Growing Up Is Overrated Chapter 12

Feb 21, 2007 13:55

Hey guys, I'm not DEAD! So sorry I haven't updated this in like... forever... but loads of stuff has been going on right now and I won't bore you with the details, but let me just say this story wasn't top priority, however I decided to post something for you all. Sorry it's short, the next one will be longer!

Title: Growing Up Is Overrated
Author: Craig (patchy4vam)
Rating: Mild
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville's family died in a devastating car crash, and he's been sent to live with the only family he has apparently got left. His first shock comes when he's told they live in America. His second shock is when he finds out that his two cousins are his age, one of whom is openly homosexual. The other however, Ville comes to think is insane. He is due to attend their high school, where he will meet some rather... unusual... friends. Ville's life is about to change, a lot. Especially when he meets a skater boy with cerulean eyes...

Prologue And Chapters 1-10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12: You Skate?

Ville was glad when Saturday rolled around and he was free to sleep half the day away. He had hoped that school here would have been better than school back in Finland, but it was just as bad. Perhaps worse, considering there was no Gavin in Finland. When he finally did wake up, it was 12:36pm. He could hear Craig across the hall, singing along to a Marilyn Manson song. Next door he heard Alex listening to Murderdolls. He got out of bed slowly and was halfway through pulling on a pair of jeans when his cell phone started ringing. He checked the ID of whoever was calling; however he didn't recognize the number. Cautiously he answered the call.


"Hey Ville, it's Bam!" Like I wouldn't have guessed from the voice.

"Oh, hey Bam."

"You alright, you sound... dead."

"I just woke up."

"Oh okay, same here. Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to come down to the skate park in ten minutes? You should bring Craig along too, Jude might be there."

"Sure thing, I'll see you there."

As the dial tone came through the speaker, Ville smiled. Lately he'd found himself grinning even if he'd only had a mere reminder of Bam. He threw his cell phone onto his messed up bed and turned to his chest of drawers. He pulled out one of the drawers and rummaged around until he found a suitable shirt. He planned to show Bam what little he could do on a skateboard. He pulled on the dark red t-shirt and straightened it out, before pulling on two plain black sweatbands over his wrists. He picked up his eyeliner and applied it. One look at his hair and he picked up his beanie, pulling it down over his ears and adjusting the few curls that poked out from underneath it. He sat on his bed while he pulled on his boots and laced them, picked up his cell phone from the bed and made for the door, checking his reflection briefly in the mirror. He closed his bedroom door behind him and walked across the hallway to Craig's room. He knocked on the door quietly at first, and then louder.

"S'open!" Craig yelled from the other side. Ville opened the door and grinned at Craig, who was stood on his sofa, his gleaming bass in his hands. "S'up Ville?"

"Bam just called, he wants me to go down the skate park to meet him. I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me, Bam said Jude will probably be there." Ville told him. Craig took the bass off and placed it back in his closet.

"Sure thing, gimme a second." Ville watched as Craig swapped his plain black shirt for a luminous pink one, and pulled on a black zip-up hoodie. He folded the sleeves up to his elbows and did the zip up, but only halfway. Then he spent about six minutes fixing his hair. I have never seen someone use so much hairspray... Ville thought as he watched Craig. A smile crossed his face when Craig applied eyeliner and pink eye shadow. He turned to Ville and grinned. "Okay, done!" He quickly slipped on his Adio shoes and grabbed his skateboard.

"Hey, Craig... can I borrow a skateboard?" Ville asked quietly. Craig raised his eyebrows but said nothing, and passed him a skateboard that was covered with fire.

"That one is probably my safest board, I tend to... add my own touch to the others. I like danger, what can I say?" He laughed. "C'mon Ville, let's get going."

"Will Alex want to come?"

"Nah, she's busy right now. Now come ON, you don't wanna keep Bam-Bam waiting." Craig made a running leap for the stairs, much to Ville's amusement, and slid down the handrail with ease. Clearly he had done this many times before. And judging from the way he landed at the bottom, he'd broken many a bone this way.

"You know that's kinda dangerous, right?" Ville asked him as he went down the stairs the normal way.

"What did I tell you Ville? I like danger. Besides, it's quicker than walking down them. Usually I grind down them but mom yelled at me for doing that after a while. It marked her lovely handrail." Craig laughed, picking himself up off the floor and taking ahold of the trucks on his skateboard. "So what's with the board, Bam planning to teach you?"

"Something like that." Ville smiled slyly. Only Alex knew that he'd mastered the art of balancing.

The skate park was amazingly almost empty when they got there. The ramps were clear of skaters, and there was one person on the Halfpipe. Three people were seated on the low wall, and this time, no music could be heard.

"Wow it's quiet today. Wonder where everyone is. I'm not used to coming here and not seeing Mogg trying to grind the fence, or not seeing Renner kicking some random beginner's ass." Craig commented. "She's always showing off her skill to the kids who can't skate to save their lives."

"My god Craig, what is it with you and bright clothing?" Someone yelled. Craig laughed and ran into the skate park. He dropped the board onto the floor and skated over to the three on the wall, Ville following on foot. He reached them and kicked the board up in a guy's face.

"I'm a bright guy, duh." He said to him. Ville couldn't remember meeting this guy, but he didn't expect to be able to remember every name and face that had been thrust upon him on his first day here. "Ville, this is Zak, a friend of mine. He doesn't usually come down here but he will if Lash is about." Zak leant forward and punched Craig's arm, hard. Beside him, Lash laughed. "So... where's Jude?"

"Halfpipe." Zak told him. Craig turned and skated over to the Halfpipe. Ville sat down on the wall beside Danielle. "So Ville, you skate then?" Zak asked him, nodding at the skateboard in Ville's hands.

"Uh, sort of... I guess." Ville replied with a shrug. "I can only balance on a board really..."

"Ah, well I'm sure you'll learn. What with Craig being er... what is Craig to you, a friend? Relative?"

"He's my cousin."

"Oh cool. Well, as I was saying, you'll learn quick with Craig as your cousin, that guy is so serious about skating." Zak grinned.

"Not as serious as Bam." Ville replied without thinking. Zak's grin became a sly smirk.

"So you know Bam? Bet he'll teach you how to skate."

"He'll teach him quite a few other things." Lash added. Ville felt his face grow hot and he looked down at the floor, trying to fight the blush. He fiddled with the wheels on the skateboard to take his mind off their comments, but the skateboard only reminded him more of Bam. And this led to him realizing that Bam wasn't actually in the skate park. He looked around, trying to spot him, but he was nowhere to be seen. Craig returned with Jude, who sat down beside Ville, Craig instantly planting himself on his lap.

"So Ville, where's Bam?" Craig asked him. Ville shrugged.

"I don't know, he said he'd be here." Just as the words were out of his mouth, a familiar voice yelled from the street running alongside the skate park fence.

"Sorry I'm late!" Bam rushed over to them on his skateboard, his cheeks slightly pink, and his chest heaving. Obviously he'd been rushing from the moment he left his house. "I would have been here slightly earlier but Jess wouldn't get out the bathroom and I really had to pee." He kicked up his board into his hand and leant on it, a lop-sided grin on his face. "What's with the board, Ville?"

"Uh, well..."

"He thought you could teach him to skate." Craig finished for him, with a grin. Bam lurched forward and grabbed ahold of Ville's wrist, and dragged him to his feet, pulling him away from the others.

"Excellent! We'll start right away! We'll go over here so you're not in full view of the others, I don't want them to laugh. Not that they would but sometimes temptation overtakes and it just comes out. I mean they would only ever laugh if you were I guess but I must admit it is rather funny when beginners fall over, they don't even bother to pick themselves up sometimes, it's like 'dude, get over it' and it's so funny to watch-," Ville placed a finger on Bam's lips to quieten him.

"Bam. I've only just woken up. Can you calm it down a touch?" Ville smiled as Bam grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry, I can get a bit hyperactive, I know. But it's not my fault... I have ADD or ADHD or whatever the hell it is I've got. Probably both knowing my luck." Ville chuckled slightly, and Bam dropped his board to the floor. "Shall we begin?" Ville nodded, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and did the same with the board he had borrowed from Craig. "Okay, well... when you get on, you have to put the foot you're most comfortable with at the front, and the other one just at the side ready to push off. Here, like this..." As Bam was getting onto his board in the proper fashion, Ville quickly did it in no time at all. "Now, you try." He turned around and his jaw dropped. Ville just smirked and pushed off with his left foot with force, allowing the board to glide across the surface with ease. As Bam watched, his jaw dropped lower and lower.

"What's wrong Bam?" Ville teased.

"You... said you... you... you skate?" He stammered, amazed.


"Since when?"

"Since like, last week." Ville shrugged and skated over to him. He stopped and kicked the board up into his hand - something that had taken him a long time and a lot of bruised shins to do - and gave Bam a shy smile. "I asked Alex to teach me some basics so I could... I don't know... maybe impress you a bit..."

Comments? I love you all, sorry it took so long to get this out!
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