Title: A Love Divided - Chapter 3
gothic_elvisPairing; Vam, though Jonna/Ville at first.
Rating: PG-13, to be safe. :)
Summary: Jonna and Ville are engaged to be married, something which Bam secretly loathes (as does someone else *Shhh!*) and tries to keep them apart, not knowing what his actions are going to cause. (It is written in third person for now. If I decide to change it up, I will notify you, for sure.)
Disclaimer: I do not own Ville, Bam, Jonna (But man do I want to kick her ass! Sorry, that was not necessary. xD) or any other character I mention in this story. I do, however, own the writing itself.
Warnings: You may, also, want to beat up Jonna after reading this. xD
Authors Notes:This is my first ever attempt at writing anything like this (Slash) and I hope you'll be somewhat considerate.
Chapter 1 -
http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/3265136.html#cutid1Chapter 2 -
http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/3270003.html#cutid1Chapter 3 -
http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/3272460.html#cutid1 (This chapter is going to be /extremely/ short because I am EXTREMELY pissed at the internet right now and decided I'll just post a small fragment of what was going to be a long chapter. You see, I had this long five paragraph thing written for chapter 4 and just before the internet screwed up on me I had copied it - just in case it needed to close, which it did right after I saved it. But what do you know? The draft didnt save. So now i'm left to type the whole fucking thing all over again. And i'm pissed. *sighs* Anyways, sorry about all this, but I'll try to post more tomorrow - and a lot longer. Whenever I'm not so mad at technology.)
Bam spent the remainder of the night drying the living room with towels - too lazy to go to the other rooms - after being strictly instructed by April as to what he must try to dry first, if they were to save anything. The skater found it a waste of time, really, seeing as he'd most likely just go out and buy all new things soon anyway; what was the point in working when you didn't need to?
He was frustrated and angry with his actions, with what he had done out of spite. As he dried off the coffee table, he wished he hadn't done it, and just put up with the sounds above him for a while longer. How long could it have lasted? Gritting his teeth, he knocked the thought out of his head, not wanting to think how long their love making could have endured. He was sure - with his luck - a lifetime; just to anger the hell out of him.
So caught up with the task at hand, Bam didn't notice the eyes watching him from above, on the second floor that waited in the shadowed corner by one of the rooms. The figure made no move to make his - or her - prescense known, just stood there, watching...and waiting.
Bam had the overwhelming urge to just burn the whole house down and start a new, but quickly banished the thought from his mind as well, hating himself when he was overcome with violent thoughts as those. Suddenly, he stopped and glanced up at the large portrait of HIM on the chimney, above the fireplace. With a sigh, he slowly removed the small objects from the mantle and pushed himself up until he was standing - very carefully - on the small ledge.
With a few swift strokes he had dried the frame and the outermost part of the glass. He stopped, though, when he came to the middle of the picture and Ville's eyes burned into his; the thin eyebrows raised slightly, eyes glaring out at the onlooker with an almost satanic air to them and his long slender fingers holding a cigarette to his slighly upturned lips.
God, he was so beautiful.
Bam quickly shook his head and raised his cloth to the glass, then - as gentle as a lover's touch - swiped the fabric along Ville's body and face, drying him completely. Oh how the skater longed to be able to do this to the real man; if only it could be as simple as being able to reach out and claim whatever it was you wanted.
He blinked, not being able to understand why he couldn't see, why his vision was clouded. His fingers went to his cheeks and he gasped aloud, softly - feeling wetness. He was crying. Swallowing hard, the tears began to fall harder as he tried to will himself not to cry; asking himself why he was. Even he didn't know the reason why; if it were because of his obvous rejection by the only thing he ever wanted - maybe the only thing he had ever really wanted in his whole life, or because he knew his life wouldn't be the same again because of that rejection.
Before he fell, Bam quickly jumped from the ledge onto the couch and curled into a fetal position, resting his forehead on his knees. He had jumped just in time, his tears beginning to fall faster, and harder until he was sobbing rather loudly on the couch; unable to control himself, and unable to see.
The form just watched him from above, not at all confused as to why he was crying, and not making a move to go and comfort him. Just watching...thinking. Though he or she made no move to comfort the man, it didn't mean that their heart didn't lurch everytime they heard the skater's loud sobs from below. The eyes went to the picture above the mantle and watched as the last few straggling water droplets slid slowly down the prominent cheekbones of Ville's face; making him, too, cry. Eyes closing, the stranger sucked in a deep breath, hurting deep inside. When the eyes finally opened, their beautiful green glow was dimmed by the tears welled inside their depths.
"You will never imagine how much I need you Bam..."
Rather short, eh? Short, but rather sweet, if I do say so myself. lol. Anyway, I'm slightly less angered now, so I probably could have written a bit more, though I felt that was a good place to end it so I decided against it. Sorry for it being so short, but tomorrow - or whenever I update next - it will be longer, promise...well, as long as no great tragedy shall befall me...such as having no more Welch's Passion Fruit Juice. xD
Anyway, hope this chapter made somewhat sense....somewhat sense? Is that even correct? Meh, whatever, anyway, comment if you read this poor excuse for a chapter and liked it...somewhat. lol.