(no subject)

Nov 08, 2007 17:21

Title: L'Acteur
Chapter: Nineteen. Fucking Great Actor.
slasher48 /
Rating: R. No sex.
Pairing: ...Vam.
Disclaimer: Yeah. Don't own.
AN: This is the moment you've all been waiting for! All is revealed!

The First Meeting
The Wrong Idea
Gone Too Far
Don't Apologize
Thirteen Is Old Enough
Real Important
Reality's The Nightmare
Go To Dinner With Me?
What The HELL Would He Wear?
Was He Really That Lucky?
So He Wrote On
How Has It Changed?
Goddamned Reptile House
See You Tomorrow, Ville
His Clothes
Too Good Of An Actor
I'm Yours, Though
Fast Forward

Bam stood nervously in the bathroom, staring into the mirror and trying to calm his racing heart and somersaulting stomach.

You can do this, he chanted to himself. He loves you; he said always. If you ask, you know he'll say yes.

He patted the ring in his jeans pocket and swallowed again. If Ville said no, he would die. No question. He would die. He'd loved Ville since he was four years old, when his best friend, his hero, had saved his teddy from bullies and given it back to him, and it'd only grown exponentially through the years.

Tonight, he'd gotten all of their friends and their bosses and everyone out from whatever they were doing to come watch this. Watch Ville say yes and Bam be the happiest man on earth...hopefully.

One more glance in the mirror and Bam was ready, well, as ready as he was going to get. He walked out of the bathroom… and into a nightmare.


Ville was on his phone; it wasn't even on speakerphone, but every single word the person on the other line was speaking could be heard loud and clear. "No, Nera, he doesn't know. I won't. I refuse to."

Bam figured it must be Nera Havatkuu, Ville's employer for his new vampire movie, the only person who wasn't here yet. Even Ville's parents were sitting next to Bam's own, having flown in from Finland to witness this.

The words that rung through the hall next stopped Bam's heart in his chest. "VILLE, END THIS CHARADE NOW OR YOU'LL NEVER WORK ANOTHER PICTURE!"

Bam's eyes widened. What charade? What is she talking about? Then he saw the look on Ville's face. It was one of guilty resign. Ville was going to do it. He was going to leave him so he could keep being an actor. The pain was almost too much to bear.

"V-Vil'? What was she talking about?" Bam's eyes were stinging, but he blinked the forming tears back, hoping against hope that Ville would say he was wrong in his assumptions.

"The charade, Bam. The one where I had to act sweet and romantic, act like I was in love with my best friend, get him to fall in love with me. I had to do it to get into acting."

Bam stepped back from Ville with hurt and confusion written all over his face. "Wh-what? You...but...no, Willa, please tell me you didn't..."

Ville hung his head. "I'm sorry, Bammie," he whispered to his shoes.

Bam scoffed, going from agony to anger in seconds like he always did. "You're sorry? You're fucking sorry? You capture my heart, not that you never really fucking had it in the first place, lock it in a chamber only you have the key to open, ruin me for anybody else, fucking EVER, and then break it, and all you can fucking say is sorry?"

Ville nodded. "I am. I'm so sorry that I had to hurt you to achieve my dream. If there had been another way, I'd have done it in a heartbeat."

It was then Bam realized the lack of gasps, the lack of horrified stares, the lack of general shock that would suggest no one knew this little detail about their love affair.

"Did you fucking cunts all know about this?” he addressed the room, even glaring at his own family. The nods struck him dumb, every single head in the room bobbing yeses.

Well, if Bam's heart hadn't broken before, it certainly had now. "Fuck all of you. Fuck this, I'm out of here." He turned on his heel, bust through the double doors and was about halfway to the front entrance, head down, tears falling from his dull blue eyes, when Ville sprinted after him and just caught him.

Ville tried frantically to grab his arm to stop him walking away, but Bam would have none of it. He yanked it viciously away from Ville, glaring at him harshly.

"Bam, I...” He started, pleading to Bam with his eyes.

Bam shook his head of the forgiving words about to spill from his mouth. "Fuck you, Ville. Fuck. You. I can't believe you even have the nerve to come after me after what you've done."

Ville's eyes started to well up too as he watched Bam crumble, his legs wobbling, his arms shaking, his chest heaving and tears streaming down his gorgeous profile, those normally so emotional eyes a dark, gray, not even blue color that suggested the life had simply gone out of them. "You don't understand. Bammie, I-"

But Bam was done; he refused to be swayed by Ville's pleading eyes, the quivering bottom lip, the pretty words. He was done with being walked on like his best friend had done to him, done with being played like this.

So he left, but not before hitting Ville with one last blow. "You're a fucking great actor, Ville. I actually fucking believed you loved me."

Ville was horrified, guilt striking him like a knife to the chest. "No, Bam, I..." His tears fell as Bam turned and hightailed it out the door, leaving Ville a mess behind him.

As the loud roar and screech of Bam's Hummer ripping out of the parking lot faded away, Ville ended what he'd been about to say. "...do."

One left! One more left before the story's over! But never fear! There's a sequel in the works!

So what do you think? Did it live up to what I told you? LEMME KNOW! I need feedback before I post the next tomorrow! O.O

*MUAH* Tell me exactly what you think of this one :). LOVE YOU! : D

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