Prom is a Girl's Dream chp. 3

Jan 29, 2008 22:46

Title: Prom is a Girl's Dream
Author: danisgirl_cof
Summary: Bam and Ville are in high school. Ville has a huge crush on Bam, but is scared to admit it.
Disclaimer: I do not own any one mentioned. This is just my imagination, so please don't sue. This never happened, due to the fact that these two are in fact not the same age, and would therefore not have been in the same class o.O; Plus, Ville was in Finland when he was in high school.
Credit: This was drunkonhim's idea, but she let me write it. Love you, girlie! *huggle*
A/N: This is a short story, so things will naturally move fast...

Previous Chapter:
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Ville walked to his locker with his arms filled with books. He reached for his lock and opened it, shoving all his books onto the top shelf and tugged his notebook out from under his pile of junk. He slammed the door closed and gave his code lock a good spin before turning around and heading for his favorite spot during lunch. He curled up into his corner and opened his notebook to the last page, writing more to his yet-to-be-completed poem.

“Hey, you,” a voice called from across the hallway. Ville glanced over the top of his notebook to see who was calling to him. He saw a group of girls sitting along the wall opposite to him. He inwardly pleaded that they wouldn’t approach him in request for a quick fuck behind the gym as several girls had done in the past. He couldn’t believe how shallow and horny the girls in this school were.

“Hey, I just wanted to say that I voted for you,” one blonde chick stated with a large smile. “I hope you win.”

Ville furrowed his brows at her. Voted for him? In what? He simply nodded to her before turning his attention back to his poem. He wanted to finish it before the end of the day so that he could show it to Bam whenever he went to his house.

Ville’s stomach knotted at the thought of going to Bam’s house. His mind drifted, thinking of what would happen when he was there.

“I just wanted to tell you that I’ve always admired you from afar,” Bam would say.

“Why didn’t you just tell me?” Ville would ask.

Bam would lower his head slightly in shame and say, “Because I was scared some one would judge me.”

Ville blushed at the thought. Like that would ever happen.

“Hey, I voted for you,” some one said randomly as they walked by. Ville looked back up from his notebook. What the hell were they talking about?

When the bell finally rang for lunch to end, Ville hopped up, brushing himself off and heading for his locker. He walked down the halls, and noticed something on the wall. His picture was on a sheet of paper that was taped up, and below it said, “Vote Ville for Prom Queen this year!” He froze, staring at his school picture, which he never was very proud of. Who the hell would do such a thing to him? He reached up and tore the picture down, wadding the paper up into a ball and throwing it into a trash can. He hoped that was the only picture on the walls. He furthered his journey to his locker, looking at all the flyers advertising his face. He frantically tore them all down, his heart starting to race with panic. This was a terrible joke.

He got to his locker and tugged out his books for his last period class, holding back tears that were stinging the back of his eyes.

Last period rolled around, and several students in his class would occasionally glance back at him and grin before returning to their work. Ville lowered his head, not wanting to see any one laugh at him. God, why were people so mean?

The bell rang to dismiss class, and Ville grabbed his books and stuffed them in his backpack, making it out of the classroom before every one else. He just wanted to go home and cry for a while.

“Ville, wait up!” a familiar voice called behind him. Ville didn’t slow his pace, his legs taking long strides as he hurried his way to his car. “I said wait!” the voice shouted again as a hand grabbed his shoulder. Ville looked back and found Bam walking behind him with flushed cheeks. It must have taken him a lot to keep up with him. After several gasps of breath to catch his breath, Bam glared up at him.

“I thought you were coming home with me today,” he finally said. Ville’s eyes searched Bam’s face as he tried to remember what he was talking about.

“Oh yeah. Sorry, I forgot,” Ville admitted. Something like that wouldn’t have slipped his mind if such a thing wasn’t happening to him right now. Bam looked hurt at that statement.

“Why would you forget coming over to my house?” he asked. Ville looked away and shrugged simply. He didn’t want to tell Bam that some one had pulled a terrible prank on him. Bam might laugh at him or something. “Well, just follow me and you can spend the night at my house tonight. I cleared it with Ape and Phil.”

Ville nodded, reaching into his pocket for his keys. “Okay. My car is a beat up Chevy. You’ll never miss it,” he stated. They parted ways to their cars. Ville shoved his stuff in the backseat of his car and turned it on, catching up with Bam. He followed Bam out of the parking lot and onto the street. His hands were starting to shake with excitement. He still couldn’t believe that he was going to Bam’s house. He had only really met him this week. Ville still wondered why Bam had taken a sudden interest in him.

Bam’s car pulled into a driveway in front of a large, white house. Ville pulled in behind him and turned his car off. He sat in his car, trying to calm his nerves before getting out. He was so excited. He watched Bam approach his car.

“Aren’t you gonna get out?” he asked through the closed window. Ville took his keys out of the ignition and opened the car door, getting out. He followed Bam into his house.

“I’m home,” Bam shouted into the house when he walked in. There was the sound of a female voice emitting from the back of the house, but Ville couldn’t make out what it was saying. Bam motioned for him to follow. They walked back into the kitchen where a blonde woman was standing over a sink, washing dishes. Bam snuck up behind her, then poked her ribs. The woman jumped and zipped around, swatting Bam in the head with a wet rag.

“Geez! Stop doing that, Bam!” the woman hissed. Bam just laughed and wiped at his wet cheek.

“Hey Ape, this is Ville, the guy I told you was coming over this weekend,” Bam introduced. Ville nodded slightly, not sure what else to do. Ape smiled.

“Hello Ville. I hope you’re not half as destructive as Bam is, or else I’m in some serious trouble,” she said. Ville blinked, not expecting that to be the first thing she said to him.

“N-No ma’am,” he answered. Ape seemed to look relieved at that answer. She turned around and continued with her dishes.

“Hey, come on. Let’s go up to my room,” Bam said, motioning for him to follow. Ville was on Bam’s heels like a lost puppy. They went upstairs and into Bam’s room. It was horribly unkempt, and had several band posters on the walls. Ville looked around, thinking about how his parents would destroy him if he ever kept his room like this.

Bam flopped on his unmade bed, lounging on it lazily. Ville simply stood in the doorway, unsure of what to do.

“God, sit down or something, you’re making me nervous,” Bam demanded, patting the spot on the mattress beside him. Ville walked up to the bed, sitting down carefully. His heart was racing, and he was having a hard time hiding that fact.

“What are you so nervous up about?” Bam asked. Ville bit his bottom lip and looked down at his hands.

“I’m just not used to staying at other people’s houses. My parents don’t usually allow it,” he replied. Bam grunted in reply, then ran a hand through his loose curls in a bored manner.

“Hey, what had you so worked up over at school today? You seemed awfully upset,” Bam pointed out. Ville twiddled his thumbs, thinking of how to answer him. “Is it because of that Prom Queen thing?” Bam asked. Ville’s eyes shot up to him. Oh, so he had known. God, how he wished he didn’t. “Don’t worry about it. If you win, it just means that you’re better looking than those girls at school - and that would be downright hilarious,” Bam said with a laugh. Ville grinned slightly, but wasn’t feeling any better about the matter.

It was awkwardly silent for a moment. Bam hit Ville on the shoulder lightly to grab his attention. “Come on. I’ll show you how to skateboard,” he offered. Ville smiled, loving that idea. It was a wonderful excuse for him to be touched by Bam. He followed him out of his room and outside.

Ville curled up on the bed, trying to make himself as small as possible so he wouldn’t take up too much room. He had expected Bam to tell him to sleep on the floor, but was surprised when he offered the opposite end of the bed for him.

He closed his eyes, trying to make himself fall asleep, but he couldn’t. He was laying in the same bed as Bam, after all. He felt Bam shift, trying to ignore it. God, he was moving a lot. Ville opened his eyes and found himself eye-to-eye with Bam. His heart began to pound against his ribs.

“You awake, Ville?” Bam asked.

“Y-Yeah,” Ville stuttered.

“I can’t sleep,” Bam stated.

“Why not?”

It was quiet for a moment.

“Because you’re here,” Bam finally said. Ville’s heart began to pound faster. If it beat any harder, it was going to burst from his chest. He let out a nervous laugh.

“W-What do you mean? Do you need me to move to the floor?” he asked.

“No, no. That’s not it.” Bam was quiet for another moment, then he took in a deep breath. “I like you, okay?”

“What!?” Ville tried to keep from shouting. That wasn’t possible. His crushes never liked him back. Especially his male crushes.

“Shh,” Bam hissed. “You’ll wake Ape and Phil.”

“You’re joking, right?” Ville whispered.

“No,” Bam answered. “I’ve liked you for a long time. I just didn’t have a reason to talk to you. But when our teacher assigned me to work with you, that kinda gave me the push, you know?”

Ville had to take in quick breaths to keep up with his speeding heart. This was phenomenal. It was too good to be true.

“So?” Bam asked, interrupting his thoughts.

“What?” Ville asked shakily.

“Are you going to tell me to fuck off, and that it’s wrong because you’re a guy and I’m a guy?”

Ville fell silent for a moment. “N-No,” he finally replied. “I’ve liked you for a long time, too. I was just too terribly shy to admit it.” He watched Bam in the darkness for a while.

“Can I kiss you?” Bam broke the silence. Ville thought he felt his heart stop at the question.

“Um…Sure,” he finally answered.

Bam reached over and grabbed Ville behind the head, pulling him close. He brushed his lips against Ville’s. Ville let him do the work, as he had never been kissed before. Bam pressed his lips against Ville’s, then parted them slightly, his tongue flicking out to take a taste of him. Ville touched his tongue with his own, savoring the wonderful taste. Bam pushed his tongue in farther, discovering every inch of Ville’s mouth. Ville suppressed a groan.

Bam pulled back slightly, stroking Ville’s hair gently. “I’m so glad to get that off of my chest,” he said.

“M-Me too,” Ville said.
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