Growing Up Is Overrated Chapter 15

Dec 12, 2007 02:45

Hey there people! Yes, chapter 15 is out! It's kind of a random filler chapter, but I guess those are important too! It does have something kinda big in it though... I hope you enjoy it!

Title: Growing Up Is Overrated
Author: Craig (patchy4vam)
Rating: Mild
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville's family died in a devastating car crash, and he's been sent to live with the only family he has apparently got left. His first shock comes when he's told they live in America. His second shock is when he finds out that his two cousins are his age, one of whom is openly homosexual. The other however, Ville comes to think is insane. He is due to attend their high school, where he will meet some rather... unusual... friends. Ville's life is about to change, a lot. Especially when he meets a skater boy with cerulean eyes...

Prologue And Chapters 1-10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 15: A Run-In With Gavin

Ville sighed as he wandered the corridors of the school. Since he had been given his timetable, he was no longer tagging along with Bam, and since Bam wasn't the brightest spark in the world, he wasn't in many classes with him. Apparently he was alone in his Math class.

This of course meant he had no idea where he was going.

He turned down another corridor and slumped against the wall, his messenger bag slipping off his shoulder. He didn't even remember which direction the office was in, so he couldn't just go and ask there. He pulled his phone from his pocket and checked the time. He was ten minutes late for class. He closed his eyes, cursing himself for being smart. When a hand closed around the front of his shirt and tugged him away from the wall, his eyes shot open and met with a pair of dark brown ones. Gavin.

"What do you want, Gavin?" He asked irritably. He didn't have time for this.

"Shut up. You're coming with me." He snapped, and pulled at Ville's shirt, tugging him in the direction he wanted him to go. Ville frowned and closed a hand around Gavin's wrist.

"Am I?" He dug his heels into the floor and pulled away from Gavin with some force, enough to stop the short blonde in his tracks.

"Don't bother." Gavin hissed, turning and back-slapping Ville across the face. Ville's head reeled to one side, the side of one face stinging. In this short lapse of concentration, Gavin gained the upper hand and pulled Ville into a nearby janitor's closet. He closed the door and flicked the light on, shoving Ville against the far wall. He approached him slowly, his eyes narrowed into a dangerous glare. "You stay away from him, from all of them." He demanded. Ville frowned again.

"Who?" This time Gavin struck him with a fist. Ville's jaw ached from the impact, but he still gave himself the satisfaction of a snide remark. "You hit like a girl." Gavin's eyes darkened and his fists clenched tightly at his sides.

"Shut up!" He barked. "Talk to me like that again, and I'll kill you!" Ville barely stopped his eyes from rolling.

"Big talk for such a little guy." He took a few steps towards Gavin, aiming for the door. "I'm late for class." Just as he came level with Gavin, the blonde turned and shoved him hard. Ville lost his balance and crashed backwards to the floor, hitting his head on a bucket. As he winced from the sudden pain, Gavin leapt upon him, hands fisted in his shirt, pulling him up so their gazes would meet.

"I'm warning you! Don't talk to me like that, and stay away from him!" He was infuriated now. Ville couldn't concentrate on his face due to the endless throbbing on one side of his head, but he could tell from the tone of his voice that Gavin was seriously pissed off.

"I don't know who you're talking about!" He choked out. Gavin punched him again, and Ville tasted blood. Gavin seemed about to answer, when the door flew open and Gavin was lifted clear off him. He was thrown to the floor away from him, which led Ville to the conclusion that whoever had entered was certainly not a member of staff.

"Ville, you okay?" The voice was familiar, but due to his temporary confusion, he couldn't place it. "You stay where you are Gavin, unless you wanna see what I can do to you." Ville was aware that two hands were closing around his, and he was being lifted to his feet - slowly, which was probably a good thing. "Ville talk to me!" Slowly the confusion faded away and Ville found himself staring into the face of Jude.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Jude nodded and turned to Gavin, who was all but cowering on the floor.

"I swear Gavin, you lay one more finger on Ville, and you'll spend the rest of your life eating liquidized food through a small tube." Jude growled darkly. Gavin shuffled backwards away from him, eyes never leaving his face. When Jude was satisfied that he was too scared to even speak, he turned back to Ville. "Come on, you're late for class." Ville followed him out of the closet, and he shut the door, leaving Gavin in there alone. "You're in my Math class, Ville. I would have told you sooner but… ah, you know Craig."

"Yeah, you can't speak due to his tongue down your throat." Ville laughed. "But… how did you know I was in there?" Jude smiled.

"It's a quiet corridor, and you guys were effectively yelling. Wasn't had to work out where you were. And I wasn't about to just walk away. You're my boyfriend's brother now, and my friend. I'm gonna be looking out for you at all times. Carter and Brandy aren't always there, and even though I'm hardly anything in comparison, I can still pack a damn powerful punch." His smile widened into a grin, and Ville mirrored it.

"Thanks Jude." He now knew why Craig was so hung up on this guy. He was a really nice guy beneath the gorgeous exterior. "Hey Jude… how did you and Craig meet anyway?"

"Well we first met at the skate park, actually. I was new to that park, since I'd been using another one a bit further from my house before that. Anyway, other than me, there was only Craig and a group of kids in the skate park, and so we didn't really acknowledge each other. Though I have to admit, I did think he looked good when I saw him." He laughed, and Ville grinned again. "Then, when I stopped for a break, I noticed that the group of kids had moved to the top of the half pipe, where Craig was skating. Next thing I know, they've pushed Craig off his skateboard and he's lying on the bottom of the half pipe, obviously hurt. The kids then left the skate park, laughing."

"What wankers." Ville muttered. "I bet that's all they were there for." Jude nodded agreement.

"Anyway, I ran over to see if he was okay, and he just grinned at me and said he was fine, and that he was used to pain since he liked danger." Ville smiled. Definitely something Craig would say. "Anyway, I fetched his board for him and we got talking - mainly tricks and stuff at first, you know, the casual skater-to-skater stuff. Then we gradually moved onto other things, like school and music. Turns out neither of us really knew that the other went to the same school. At that time we only had like, one or two classes together."

"How long ago was this?" Ville asked. He'd forgotten about their Math class now, and it seemed like Jude had too.

"About two years now." Ville was surprised. "Anyway, we swapped numbers and went our separate ways. I'd get a call every other day from him, asking if I wanted to go skate with him, so we'd end up spending most of the week together. In the classes we shared, he moved to sit near me or beside me, and we'd swap notes and stuff. Normally he'd draw stupid pictures to make me laugh." Jude smiled, remembering. "Then after a while I decided that enough was enough. I knew he was gay - it's hard not to know Craig's gay - and so I asked him out on a date. I was actually really surprised when he said yes. The date went well so we agreed to another one and after that… well, we started dating and the rest is, as they say, history."

"Well I think I can safely predict that you guys won't be breaking up any time soon. Craig's totally in love with you." Ville smiled. Jude grinned.

"I know." As if suddenly remembering where he was, he stopped. "Shit, I forgot about class! Come on Ville, it's back this way!" Laughing, Ville turned and ran after him. In his head, he was wondering if that's how his and Bam's relationship was going to go. They'd met in a skate park, after all. They'd got talking instantly, and they'd even been on a date, kinda… Ville smiled as he ran. Maybe there'd be another one soon. Although, if he thought about it, there were kind of a step ahead of that.

Math - what was left of it - went pretty well, since Jude requested that he sit next to him, and for the remaining half an hour, they conversed in whispered voices and laughed about the strange antics of their 'other halves'. Ville enjoyed the lesson, because he felt that he didn't really know Jude that well, and it was a chance to get to know him. They had quite a lot in common - bar the skateboarding - and found plenty to talk about. Plus, they were both really good at Math, and so completed the work in no time, which gave them even more time to talk.

When they met up with their other friends later, both were acting as though they'd been friends for years. Of course, all conversation stopped the moment Craig tackled Jude to the floor. Ville made his way over to the others and sat down among them. He smiled at Carter and Brandy, who were too engrossed in each other to notice the arrival of him and Jude. Brandy was stretched out on the ground, his head in Carter's lap, and Carter was running his fingers through Brandy's hair. In his other hand, a cigarette perched delicately between two fingers. Bam stretched his legs out and grinned at him. The grin disappeared, however, the moment he caught sight of the cut on Ville's lip, were Gavin had split it open.

"What the hell? How did that happen?" He asked, shocked. He inspected the wound carefully, and Ville almost smiled. He was unsure about whether to mention Gavin however, for fear of what Bam would do.

"He had a run in with Gavin." Jude sighed. "I took care of it though." He added when he saw Brandy's head rise from Carter's lap, and Carter's fingers stopped their work. He sat down, Craig already in his lap, and smiled. "Guy should be too scared to do anything for a while." Brandy sat up and arched his back, obviously uncomfortable from lying down for too long.

"For a bully, he's pretty wimpy." Craig said with a raised eyebrow. "He doesn't even back his threats. Or carry them out." He rested his head down on Jude's shoulder and cuddled closer to him. Ville smiled at them, and Jude returned the smile.

"Ville," He turned to look at Carter. "He does anything to you again, even if he so much as gives you a dirty look, you tell me okay? That guy needs to be straightened out. He has no right doing that to you. He touches you again and I'll break his neck."

"He will, too. Carter's not afraid to hurt anyone." Brandy's voice faltered and his eyes lowered to the nasty slashes on his arm, which were in the process of healing. Carter noticed, and put a hand over them. He rested his head against Brandy's, the daffodil shade of his hair getting lost among the sun-golden of Brandy's.

"It's fine, really. Gavin's insignificant. He's not worth the trouble." Ville said to them. Bam nodded agreement.

"Hey, what class have we got next?" He asked, changing the subject. Ville checked his timetable.

"English." He said. Bam groaned in annoyance.

"We're not in the same class, again. It sucks." Craig laughed at Bam's obvious pout.

"Aww, don't worry Bam-Bam, we'll have art again soon. Besides, you have Carter to keep you company." He reassured him. Ville nodded. "Until then, Ville, Brandy and I have English together. Hey Ville, how good are you at English?"

"Reasonably good, I guess."

"Ah, cause Brandy here is a complete genius!" Craig laughed. Brandy gracefully hid behind his hair, embarrassed. Ville laughed. Clearly English was going to be a fun lesson too.

Hope you liked it! Comments are the fuel for my writing! I also want to thank everyone who commented on chapter 14, you inspired me to write chapter 15 straight away!
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