A Love Divided - Chapter 2

Jan 20, 2008 16:23

Title: A Love Divided - Chapter 2

Pairing; Vam, though Jonna/Ville at first.
Rating: PG-13, to be safe. :)
Summary: Jonna and Ville are engaged to be married, something which Bam secretly loathes (as does someone else *Shhh!*) and tries to keep them apart, not knowing what his actions are going to cause. (It is written in third person for now. If I decide to change it up, I will notify you, for sure.)
Disclaimer: I do not own Ville, Bam, Jonna (But man do I want to kick her ass! Sorry, that was not necessary. xD) or any other character I mention in this story. I do, however, own the writing itself.
Warnings: You may, also, want to beat up Jonna after reading this. xD
Authors Notes:This is my first ever attempt at writing anything like this (Slash) and I hope you'll be somewhat considerate, seeing as I am practically shaking from nervousness. xD

Chapter 1 - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/3265136.html#cutid1

(With enough comments, I decided to go on with this story and see where it ends up. I, unfortunately, don't have a plot all laid out for it yet, but I do have a general idea. Hopefully this won't suck /too/ much...because for some reason I'm finding this chapter harder to post than the first one...xD)

Jonna watched the two disappear into the forest with disgust apparent all over her face. If it weren't for April and Phil upstairs, she'd be breaking every glass object in the kitchen. Slamming her empty glass into the sink, she walked to a stool and sat down, burying her face into her hands; elbows on the table.

"God, this is so screwed up." She muttered, obviously referencing the fact that Ville seemed to like spending more time with his precious Bam, than with his own fiance. Yes, they'd come here just to visit Bam, but it doesn't mean he had to be with him for every waking minute of the day.

"Jonna?" April's voice carried down the stairs and Jonna sat up, putting on her best 'I'm okay' face as she heard Bam's mother walk down the stairs.

"Have you seen Bam? Phil needs to talk to him." April asked, not having a clue that the smile Jonna put on for her benefit was as fake as the plant near the door.

"Oh, Bam? Yes, he and Ville just disappeared into the forest a few minutes ago." Jonna replied pleasantly, trying her best to keep her voice from lowering with envy.

April smiled, "Alright, thanks honey." She started to vanish up the stairs again and Jonna let her happy facial facade vanish. "Oh!" She heard her voice again and quickly turned back around on the chair to smile up at the woman.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm happy for you and Vil-" Jonna didn't bother correcting her incorrect pronunciation of his name "and hope that everything will turn out for you two. You both seem like sweet, decent people." She smiled and disappeared once again up the stairs after Jonna thanked her and reassured her that they were both going to be fine.

Taking in a deep breath, the woman jumped off the chair and grabbed her coat, deciding she needed something stronger than the drinks they had there.


"This forest hates me." Bam grumbled for the fiftieth time as they continued their trek to find the source of water.

They'd managed to make it to the small stream alright, but Bam wasn't satisfied; telling Ville that he had to know where it came from.

"It was your decision to keep going, Bam." Ville reminded the younger man, also for the fiftieth time. His voice didn't yet have the annoyed tone, but if the skater kept this up he could expect to be finding his way back to Castle Bam alone.

Bam groaned - aggravated that he had to keep saying that - and whipped around to stare at the Finn.

Unaware that Bam had stopped, Ville kept walking with his eyes on the ground until he noticed Bam's unmoving feet in front of him and quickly stopped; looking up to look at his friend.

"What?" Ville asked, confused with his friend's behavior.

Ever since he and Jonna had arrived, Bam had been jumpier than usual - his A.D.D. seeming to be on overtime. He couldn't decide on one thing he wanted to do. First he'd want to bowl, then as soon as they were in the Hummer, he'd jump out and say he wanted to show him something. Then on their way to whatever it was he wanted to show Ville, he'd stop and change his mind yet again. Ville was surprised that Bam had even made it this far on the same task.

Bam didn't answer, knowing that his friend was probably confused, but he didn't care. He was soaking in all the glory that was Ville. The older man had taken off his jacket as they were walking, along with his scarf, so he now stood before him in his faded jeans and one of his old Elvis tee-shirts. It was obvious the jeans were a bit too small, the way they hugged his hips snugly, and rode lower than most of the others he had. Bam's eyes had been staring at Ville's perfect jutting hip bones that peeked out from the waistband of his jeans, when finally he shook his head; seeming to fall out of his stupor.

"What?" Bam said, copying Ville with his question.

Ville rolled his eyes, obviously thinking he was mocking him and sighed.

"Nevermind." He continued past his friend, his long legs carrying him faster now, seeming a bit unnerved by Bam and the way he was acting towards him - almost as if he were in a constant daze. Little did he know that Bam's eyes were on more than just his back as he slowly walked away.

Bam couldn't help himself. His eyes were immediately drawn to the man's hips as he strolled; the beautiful pale skin revealed each time Ville took a step and his tee-shirt moved. He licked his lips, thinking every movement the Finn did was sensuous and teasing, though he knew Ville had no idea the affect he had him.

In fact, even Bam knew little about why he felt this way. Ever since 2003 when he'd directed HIM's first music video, he'd started to see Ville differently; and also wanted to be with him differently - in more ways than he coud ever explain. Deep down Bam was confused with his emotions that traveled throughout his body, always generated by the one spot on his body he wish he could control. Just yesterday when Ville was grabbing a bottle of wine from the top shelf in the Pirate Bar - his shirting riding up as he reached - he had started to feel his pants become tighter seeing the man's smooth, pale back and his prominent spine trailing along, pointing to the one spot he knew he couldn't have.

Bam growled mentally, hating himself for thinking about his friend this way - his engaged  friend. Ville obviously didn't feel any of the emotions that Bam did or else, why would he be with Jonna? He would have been with him if he did feel the slightest attraction to him, he was sure of it. He'd never thought Ville to be the embarassed type with those kinds of feelings, seeing as he did  remember all those pictures on the internet of him kissing other guys. He hated seeing Jonna and Ville together, the way Jonna cooed into his ear whenever she touched him, or the way she always seem to look smug when they held hands around him. It was as if she knew....

"Bam!" Bam's body shook as he fell from his daze and his attention snapped to Ville who was standing 20 feet away from him, looking very annoyed. "What the hell is the matter with you today?"

Bam shrugged, stuffing his hands into his pockets and staring at the ground as he approached the singer, feeling more meek than he'd felt in his life.

"I dunno...just having an off day, I guess." He mumbled, not being able to look the man in the face as he spoke; thinking he'd see right through his lies - no, wishing he would see through his lies. To him it would have been so much easier if Ville could just figure out on his own how Bam felt, so then it would make it that much easier for the man. He was already dreading having to tell Ville, because he knew one of these days he was going to have to tell him He couldn't just walk around the rest of his life with a constant bulge in his pants.

Ville sighed and looked over Bam, trying to tell if he was sick or just having a bad day. He couldn't tell and and put his arm around his friend, thinking it would comfort and help him with whatever was going on - though it did the opposite, instead, it was making Bam shiver.

"You cold?" Ville asked, not waiting for an answer before he draped his long coat over Bam's somewhat drooped shoulders. He knocked the image out of his head of this being what couples did when the other was cold and put on a smile. "Come on, Bam Bam. It can't be far now." He took the other man's arm and began to drag him along.

"Yeah, but you said that like an hour ago." Bam muttered, no longer wanting to continue this journey they were on, wanting nothing more than to go home, crawl into his bed and - uncharacteristically - cry his head off for the one thing he wanted and couldn't have.

"Come now, everything will get sorted out in your brain eventually. We can't just turn back now, we've walked so far." Ville whispered gently to his companion, rubbing his shoulders soothingly.

Bam bit his lip, his brain thinking the exact opposite than his friend's. All he wanted to do was run back to the Castle, crawl into a hole, and hide from the cruel, unfair world.

That's all for now, folks! I'm hoping it doesn't suck as much as I'm thinking it does. :( If it does, and I don't get enough comments, I won't bother with continuing it and will think of something else.

If I made any errors, please tell me and i'll fix them :) (I'm pretty sure I messed up the tense a lot.)

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