Short Story Time...

Jan 20, 2008 00:59

Due to the fact that I can't think of a damn thing for my other story right now...

Title: Prom is a Girl's Dream
Author: danisgirl_cof
Summary: Bam and Ville are in highschool. Ville has a huge crush on Bam, but is scared to admit it.
Disclaimer: I do not own any one mentioned. This is just my imagination, so please don't sue. This never happened, due to the fact that these two are in fact not the same age, and would therefore not have been in the same class o.O; Plus, Ville was in Finland when he was in highschool.
Credit: This was drunkonhim's idea, but she let me write it. Love you, girlie! *huggle*

Ville’s emerald eyes glanced up from his paper to the person sitting two seats ahead of him in the row next to his. He caught a glimpse of his crush, who was scratching at the back of his head with his pencil in a pensive manner. It was one of his unconscious habits he had when he was really concentrating, Ville noticed.

He watched as his crush begin to get distracted by his pencil and started playing with it out of boredom. Ville smiled slightly, finding it funny that the boy could never focus for very long. It was okay though. Ville was sure he could concentrate when it was something that really interested him. Like when he went outside during lunch and played on his skateboard until the teachers got onto him for having such a thing on campus. Ville always wished that the teachers wouldn’t stop him when he was skateboarding, because he did it with such expert skill and focus. It made Ville daydream of his crush when he did other things that he might be skilled at. His mind always wandered to things that made him blush and giggle quietly to himself.

“Pencils down. Pass your papers to the front,” the teachers hoarse voice croaked out to all the students from the front of the classroom. Ville blinked out of his trance and looked down at his incomplete paper. He was supposed to have written some bullshit essay about what he thought was the most important thing that had happened this school year. It was barely even half written. Ville honestly didn’t know what the most important thing was to him this year. Nothing special ever happened at school, except for the occasional fights that broke out between two guys mindlessly beating each other over some girl. Those were always fun to watch, but not something worth writing five hundred plus words about. He sighed and passed his paper up to the classmate in front of him and placed his head on his desk in defeat. He was going to fail this class, for sure. He didn’t know what he was going to do. The teacher had already given him several chances to make up for all the things he failed to complete, but he continued to get distracted by simple things - such as him.

Ville lifted his head slightly and turned his attention back to the boy sitting ahead of him. He was still bemused by his pencil, completely unaffected by the essay. Either he finished it or didn’t care. Unlike Ville. He wished he had the balls to not care about his grades. Unfortunately, his parents were strict when it came to school. It was always, ‘study this,’ and ‘you’d better pass that test, or else.’ Ville always felt overwhelmed by all the pressure his parents obliviously pushed on him.

The sound of the bell broke Ville’s thoughts. Like Pavlov’s dogs reacting to the sound of a bell, the kids immediately jumped up in joy, relieved the day was over. Every one packed their backpacks and pushed each other impatiently out the narrow door and into the already crowded hallways. Ville squeezed himself into the hustle and bustle, trying to keep up with the boy in his class. He was hoping that one day he would get the guts up to approach him. They had never even spoken, really. Maybe once or twice, when Ville would drop his pencil and he would hand it back to him, then they would exchanged the usual thank-you-no-problem thing. He was probably completely unaware of Ville’s existence.

Ville sighed inwardly, but kept his eyes on the back of his crush’s head. Maybe this would be the day he would go and talk to him. He would usually hang out in the student parking lot for a few minutes and mess around with his friends before going home to do whatever he does on his free time.

The flood of students poured out through the large double doors in the front of the school, some of them jumping into cars with their parents, some of them hanging around and waiting for their rides. Ville continued his way through the thinning crowd down the sidewalk, not but fifteen feet behind his crush. His heart started racing in nervousness as he tried to think of something to say to get his attention. What could he say to keep the boy’s attention? The guy seriously had ADD, and was probably difficult to uphold a conversation with.

“Bam!” He finally shouted from behind. The boy looked over his shoulder to see who was calling his name.

“What?” he asked. Ville’s mind went blank. He had no idea what he was going to say to Bam. He didn’t know much about skateboarding, and he didn’t know what the guy’s other interests were.

“Um…How are you?” he asked. He mentally slapped himself for starting the conversation up in such a teenage-girl fashion. Bam looked at him over his shoulder with a ‘what the hell’ look on his face.

“Fine, I guess,” he said before looking forward again. Ville blew out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. He decided he should hold off making conversation with Bam until a better time, when the situation was more appropriate for striking up a mindless conversation.

They both walked to the student parking lot and went in different directions. Ville watched Bam walk to his nice Mustang his parents had just gotten him for his birthday. Ville was envious. His parents would never just get him a nice car like that because it was his birthday. He had to earn it with impressive grades and no social life. He was half-way there, anyway.

Ville opened the door to his rickety Chevy and turned it on, praying that it would actually start and make it to his house before dying. It sometimes couldn’t make that trip. He even had to get some one to push-start the car on his way to school, making him fifteen minutes late. He was horribly embarrassed and hoped the guys who pushed his car would never see his face again.

He managed to get his car out of the parking lot and on the road, heading for home.

Ville walked into his last period class and flopped into his chair, knowing he was going to get his incomplete essay back today with a big fat ‘F’ written on the top. All the students came in at different times, filling the seats before the tardy bell caught them. When the bell did ring, the middle-aged teacher closed the door and slowly made her way up to the front of the class with a stack of papers in her hand. Ville’s stomach knotted at the sight, knowing what it was.

“I didn’t actually grade these last night,” she admitted to the class, flipping through them as if she’d never even seen them before. “I have a different plan for you guys that I think will help you learn to write essays more thoroughly. I’m going to pair you up with another classmate and have you grade each other’s papers.”

All the kids in the class let out a quiet exclamation of happiness. Some of the kids were looking back and forth at each other, wanting to pair up with their buddies. Ville just looked down at his desk and let out a small sigh, knowing no one really wanted to work with him. No one in this school had ever bothered to approach him to make friends, except for the girls who only wanted to befriend him because they thought he was a ’sex god’, as they put it. But Ville didn’t have any interest in the girls at this school. They looked the same and acted the same, as if they were all controlled by conformity. That’s why he took such a liking to Bam. He was one to be different, and not afraid to express it.

The teacher began assigning pairs, and the students groaned in protest when they weren’t paired with their buddies. The older woman pointed her boney finger at Bam.

“You’ll be paired with…” her dark eyes scanned the class, searching for who she thought would be the best pair. Her eyes focused on Ville. “With him,” she said with a point of her finger. Ville had to grab the desk to make sure he didn’t fall out of his seat. It was too good to be true. What were the odds that he actually got paired with his crush in a class so large as this? Bam turned in his chair to see whom the teacher was referring to. Ville glanced down at his desktop shyly, afraid those sapphire blue eyes would see into his mind and find out he liked him.

After every one was paired up with a partner, the kids shuffled around and traded seats to sit with their essay-mates. Bam flopped into the seat in front of Ville and turned around in the chair, sitting backwards in it and resting his chin on the back rest. Ville glanced up at him, then quickly looked away. He was scared he was going to blush and look obvious.

The teacher passed the essays back. Ville took his and put his arms over it, hoping Bam didn’t actually want to do the assignment and just fuck off during class. Most kids did that anyway. Bam got his back, then scooted closer to Ville’s desk, placing his in front of him. Those blue eyes looked up at Ville in waiting. Ville glanced up after a moment.

“W-What?” he asked. Bam raised a brow.

“Come on, let me see your paper. Mine isn’t that good, since I thought the teacher was going to read it. I started writing about meeting this chick, but then I got distracted and didn’t get to finish. I think I got about twenty words in before the teacher snatched my paper up.”

Ville glanced down at Bam’s paper, seeing that he had about three lines of his paper filled. Wow. He had done worse that Ville. He didn’t feel so bad about his report now. He moved his arms and passed the paper over to Bam, taking his report from him.

His green eyes scanned over the harshly written letters, trying his best to decipher what was written down. He managed to read the single-mindedness that Bam was rambling about after a few times of pointing at a word and asking, “What does that say?” Reading about how Bam had met this girl, even if it was just a few sentences long, was enough to make Ville’s chest tighten with heartbreak. He knew Bam was straight, and he knew he didn’t really have a chance with him, but he liked to pretend he could possibly hook up with him one day.

“Hey man,” Bam said, looking at Ville’s paper and back at him. “This isn’t an essay. This looks more like a poem to me. And it’s not even about something that happened this school year.”

Ville pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. “Yeah, it’s a poem. And it actually is about something good that happened this year. It’s just hard to put something like that into words.”

“What’s it about? I don’t get how this something that happened,” Bam stated.

Ville folded his hands together on his desk and twiddled his thumbs. He couldn’t say who it was really about. Bam would probably flip out. “It’s about some one I kinda like that I…met this year,” Ville answered. He stared down at his hands, hoping Bam wouldn’t ask any more questions about it. He glanced up, watching his eyes skim over the words.

“Oh, well, in that case, you’re a sap. Who’s the chick? Is she hot?” Bam asked. Ville grinned slightly.

“Yes, she’s hot. At least, I think she is.”

It was silent for a moment. “Hey, you should finish this. It’s pretty good. I bet you could make it a song and get famous one day,” Bam pointed out. Ville smiled shyly at the compliment and took his paper back, tucking under his arms once again. He had every intention of finishing it and posting it in a blog on his internet journal.

When all the kids were finished ‘grading’ each other, they got back in their assigned seats. The class proceeded to be incredibly boring, and Ville couldn’t concentrate whatsoever. Bam had complimented his work! He couldn’t stop staring at the back of his head. Maybe they had a chance, after all. Ville shrugged inwardly, figuring he could at least dream.

The bell to end school rang, and once again, all the kids jumped up and rushed out the door. Bam walked up beside Ville.

“Hey, you should hang with me and my buds in the parking lot for a while. I never see you hanging around other people that often. Not unless you have to, anyway.”

Ville felt his fingers shake with a giddy excitement. Dear God, Bam had noticed him after all! It may not mean he noticed him in any special way, but at least he didn’t ignore him!

“O-Okay,” Ville said quietly, barely audible over all the racket made by the other teenagers surrounding them. Ville followed Bam out of the front of the school and to the parking lot, where some of his friends were waiting for him. They were all people Ville found to be kind of strange, especially that senior, Dico. That boy said some of the weirdest things.

“Hey guys, this is Ville,” Bam said, grabbing Ville by the shoulder in reference to who he was talking about. All the boys eyed him. Ville felt like a show dog on display in front of a bunch of judges.

“Isn’t he the one who sits in corners during lunch and writes poems?” one with shaggy brown hair asks. “I swear, I never see him eating.”

Bam shrugged. “Probably. But he’s cool, he’s got a sexy brain. You guys can at least give him a chance,” he said. Ville wanted to melt at the fact that Bam had referred to him as sexy. Granted, he was referring to his intelligence, but he called him sexy, nonetheless. After another moment of awkward stares, the guys simply shrugged in indifference. Bam opened his car door and dove into the back seat, fishing out his skateboard.

“Hey, are you any good at skateboarding?” Bam asked. Ville stared down at the board and swallowed hard. He had never even stood on one of those things. Bam let out a laugh at his face. “I’ll take that as a no.”

He dropped the board on the ground and stabilized it with his foot. “Here, I’ll show you,” he offered.

A glorious thirty minutes passed that Ville never imagined would happen in his life. Bam had his hands around his waist to steady him whenever he stood on the board, then he would push on his lower back to get him started. Ville kept falling off, not concentrating on the balance as his mind had wandered off to a different place. Finally, Bam gave up.

“Never mind. I’ll teach you some other time. I got to get home before Ape thinks I’m dead.”

Ville nodded, thanking the guys for their company before walking through now mostly empty parking lot to his car. He drove home with a big smile that day.
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