Titanic: Finale

Nov 08, 2007 18:32

“Hello Love.”

Ville did not hear him. Ville did not think. He released the blanket from his shoulders and took off, the blanket flying away from him like a feather in the wind. He ran full stride until he reached him, not feeling the pain in his limbs, not feeling anything.

He leapt into Bam’s awaiting arms, arms wrapping around his neck, legs around his waist, knocking him back a few paces, fedora flying off. Their lips crashed together, hard enough to draw blood. Ville ravished Bam’s mouth, drinking him in, eyes squeezed shut, afraid to wake up from this dream.

Finally, finally, Ville slowly pulled back, opening his eyes, fearful.

Oh, Bam was there alright. Ville’s once slow-coming breath was now a hyperventilation, and he just gawked at Bam’s beautiful face, not sure whether to laugh or sob uncontrollably.

“BAMMIE!!!!!!!!!” he wailed, deciding on both. He buried his face into Bam’s neck, kissing his warm skin, unable to get close enough to him. Any closer and he’d be inside him. Bam was crying, smiling like a lunatic, one arm holding Ville’s weightless body, the other lost in Ville’s unruly hair.

“You’re alive!” They shouted in unison, and grinned at each other, completely stupefied.

“But I saw you, that door…” Ville said in disbelief, still in shock.

“But I saw you get hit with the door!” Bam countered, aghast.

“No!” Ville exclaimed, “It just hit me in the shoulder! I thought it crushed you!” He couldn’t believe this! They each thought the other was dead!

“I was fine!” Bam cried, eyes wide and darting around, taking in Ville’s beautiful, virtually unharmed body. “In fact, it saved my life. I used it to get out of the water.”

“What the hell!” Ville finally yelled, laughing ridiculously, hugging Bam close again, legs still wrapped tightly around Bam’s hips. “You got saved on the lifeboat!?”

“I was first.” Bam admitted, and Ville looked completely dumbfounded. “But I fell asleep…bad idea. I didn’t wake up until they were able to bring my body temperature up…about two hours ago.” He leaned up and kissed Ville’s sweet mouth. “Why didn’t you see me?”

“I passed out before I even got in the boat. I didn’t come to till a little while ago.” Ville said. He couldn’t believe he was having this conversation with a man he thought dead until three minutes ago! “My arm was dislocated. I was in the infirmary.”

“God, are you ok?” Bam’s eyes showed great concern, but Ville kissed his fears away, feeling his brain begin to melt.

“Yes, my love.” He whispered, and both knew they weren’t talking about his arm anymore. “I’m ok.”

Their noses gently rubbed against each other as they kissed gently, gentle swipes of tongue sending warm tingles down to the bone.

“How did you find me, how did you know I was alive?” Ville asked between their warm kisses. Bam’s arms tightened around him.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” He replied, and Ville looked at him, taking in his beautiful unshaven face. He smiled.

“Tell me.” He nuzzled Bam’s face, and Bam turned, carrying Ville to a nearby bench and sitting them down, keeping Ville straddling his lap.

“Iris.” Bam answered, and he’d been right, Ville didn’t believe him. Bam saw the look of skepticism on Ville’s face, and he kissed him. “I saw her this morning, and I know she saw me. A few minutes ago she came to me and told me there was someone who needed me on the lower deck. That’s when I knew it was you.”

“That is unbelievable.” Ville said after a long, incredulous silence. “She’s going to be a good woman.” He meant it, too.  He reached up and captured a few tufts of dark brown hair in his fingers, sliding his hand down Bam’s fuzzy cheek.

“I thought you were dead.” He whispered, eyes filling with tears. “I was sure of it.”

“Well I’m not.” Bam replied, kissing Ville’s lips gently. He reached up and they hugged each other tightly, rocking slowly. “I’m not.”


For the next twenty-four hours of the several-day journey to New York, Ville and Bam slept. First, they stopped at the Carpathia’s cafeteria and wolfed down as much food as they were allowed, Ville eating more that morning than he had in a month. After eating till they wanted to puke, they holed up in a long, dark room full of bunks at the bottom of the ship, selecting a bed in the corner and snuggling beneath the covers together, blissfully warm. They lay tangled, motionless, for a full twelve hours, completely knocked out from exhaustion. When Bam finally opened his eyes around 11 o’clock that evening, he couldn’t remember ever sleeping so deeply. Even his heart felt slow and lazy. He yawned, pumping air into his sleepy lungs. He reached out in the dark and felt Ville’s sharp jaw and his stomach flipped over; he still could not believe Ville had survived. That they’d both survived. After everything they had gone through, here they were, wrapped together like two peas in a pod.

“I love you.” Bam whispered, and Ville, who Bam thought was asleep, reached out and grabbed Bam’s arm, reeling him in closer.

“I love you too.” Ville murmured without opening his eyes, and they both drifted back to a dead sleep.


Rain fell as New York came into view. The docks were littered with people, mostly gawkers and paparazzi, all clamoring to see the survivors of the doomed Titanic. Bam led Ville up the stairs toward the rain, closing his eyes as the cold drops sprinkled his face. Ville held Bam’s hand in his own, fingers running over knuckles. They quietly joined the crowd of people at the front of the ship, watching as the docks came closer and closer. Several crew members were walking around with clipboards, trying to identify people before they were released to America and into a new life.

“I’ve never been so happy to see this dump city.” Bam said softly, and Ville smiled, wrapping his arm around Bam’s.

“I’ve never been so happy to see land. In general.” He replied, and Bam nodded, biting his lip.

“That too.”

Ville looked over at Bam, tightening his grip on Bam’s hand.

“Where will we go?”

The future had never seemed so uncertain but safe at the same time.

“I don’t know…but we’ll be together, that’s for sure.” Bam answered, leaning over and kissing Ville’s sweet skin. Ville smiled, the spontaneity and ambiguity of what would happen when they stepped off the ship swirling feelings of excitement in his stomach. Ville had never strayed even five minutes out of a strict routine schedule before he met Bam. Now everything was unknown. Everything was unknown except the fingers running up and down his knuckles. The warm shoulder next to his. The wild blue eyes that beamed at him even as they waited, terrified, as Titanic spent its final minutes above water. This man was a sure thing, and he was all Ville needed.

“As long as I’m with you, my love.” Ville finally said, eyes sparkling. “We can go to Canada if you like, or Mexico…But water is absolutely out of the question.” He looked up at the dark sky, blinking away the rain that fell to his lashes. “I could even do very much without this rain.”

“I’m just glad that I’m alive to see the rain again.” Bam said, and Ville glanced at him, smiling. Bam brought Ville’s hand to his mouth and kissed it. “To see you again.”

He kissed each of Ville’s slender fingers, making Ville blush and grin madly.

“You make me happy.” Ville whispered, and leaned in to kiss him.

“Excuse me.” A voice interrupted meekly, and the boys turned. One of the men with clipboards was standing in front of them, pen in hand.  “Can I have your names please?”

“Brandon Margera.” Bam replied, and the man nodded, scribbling it down. He looked up at Ville.

“Ville Margera.” Ville said, and Bam’s eyes snapped over to him with surprise. The officer began to write something down, but stopped, looking back at Ville and squinting.

“I’ve seen you before…in the papers. Yes! Aren’t you Ville Valo?” he asked. Ville didn’t flinch.

“Never heard of him.” he answered.

The officer gave him one more suspicious look, but Ville could see his certainty draining a little. The officer looked back to the clipboard.

“Margera, you say?”

“Yes.” Ville said. The officer nodded, and stepped to the next couple.

The rain grew more steady as Bam grabbed Ville’s arm and pulled him closer.

“You took my name!” he laughed, surprised and overwhelmingly glad at the same time. Ville smiled a little, reaching up and pushing Bam’s wet hair away from his bright eyes.

“You took my heart.” He replied. “A fair trade.”

Their lips met with familiar, warm sparks as the rain continued to drench them, with Lady Liberty glimmering overhead.


Darlings, i thank you so much for staying with me! I hope you enjoyed every minute, because I definitely did. I love you, and thank you so very much for your kind words and loyalty! I can't wait to share another story with you ^_^

fic:completed, rating:r, author:v, genre:crossover

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