Prom is a Girl's Dream chp. 2

Jan 22, 2008 01:09

Title: Prom is a Girl's Dream
Author: danisgirl_cof
Summary: Bam and Ville are in high school. Ville has a huge crush on Bam, but is scared to admit it.
Disclaimer: I do not own any one mentioned. This is just my imagination, so please don't sue. This never happened, due to the fact that these two are in fact not the same age, and would therefore not have been in the same class o.O; Plus, Ville was in Finland when he was in high school.
Credit: This was drunkonhim's idea, but she let me write it. Love you, girlie! *huggle*

P.S. Sorry I haven't updated Siren's Song in a while... Still can't think of anything for it.

Previous Chapter:
Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Ville walked down the hall after putting all of his books in his locker, save for a single notebook that he always carried around with him during lunch. It was his most prized possession, holding all of his thoughts, emotions, and creativity. He always wrote in it during his lunch period, finding this time to be the most appropriate time to write in it, since most of the time no one would bother him - except for the occasional giggling girl and her few friends that would approach him and ask what he was doing that weekend. He never knew how to let those girls down easily, since he wasn’t a very sociable person, and didn’t know what would insult a person. Most of the time, he would just pretend like he didn’t notice them and pretend to be writing in his notebook until they got the hint and left.

He walked up to his favorite spot in the hallway outside of the cafeteria and approached it, wanting to finish that poem he was writing in class the other day. When he wrote that poem, he felt like it was him expressing all his feelings to his crush without actually telling him. And the fact that Bam had read it and not have any clue was even more spectacular. He cuddled up into his corner, pulling his legs up close to his chest and rested his notebook on his knees, opening it to the last page he had been writing on, finding his half-completed poem.

His pencil scratched across the blank lines below what he already wrote:

“…Let me never see the sun
And never see you smile
Let us be so dead and so gone
So far away from life
Just close my eyes
Hold me tight
And bury me deep inside your heart…”

Ville felt a tap on the end of his shoe. He glanced up and found Bam standing there. Ville blinked, not expecting him to be the person to try to grab his attention. He glanced back down at his notebook and blushed slightly.

“C-Can I help you?” he asked without looking up.

“I was just wondering if you wanted to sit with me and my buddies during lunch today,” Bam offered. Ville scribbled light, stray lines on the unoccupied portion of his paper. He would love to sit with his crush, but he was terribly worried about his friends. Those guys just didn’t seem to like him that much. Ville wasn’t blind. He could see the looks he was getting from them the day before when Bam was trying to teach him how to skateboard. Though, Ville wasn’t quite sure why they were giving him such looks when he had never done anything to them in the first place.

“Um, that’s okay. I think I want to stay here and finish my poem,” Ville answered in a small voice. His paper was starting to look like graffiti art with all the scribbles he was putting on it.

“Aw, come on. It’s no fun to sit by yourself all the time,” Bam said, leaning over and grabbing Ville’s arm. Before he could protest, Ville had been pulled up onto his feet. “At least you’ll have some company,” Bam stated. Ville inwardly concurred, though he still didn’t want the kind of company he knew he would receive when sitting around those rough-housing hard-heads.

He let himself be dragged into the cafeteria, where hundreds of kids were already seated and jabbering about everything and nothing. Bam lead him to a table near the windows, and sat down. The table of boys went silent as they all looked up at what Bam had brought with him. Ville felt horribly uncomfortable, and wanted to leave. But Bam grabbed him by the wrist and yanked him down next to him, throwing any idea of getting away out of the window. The awkward silence continued until Bam finally broke it.

“You guys remember Ville, don’t you? I invited him to sit with us today, since he always seems to be by himself,” he stated, patting Ville on the back. Ville looked down at the table, which was covered in crumbs and condensation rings that had stained the cheap wood.

“Hey, what do you have there?” one boy asked, practically jumping over the table and snatching Ville’s notebook out of his hands. Ville grabbed for it, not wanting any one to read it unless they were anonymous people that commented him sometimes on his internet journal. Granted, Ville never mentioned names in his writing, but it was still a horrible invasion of his privacy. The boy pulled back out of his reach and opened the book, flipping through the pages like the nosey jerk he was turning out to be.

He let out a snort as he read over one of his pages. “I crave for your scent, sending shivers down my spine,” he read aloud for all the others to hear and possibly make fun of. Ville bit his bottom lip and looked down at his hands, wanting to cry. This was why he never associated with people. They were all hateful and ignorant. He listened to the guys laughing as they passed the notebook around to each other, each reading something out loud for the rest to hear.

“Alright, assholes. That’s enough,” Bam spoke up, reaching over and snatching the book from their clutches. “You’re just jealous because you couldn’t think of it yourselves.

Ville looked up at Bam, almost wanting to jump on him and hug him for defending him like that. He was expecting him to be laughing with the rest of the group.

Bam handed him his notebook back and gave him a pat on the back. “Maybe it’s best that you just hang out elsewhere. It seems some people don’t appreciate good company,” he said. Ville gave a quick nod before jumping up with his notebook clutched tightly to his breast and running out of the cafeteria. He never wanted to go in there again - nor did he ever want to go near those boys again.

He curled up into a ball in his corner, trying his best to stay out of eyesight of every one else that decided they wanted to eat out in the hallways. He let a few tears fall down his cheek before wiping them away and sniffing. Those boys weren’t worth getting worked up over. They were just ignorant fools who were looking for anything that would make for a good laugh. He just wished he wasn’t the victim of their type of entertainment. He blew out a breath before relaxing slightly and returning to his unfinished work.

It was silent in the classroom as every one read the assigned story from their textbooks. The teacher walked between desks, making sure every one was focused on their work.

A wad of paper bounced off of Ville’s head and onto his desktop. He looked up and found Bam glancing over his shoulder. He looked back down at the piece of crumpled up paper, then took in and opened it. Across the top line in those familiar harsh letters was written, “Really sorry about earlier.” He glanced back up at Bam, who was pretending to read while the teacher walked by his desk.

Ville grabbed his pencil and wrote underneath, “Don’t worry about it. I had expected it from them.” He wrinkled it up again and waited until the teacher’s back was turned to throw it back at Bam. He watched from the corner of his eye as Bam read it. He looked over his shoulder and gave him a look of apology, then turned his attention back to the sheet of paper. A moment later, the ball ricocheted off of his head again and landed on his desk.

It said, “That’s still no excuse for them. If you want to hang out with me sometime away from those guys, you can chill at my place.”

Ville thought he felt his heart stop for a moment as he read those lines over and over. Did he seriously have a ticket to Bam’s home? It was too good to be true. With a shaky hand, he wrote a quick reply saying he would like to hang out at his place, then tossed it back at him. An irritated classmate glared back at Ville, silently telling him to stop it. He mouthed “Sorry,” before turning his attention back to his textbook.

The afternoon announcements cut on later, talking about all the events related to school that were going to be held in the next month. Ville always ignored it, using that time to pack his stuff into his backpack so he could get out of class quicker. There was one announcement that caught his interest this time, though.

“Remember that the Junior and Senior Prom is going to be at the end of next month, so get your votes in for Prom King and Queen!” the annoyingly cheerful voice said from overhead. Ville pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. He had wanted to go to the prom so badly this year, since he couldn’t go for his Junior year. But that was only because he didn’t have a date, and he was sure that he was going to be in the same situation this year. His gut wrenched at the thought of missing his senior prom. He would probably take up on an offer from any girl who walked up to him and asked this year, just so he could go. Though he would much rather go with him than any one else.

He glanced back up at Bam, who was tearing at the note they had been passing into tiny shreds out of boredom. He smiled gently before looking back down at his hands. He wondered why Bam had taken such an interest in him all of a sudden. But he wasn’t going to complain, since he was giving the attention Ville craved for.

The bell rang, and Ville jumped up from his seat, grabbing his bag and throwing it over his shoulder as he made his way out the classroom door.

“Wait up,” Bam shouted behind him. Ville looked in the direction of his voice and found him pushing through the crowd and catching up with him. “Hey, so…Want to come over to my house for a bit? I mean, I know it’s a weekday and all…”

Oh God, how Ville wanted to. But his parents would probably die if he ever spent time away from home on a weekday.

“I would love to, but I can’t today,” he answered reluctantly.

“Oh, well how about Friday then? I’ll clear it with Ape and Phil,” Bam said. Ville furrowed his brows at the unfamiliar names.

“Who are they?” he asked.

“They’re my parents. I just call them by their names. It’s weird calling them Mom and Dad,” Bam answered. Ville continued to give him a strange look. He never knew any one personally who called their parents by their names. He was sure his parents would kill him if he started calling them by their names.

“Okay fine, Friday. I’ll manage to talk my parents into it somehow,” Ville told him.
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