Prom is a Girl's Dream chp. 4

Feb 05, 2008 23:57

Title: Prom is a Girl's Dream
Author: danisgirl_cof
Summary: Bam and Ville are in high school. Ville has a huge crush on Bam, but is scared to admit it.
Disclaimer: I do not own any one mentioned. This is just my imagination, so please don't sue. This never happened, due to the fact that these two are in fact not the same age, and would therefore not have been in the same class o.O; Plus, Ville was in Finland when he was in high school.
Credit: This was drunkonhim's idea, but she let me write it. Love you, girlie! *huggle*
A/N: Sorry it took so long...I've been sick for a while... PITY ME! o.O

Previous Chapter:
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

It was a few weeks before the high school prom. Ville had learned to ignore the flyers that were taped on the walls, advertising his horrible school picture. He and Bam would always walk around outside during lunch, holding hands and talking about nothing. Bam would occasionally take him behind the school to steal a passionate kiss. Afterwards, Bam would always nuzzle into the nape of Ville’s neck and pepper kisses there. Ville would always eat it up, loving every touch Bam would give him.

Unfortunately, Bam wasn’t at school on this day. Ville sauntered the halls with his notebook, feeling more depressed than he did before Bam admitted his feelings to him. He curled up in his favorite corner and let out a sigh. He opened his notebook to the last page, to his favorite poem. It only had a few lines left until it was finished. He pulled his mechanical pencil out of his pocket and clicked it down.

Before he could even start writing, food landed on the top of his head and tumbled down into his lap. He froze, gazing down at the mess of condiments and the school’s mystery meat that had found it’s new home on his legs and stomach. There was the sound of several boys laughing in front of him. He didn’t have to look up to know who it was.

“What are you gonna do, queer?” One voice asked. “Can’t do much without your boyfriend, can you?”

Ville glanced up and saw the group of boys that Bam had always hung out with swarmed around him. Ville knew it was them. No one else had anything against him. Most people just ignored him. Though he couldn’t figure out why these boys had such a desire to make fun of him.

“Hey, how’re the votes going for you as prom queen? I very much hope you win. After all, I put you up in the nominations,” the one Bam told Ville was named Raab. Ville stared up at him for a moment, ignoring the ketchup that was slowly trailing down his cheek. He wanted to hurt him so badly, but knew he couldn’t do anything. Those guys would probably gang up on him and not give him a chance. He felt the sting of tears on the back of his eyes. He blinked several times, hoping they wouldn’t come out. The last thing that he needed was for them to mock him because he was crying.

“Leave him alone!” some one shouted behind the group. The boys turned their attention to the owner of the voice. Ville also looked, wondering who was actually nice enough to defend him. A skinny boy with shaggy blonde hair stood behind the swarm with his hands on his hips. Ville blew out a sigh. He was hoping it would be some one big and tough to take on these guys.

“You gonna make us?” Raab asked. The thin blonde raised his chin slightly at the challenge, a silent threat. The boys all laughed at the boy’s attempt at looking tough. Raab walked up to him and lifted a fist, ready to hit him. Before the hand made contact with the boy’s face, he grabbed it, twisting it behind him and throwing him onto his back. The rest of the boys fell silent in shock, then started inching away. Finally, they all walked back to the cafeteria, leaving Raab out of breath on the floor. The little blonde stepped over him and kneeled next to Ville.

“You okay? Let’s get you cleaned up,” he offered, holding his hand out. Ville took it and stood up, following him to the bathroom. Who the hell was this guy?

They both walked into the bathroom and the blonde yanked down a few paper towels from the dispenser, wetting them slightly and wiping off the ketchup from Ville’s cheeks and forehead. Ville looked at him, knowing he had never seen him before. He had pale skin, blue eyes - which was lined with dark eyeliner - and a rather effeminate face. Ville even noticed a slight sheen on the boy’s lips.

“U-Um,” Ville said carefully. The boy’s blue eyes looked up into his.

“What’s up?” he asked as he kept wiping at his face.

“Who are you?” Ville finally asked.

“I’m Jonne!” The boy said with a smile. He held out a hand to be shaken. Ville looked down at it, noticing his nails were painted black, and his wrists were covered in plastic bracelets of every color of the rainbow. Ville shook the hand.

“Come on, let’s rinse your hair,” Jonne offered. He turned on the water, then pushed Ville’s head underneath the faucet. Cold water chilled his scalp. He hated the school’s sinks. They never had any hot water. Not unless you went into the staff’s bathrooms. Jonne ran his skinny fingers through his hair until he was satisfied with the result. Ville stood up, his hair now dripping on his face and shirt. He could have cared less, though. He was glad that he was clean of that filth they served in the cafeteria, and that some one was helping him out. Jonne stared at him for a moment.

“Wow, you’re really hot when your hair’s wet like that,” he commented. Ville blinked.

“Excuse me?” he asked.

“What? Homophobic?” Jonne asked.

Ville shook his head. “No, I have a boyfriend, actually. I just wasn’t expecting you to say that,” he answered.

Jonne clicked his tongue. “Aw, you’re taken? Damn, I was hoping I could get my hands on you before prom.”

Ville laughed nervously. “Yeah, sorry to disappoint you.”

“Where is your boyfriend then? Why wasn’t he being your knight in shining armor back there?” Jonne asked, pointing in the general direction of Ville’s favorite corner.

“He’s not here today. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been sitting by myself in that corner. I’d be outside with him,” Ville answered. Jonne stared up at him for a moment, those blue eyes scanning his face. Finally, he smiled.

“Uh-huh,” he finally said before walking past him. Ville watched him walk by, then followed him.

“It’s true!” Ville said behind him. Jonne simply smiled up at him in reply.

“So, whatcha doin’ after school today?” he asked. Ville thought for a moment.

“I’m going to go see Bam and make sure he’s okay,” he answered.

Jonne sighed dramatically, staring at the floor. Ville watched him for a moment, not sure what to think. He looked back up with a smile.

“Oh, just leave your imaginary boyfriend be for a day and have ice cream with me. I saw the cutest little shop downtown--”

“He’s not imaginary, and I’m not going with you,” Ville stated. Jonne blinked up at him in surprise. He probably wasn’t used to being told no.

“O-Okay,” he said.

“Thanks for the help,” Ville said with a nod before walking away to grab his abandoned notebook.

Ville sat at the end of Bam’s bed. Bam lay there in a pathetic state; his face was pale, but his cheeks were flushed. He sniffed in attempt to clear his runny nose, which never worked. He seemed so helpless, and Ville wanted so badly to do something for him, but didn’t know what.

“You should probably head home. I don’t want to get you sick,” Bam stated. Ville shook his head.

“I don’t care if I get sick. I’m worried about you,” he said. Bam smiled and looked down at him.

“Ah, you’re so good to me,” he said.

Ville smiled back and grabbed his hand. They were both quiet for a while.

“So…Anything interesting happen at school?” Bam asked. Ville stared down at their clasped hands and swallowed hard. He didn’t want to tell him that his friends had made fun of him. They seemed to make him happy when he was around them. He didn’t want to take that away from him.

“N-No, not really,” He lied. His mind went back to the boy named Jonne and his attempts at picking him up. “Oh wait, yeah…Some guy was hitting on me,” he added.

“What!?” Bam croaked with a hoarse voice and jumping up in bed. “Who was hitting on you? I’ll kill him!” he shouted. Ville pushed him back in the bed.

“Don’t worry about it. I didn’t let him get very far with me. He just asked me out, and I said no,” Ville assured. Bam glared up at the ceiling, balling his unoccupied hand into a fist. Ville tried his best not to smile. He didn’t want to show Bam that he was happy that he was angry. It might throw fuel on the fire and cause him to beat up Jonne. But he was thrilled that Bam got so upset over something like that. It meant he actually cared about him and didn’t want to lose him.

He leaned in and pecked a kiss on Bam’s lips. Bam grinned slightly.

“Now you’re going to be sick,” he said. Ville shrugged.

“Doesn’t matter to me,” he retorted.

“In that case,” Bam said, reaching up and grabbing Ville’s arm, pulling him close. He placed a whisper of a kiss on his lips before pressing a hard, passionate kiss there. Ville pulled back and shuddered a sigh of contentment. That single kiss was enough to make Ville’s day perfect. Bullies be damned and forgotten.

He stood up and patted Bam on the knee gently. “Hope to see you at school soon. I miss your company,” he said with a smile.

“I’ll try my best,” Bam reassured with a sarcastic grin.

That weekend, Ville suffered from the worst cold he had ever had. But it didn’t matter. It was damn worth it.
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