
Nov 09, 2007 02:36

Title: Revelation
Author: lovesarequiem
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: vam
Disclaimer: I own nothing, not even the laptop I'm writing on. AU, obviously never happened.

Summary: Revelation: announcement, betrayal, communication, discovery, exposure, unveiling.
A slip-up in heaven means that the devout Margera family are mistakenly sent to Hell, but are Heaven and Hell as black and white as the family have always believed?

Previous Chapters:

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

I'm sorry this took so long for me to write, I had really bad writers block.

“That was disgusting.” Bam pulled a face as he ran, rather unsteadily, out the room. The sound of spitting then running water could be heard from the kitchen.

Ville glared and hit Jyrki on the back of the head. “Did you have to do that?”

“Yes,” Jyrki gave a self-satisfied smirk, “Yes I did.”

Bam staggered back into the room wiping his hand across his mouth.
“Gross, I should’ve said no.” He reclaimed his place beside Ville. Having grabbed the vodka bottle and taking a large gulp of the alcohol, he turned a curious eye to Jyrki.
“Why on Earth did you have a glow stick anyway?”

“I just did. Though I didn’t think you’d have the guts to actually drink it.”

“Why would you think that? I’ll do pretty much anything if I’m dared to.” Bam leant forward to replace the bottle then give it a spin. The slight scraping sound heard while it spun on the floor was replaced with a slosh of vodka as it came to rest on Jonne.
“You don’t have to ask, it’s a dare for me.”

Bam seemed to think for a moment, “Jonne, give me a minute; I need to ask Ville something.”
Pulling the unprotesting Ville into the hall and shutting the door behind them Bam proceeded to question Ville on the area.
“So where we are now, this is where a bunch of demons live?”

Slightly bemused, Ville answered the question. “Yes, most demons live on this level, particularly this area; it’s like… what would a human call it? a Capital city.”

“Most people would be asleep now?”

“I guess.” Ville was starting to see where this was going.

“And I’m guessing most of them have bad tempers, at least when being woken?”

Ville shrugged.

“Guess we’ll have to find out then.” With that Bam dragged Ville back into the room where Jonne sat awaiting his dare.

“Ok Jonne; I dare you to go outside, onto the street and sing Mary had a Little Lamb as loud as you possibly can.”

Jonne paled, “As loud as I can?”

Bam grinned, enjoying the obvious horror in Jonne’s voice. “As loud as you can.”

“Did Ville give you this idea? It’s mean.” Bam shook his head. “Well if you weren’t going to be the catalyst for my death I’d say it was nice to know you.” With that Jonne made his way to the door. “Bring the camera so you’ll have a way to remember my death after your hangovers wear off tomorrow.”

Bam grabbed the camera and set it on record. Turning the camera onto Jonne he signalled for the blonde to say something.
“Hi, my name is Jonne and I’m about to die.”

Ville sauntered over to where Jonne was standing, “The only question is how he will die? Will it be drowned by water elementals? Torched by pyromaniacs? Suffocated or thrown to a great height by the wind elementals? Or finally strangled or bludgeoned courtesy of the Earth elementals?”
Jyrki smirked and pushed Ville over so he could be on the camera next to Jonne.
“Or someone could just shoot him.”

“You guys are a great moral boost. Really have me rearing to go.”

“Stop stalling and let’s do this.”

The four of them stumbled down the stairs and out the front door. Or at least 3 of them got as far as the front door; halting there they pushed Jonne out of the small protection offered by the doorway and into the open.

Camera poised, Bam decided to get things moving. “Start singing. I’d say pray for your life but somehow I doubt it’d work down here!”

Jonne looked decidedly nervous, even more so than when he faced Brian the cobra earlier in the day.
“Mary had a…“

“Louder! Or are you too benevolent to do it angelcakes?” The angelcakes had been the last straw for Jonne.

“I am not an angel! Ok, I’ll sing the stupid song… MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB, LITTLE LAMB, LITTLE LAMB…”

Lights were beginning to flicker on.

“Somebody shut him up!”

A decidedly nervous Jonne carried on singing.

The first fireballs started flying in but Jonne avoided them at the last moment. All through this Ville, Jyrki and Bam were almost on the floor, laughing so much at Jonne’s predicament their sides were beginning to ache; especially when large globules of water joined the fireballs frantically hunting out the blonde.


There was pandemonium in the street now, Jonne artfully dodging water, fire, gusts of wind, plants rocks and the occasional bullet. A few sleepy looking people had even come downstairs to watch.

A water elemental had finally caught up with Jonne when he tripped over a root attempting to wrap round his feet. Resulting in a thoroughly soaked Jonne plastered to the pavement.

The missiles stopped and Bam, Ville, Jyrki and a neighbour hauled the bedraggled Jonne into the hallway. The neighbour, who can be called Pete, turned to go back to his apartment; reaching the doorway he glanced back, fixing Jonne with a pointed look.
“You do realize you’d be toast right now if it weren’t for the volleyball match against heaven next week. Had it been anyone else, even Satan himself, they’d be 6ft under the 6ft under. The only thing you could’ve done worse would be to have sung a hymn. You better win that match next week or you’re screwed.” With those reassuring words Pete vanished into the street.

Getting back up the stairs proved to be a lot more difficult than getting down them as the vodka decided now would be a good time to kick in, of course there was no handrail to aid them in their quest, that would be too easy.
Eventually Jonne, who’d been sobered up by the drenching, clambered to the top of the stairs. Instead of doing the helpful thing by throwing down an end of the conveniently placed rope at the top of the stairs; Jonne just sat on the top step to watch the extremely amusing spectacle of 3 highly drunk people attempting to climb the stairs.

After many less than comfy trips to the bottom of the stairs the three of them worked together and managed to clamber almost all the way to the top. They were only 4 steps away from where Jonne was sitting when, once again, they tilted backwards. In a moment of panic, genius or idiocy Ville spread his wings. This achieved 2 things: 1- his wings wedged against the walls and stopped them from falling, again; 2- all their combined weight was resting on Ville’s wings.

Jonne sensing the impending catastrophe, decided to take pity on them. Jonne really was acting fairly angelic, at least the human take on the word; while it was true an angel would help you they’d make sure you were in a position to never forget, Jonne would be lucky if they remembered what day it was let alone if he done something nice.
Standing up Jonne pulled them up the last few stairs, before Ville’s wings gave out, where they landed in a sprawling mess, just missing landing on top of Jonne who calmly walked back into the apartment.

Extracting themselves from the tangle on the floor they wandered after Jonne hearing his voice from the kitchen.
“Guys! Come in here a minute.”

Dutifully going into the kitchen they were greeted with Jonne standing by the sink, back turned. Sensing danger Bam attempted to flee but was too slow as all 3 were blasted in the face by a jet of water from the hose in Jonne’s hand.

“I didn’t want top be the only sober one.” A cheeky grin stretched across his face, Jonne grabbed a jar of something out the cupboard before high-tailing it to his room before he was lynched.

Ville, Bam and Jyrki stood there gaping for a moment until a slew of curses started falling from Ville’s lips.
“That bastard! I can’t believe he did that!” Slipping out of his, now sodden, blazer Ville turned to help Bam remove the very wet, very clingy shirt. “Looks like we’re gonna have to get pissed all over again sweetheart, care to join me?”

Completely ignoring Jyrki who was having a frantic attempt to remove his leather jacket before it dried, they snatched a fresh bottle of vodka before returning to where they’d been playing truth or dare.

Jyrki, now devoid of the leather jacket, joined them on the floor gratefully receiving a rapidly depleting bottle of vodka from Ville after he and Bam were through taking large swig. (One of the many perks of Hell: No alcohol poisoning)

Eventually Jyrki screwed on the bottle top. Placing it on the floor he gave it a spin; pre-empting the complaint from Ville he turned to the person in question. “Don’t complain; you fell on me 4 times while we were trying to get up the stairs, once rather deliberately.”
The bottle came to rest on Bam. “Well Bam, truth or dare?”

“Dare.” Bam gave a cocky grin, sure no-one could beat his dare.

“Alright, well I’m feeling fairly lazy and my back hurts from certain people using me as a crash mat so… I dare you to give me a massage.”
“That’s it?” Bam gave Jyrki a bewildered look.

“Yep.” He rolled onto his stomach, indicating that Bam should straddle his hips.

Jonne (who’d only now felt it safe to return) bit his lips to stop from laughing as he observed the scene from the doorway. For every little groan Jyrki gave off as Bam’s hands massaged away the strain; Ville’s knuckles got slowly whiter and whiter as his fist clenched, his eyes shining an unholy green that promised a world of pain for Jyrki.
Jonne decided to make his prescence known by clearing his throat then sitting back on the floor.
“Come on Jyrki, your back can’t be that sore plus it look likes Ville’s about to live up to his long running threat of maiming you in the most painful way he can imagine.”

Bam clambered off Jyrki, he hadn’t understood what Jonne meant about Ville maiming Jyrki; it wasn’t like he’d done anything, had he? Looking up he met Ville’s eyes, the infernal gaze seemed to bore straight through Bam.

Jonne took advantage of the pair’s distraction to steal Bam’s turn by spinning the bottle, smirking as it came to rest on Ville.
“Ville. Truth or dare?” This seemed to distract the two

“hmm? Oh… dare.”

Bam chose this moment to cut in. “Hey it was my turn!”
Jonne tutted, “You snooze. you lose.” Seeing Bam would’ve carried on complaining Jonne continued. “Will you help with Ville’s dare?”

Slightly placated Bam nodded, not thinking of what this could entail.

Grinning Jonne turned back to Ville. “Remember when we were younger you used to love fingerpainting?” Ville nodded, puzzled as to where this was going. He’d adored finger painting when he was younger, been quite good at it, infact there was still paintings of his on his Dad’s fridge last he checked. “Well I want you to paint a pattern for me, anything you want; you just have to use this.” He retrieved a jar of something from his pocket and tossed it to Ville who unscrewed the lid and gave it a cautious sniff.
“Chocolate sauce?”

Jonne nodded, “And I don’t want you to do it anywhere, I want you to paint on Bam.” He said it in such a matter of fact tone that it brooked no argument; he was determined, Ville would decorate Bam with chocolate sauce and damn did it sound like a nice picture.

Hearing this Bam choked and Ville almost dropped the jar.
“You want me to what?!!”

Smirking Jonne crossed folded his arms, “You heard me, now get to it.”

Giving the shocked Bam and apologetic look, Ville dipped two of his fingers in the jar of dark, chocolate sauce and slowly lifted them to Bam’s bare chest. Taking a shaky breath Ville began tracing patterns over Bam’s pale yet toned chest. He was finding it more and more difficult to control himself, Bam’s small gasps as his fingers brushed a particularly sensitive spot had Ville mentally restraining himself from ravishing the delectable human infront of him.

Bam was in a similar predicament; Ville’s fingers lightly tracing designs up his back, chest and arms were causing tremors to run through his body. Bam barely stopped himself from moaning as Ville’s fingers traced an invisible line up his neck; sticky chocolate covered fingers coming to rest just under his mouth.

Ville eyes darkened with lust as the small pants of warm air escaping Bam’s lips caressed his fingers. Ville could never explain exactly why he did what came next, simply saying he felt compelled to do so.

Retracting his fingers from Bam’s face, he dipped them once more in the pot of chocolate and lifted them to Bam’s lips. Ever so carefully he traced Bam’s lips with the sweetly flavoured sauce. Leaning back slightly he surveyed his masterpiece, eyes always lead back to the chocolate covered lips, lips that soon found themselves attached to his own, flooding his mouth with the delectable concoction of vodka, chocolate and Bam.

Thankyou so much to the people who've reviewed, it means a lot to me.
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