Title: Love In Cold Blood
Author: Me
Pairing: Vam
Summery: I don't want to give away too much.. but basically it's a Vampire fic except it's based in the real world so basically the only thing that's really totally unrealistic is the fact that theres vampires. This fic will not be horror, it will have a few mildy scary moments but mostly its oddly romantic.
Disclaimer: I dont own anyone in the story.. um, and this never happened.
Rating: About PG13
Previous Chapters:
http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/3126380.html?view=42678380#t42678380 5:
http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/3126764.html?view=42712300#t42712300 "Well, we're here, do you want me to come in and help?" Phil asked as he parked the van in front of the hotel.
"Yes please, that would be nice Mr. Margera" Ville smiled as we all three got out of the van.
We stepped into the hotel, which was the nicest one in town, I bet Ville's parents will be glad when they find out Ville doesn't have to pay for sixty days worth of staying here.
"I'm in room number 208" Ville said as we stepped into the elevator and Phil pressed the button for level 2.
We stepped out and Ville opened the door for his room; I realised he only had about five suitcases and only one of them was opened.
I picked up one in each hand and so did Phil, Ville carried the last one.
"Thankyou very much" Ville smiled sweetly as we set his suitcases in the trunk and got back inside Phil's van.
"Yep" Phil smiled as we started on our way back home.
"Sorry" Phil said as he answered his ringing cell phone, "Ape? Pizza? I love your pizza. Yeah.. I love you too, yeah we're almost home, I drove Bam and his friend-" Phil looked back at us;
"Ville" I said filling in the blank.
Phil nodded apologetically, "I drove Bam and his friend Ville to get Ville's stuff from the hotel. Yeah, bye." he said as he hung up the phone, "That was Ape, she said we're having homemade pizza tonight."
"I know" I said, "we saw her making the sauce."
"Do you like pizza, Ville?" Phil asked as we got closer to my house.
"Yeah.. but I'm allergic to garlic, a little won't bother me but the pure thing like onions, it's not good for me."
"That's a weird thing to be allergic to, I love onions" Phil laughed, "don't worry, Bam likes plain cheese pizza anyway."
I nodded in agreement to what Phil had said and Ville smiled, "That's good, I don't want to be a burden."
"You're never a burden" I said as we parked into my driveway.
"Aw, thankyou, Bammie." Ville smiled placing a kiss on my cheek as we got out of the van.
When we stepped into the house Ape had already placed three large homemade pizzas on the table; Two were plain cheese and one had onions, green peppers and mushrooms on it.
"Smells great, Ape" Phil smiled, giving my mom a hug.
"Thankyou" Ape grinned as she gave us each some slices of pizza.
"After you two eat, you should start bringing Ville's stuff up into your room, Bam." April said, biting into a piece of her pizza.
I nodded and Ville smiled thanking her once more.
"You're too sweet" April smiled, "It's about time Bam got a friend with perfect manners!"
Ville blushed, taking my hand into his as we finished our pizza.
"It's not much.." I said as I pushed open the door to my room, which was upstairs and the last room down the hall.
Ville's eyes looked around and I touched his back for a moment to show him it was ok that he walked in;
"I like it" Ville smiled as we pulled all five of his suitcases into my room.
"Well.." I mumbled, pushing a bunch of my junk out of the way so it wouldn't seem as messy, "it's really messy."
"I still like it" Ville smiled again, sitting down on my bed, "it's nice."
"I'll go set up your bed then" I said as I walked over to the other side of my room and pushed all of my junk off of it; It had been a while since I'd had a sleepover so I just put my stuff on top of it.
"I can do it" Ville said, grabbing my wrist lightly with his cold hand, "really."
"No, no. I can, it's my junk" I said; Normally I would have said ok, glad to have less work but I didn't want Ville to have to do it.
Finally all the junk was off the bed and I was about to go and get some new sheets and a pillow when I noticed Ville was no longer in my room; "Ville?" I called, but I got no answer. I looked around the room when I noticed that Ville's clothes were sitting on my bed..what?!
Suddenly I felt that same buzzing in my ear as I had in the Walmart earlier today and I turned around to see Ville bobbing up and down softly with his bat wings.
"What are you doing?! What if Phil and Ape see you?" I whispered, confused.
He made some odd squeeking sounds and flew out of my open bedroom window;
"Get back in here!" I whispered, but he just made some more squeeking sounds and flew off into the darkness.
I stared out of my window hoping to see him, but he was gone.
It was two hours later and I had hidden Ville's clothes in case Ape or Phil came in and wondered why they were sitting there; I switched the channel on my TV, every other second peering over toward the window in case Ville came back. I was starting to get even more worried when I heard a fast tapping on my window; I looked over and noticed Ville was tapping on my window frantically with his little bat feet; He had a what seemed to be heavy rope in his mouth and I quickly got off of my bean bag chair and raced to the window to help him inside.
He dropped the rope into my hands and I pulled it inside; It was a rope tied to a small (but heavy for a bat) bag that was filled with about seven bags of blood.
"What's this?!" I whispered freaked out as bat Ville flew into my room and started squeeking over by my bed.
I realised what he meant and quickly unhid his clothes, "Sorry, had to in case Ape and Phil came in" I whispered as he flicked his left wing a few times toward the other side of the room;
I rolled my eyes, "I know! I wasn't going to watch you dress!" I glared as I went to the other side of the room and turned my back.
After a few seconds I heard his deep laugh as he walked towards me, "Oh, Bammie, I know you wouldn't".
I turned around and grinned slightly, my smile turning to a confused frown as I held up the bag full of bags of blood, "what's this for?" I asked scared, "where did you get these?"
Ville's smile also faded and he sighed, "I told you I was a vampire, Bammie.. I need this.."
"But where did you get it from?!"
He glared, "If you think I killed someone for it, you're wrong!"
I stared shocked, "I didn't say that! But where did you get it?"
I heard a loud knock on my door and Ape yelled, "What's going on in there? You two can't already be fighting!"
"No, we're fine, we were just talking about this scary movie" I said, still glaring at Ville who just rolled his eyes.
I could hear her sigh as she said, "Alright but you two have school tomorrow so you better get to bed soon, Phil and I are going out to get a drink with some friends, you know to call us if anything happens, ok?"
"Yeah" I called back as I heard her walk back down the stairs; Ville and I stayed silent until we heard the car leave the driveway.
"So, tell me." I glared once more.
"Bammie, don't look at me like that" Ville pouted, but I kept my angry expression; Finally he quit trying and replied, "I got it from the local hospital's bloodbank, ok?"
"People need that blood, Ville! People could die without it, people get in accidents and lose it all the time! What if someone dies because you stole this blood?!"
"It's the only way, Bam."
I stopped glaring at him and sighed, "Why? Why do you have to do this? How many times?"
"Because I'm a vampire, Bam!", now it was he who was glaring, "unless you plan on me dying of course."
Ville..dying? Because of me..? Wasn't going to happen.
"Ok" I mumbled, my eyes falling to the floor, "But only take as much as you need, ok?"
He nodded, "I always do that, Bammie, I always do."
My curiousity took over and I smiled, "So, was it hard to break in?"
He stared at me for a moment, obviously taken aback by my sudden mood change, "Well.. no, I've done it for years, Bammie" he laughed a bit.
"So you didn't set off any alarms or anything?"
"Of course I set off alarms" he said, "I always do, I just hide for a while until the hospital workers decide it was a false alarm and leave."
"You're lucky you can turn into a bat" I grinned, "that's so cool!"
He shrugged, "I guess so."
"How long have you been able to do that?"
"About one hundred years or so..." he shrugged once more, this time a bit awkwardly.
"Wait.. you're one hundred years old?!"
"No, I'm 18, just like you. Only I've been 18 for a longer time" he grinned slightly, "quite a longer time."
"My great grandma would be jelous" I laughed, "she would love to be 100 and wrinkle free".
He grinned, "Would you?" he asked, ending in a serious tone.
...Would I? Now? Already?
Chap 6~
n_n SQUEEK. XD hope you like it.