, isn’t it?” She giggled, almost sounding nervous.

“Mmhm.” Ville said, not really paying attention, just trying not to fall over backwards. The girl surely wasn’t hanging onto him hard enough that he wouldn’t stumble back down the stairs at any wrong step.

All he wanted was to go home, take off his clothes, fuck Jonna, smoke a few fags, then go to sleep. But no, he was being pulled to who-knows-where by some fifteen year old HIM fanatic.

A door was slightly ajar at the end of the hall once they’d reached the top of the stairs.

“I’m going to make you feel so good.” The girl suddenly whispered, voice low. Ville should have listened…should have noticed the catch her tone and the breathiness of her voice. It was quite obvious what had been planned.

If only…

He allowed himself to be pulled to the room and saw that this area didn’t seem quite as dusty as the rest of the house. There were two mattresses stacked up on one another near the middle of the room and large blankets sat off to the right. Other than that there wasn’t much in the room, an old coffee table and a door to a closet at the far wall.

The door slammed behind him and he drunkenly spun around, eyes widening as he saw the girl walking towards him; her hands slowly beginning to lift her shirt above her head.

“What are you doing?” He muttered, watching her as she sashayed towards him, throwing the shirt away; revealing her pink and black bra.

“I’m having you, Ville. I’ve always wanted you; millions of girls do, and I was lucky enough to receive you.” Nikki giggled - it was obvious she was nervous, even in her lust.

“But…I…Jonna…” Ville spluttered, though not objecting much more as he was pushed to the mattresses, plopping down.

“Oh, silly, Jonna won’t miss you for a few hours. Trust me.” The girl’s fingertips brushed over his cheekbone and her breath hitched as the other hand pulled up his shirt.

“Now I can finally see if you have a heartagram on your dick.” She breathed with a giggle, sliding up his shirt more until it was over his head.

All the while Ville just stared at the ceiling, eyes closing when he felt fingers touch his soft cock - that was, sadly, hardening.

It was amazing that even with all the booze he’d consumed, he still was able to get it up. Maybe it was because he was so desperate for any sort of love from anyone that he sort of willed it to move.

“Darling…” He sat up then, leaning on his elbows, seeing her moving his jeans down his legs. “Do you really want this?” His voice was low, slurred; drunk. He couldn’t possibly have known what he or anyone else would want in that state.

Nikki smiled, bobbing her head excitedly.

“Oh yes, very much. Now, let’s get you out of these damp clothes.”

And he didn’t resist anymore, simply took her soft skin and warmth as a blessing; glad he was drunk enough to not care she gave bad head.

Hell, Jonna rarely ever did that; maybe with a bit of begging, but even then it was doubtful. At that time, Nikki seemed like a gift from God.

Somewhere deep in his brain he knew this wrong; that what he was doing to - with a minor was illegal. But, the more prominent side of him - the drunk him - didn’t give a shit. He was getting laid and that was all that mattered. She didn’t even make him do a lot of the work; rode him hard and fast as he continued to lay upon the mattress.

It was obvious she’d never done this before; her untouched body practically screamed ‘virgin.’ Nevertheless, she was new, excited; fresh.

“I’m so glad…you’re my first…” She breathed, soon after falling over onto the mattress beside him.

“Glad you think so.” Ville murmured, feeling lazy and extremely tired. His eyes were glazed and his brain was - in a sense - fried for the night.

All he wanted now was to simply sleep…lay there and sleep. He didn’t give a fuck what the girl did or what she said afterwards.

He was already drifting…

And so exhausted that he didn’t notice the red beam of light produced by a camcorder, shining through the closet door…

It's rather short, I know, and I, not really. xD The next chapter will be longer than the past two combined, I assure you.

So, the secret is revealed! Well...sort of. If you can infer as to what happened and with whom (not /who/, but more like, her age); then you've got it down. There's obviously more to be said about it in the next chapter and how this event was going to be used against Ville. And of course the whole Dunn situation and how he got stuck with Jonna. So yes, more explaining in the next chapter.

Con-crit welcomed

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