(no subject)

Oct 23, 2007 01:59

Title: Revelation
Author: lovesarequiem
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: vam
Disclaimer: I own nothing, not even the laptop I'm writing on. AU, obviously never happened.

Summary: Revelation: announcement, betrayal, communication, discovery, exposure, unveiling.
A slip-up in heaven means that the devout Margera family are mistakenly sent to Hell, but are Heaven and Hell as black and white as the family have always believed?

Previous Chapters:

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Meant to get this written a week ago but was stopped halfway through by a stack of work; it's done now though.

“NO! Absolutely not!” Bam was backing away from a determined Jonne.

They’d finally managed to reach the 9th level without further mishaps, leaving them with 20 minutes to get ready.
Upon entering the flat Ville had vanished into his room, the small crashing sounds that could be heard were indicative that Ville couldn’t find something to wear.

This left Bam and Jonne. As it had amazingly only taken the blonde 3 minutes to get ready he decided to help Bam choose something to wear. All this explained the current situation of Jonne advancing upon a stricken Bam, one pair of leather trousers in hand.

“No way! I didn’t even know you bought them, I’ll look stupid in them.” Bam was running out of room, unfortunately he’d backed himself into a corner with the leather-wielding demon blocking his escape route.

“But you’ll look so good in them people will be salivating over you. Plus you’ll blend in better with the other demons.” Jonne leapt forward, intent on forcing Bam into the trousers if he had to. It’d be worth all the hassle to see Ville’s face when Bam walked out the room in leather as Ville also had no clue that Jonne had bought the them.

Bam somehow managed to evade capture by dodging to the side; however his good luck quickly ended, this time in the form of a deep red scarf lying on the floor. In his haste to escape Bam somehow managed to get not one but both of his feet tangled in the scarf; so it wasn’t highly surprising when he crashed to floor with a dull thud.

Jonne pinned him to the floor, “Just give up already. We can do this the easy way with you voluntarily putting these on, or I call Ville and we strip you before forcing these on you.” Jonne smiled and slowly released Bam as the mortal went slack.

“Tempting as your offers are,” Seemingly oblivious to the sarcasm, Jonne continued smiling. “I think I’ll go with the first choice.” At that Bam grabbed the leather trousers with a look of utmost contempt before propelling an unstruggling Jonne out the room so he could change.

10 minutes passed until the door to Bam’s room opened, Bam edging his way out wearing the aforementioned leather trousers and a purple shirt.

“See that wasn’t so bad. You look good.” Bam fidgeted as Jonne darted round him. “There’s something missing though… it’s not glitter, you don’t look like a glitter person… I know! Eyeliner!”

Before Bam could protest Jonne had sped off to his room, reappearing moments later to start pounding on Ville’s bedroom door. A muffled curse was heard from inside.

“Do BANG you BANG have BANG my BANG eyelin-“

The door was pulled open revealing Ville, a very pissed off Ville. No, make that a very pissed off Ville with a black line running down his face. He must’ve been doing his makeup when Jonne startled him.

Pointing at the black line Jonne giggled, “I’ll take that as a yes.”

The blonde seemed to deflate at the withering look Ville shot him.
“You can have it in a minute.” Then the door was slammed in Jonne’s face.

It was about 5 minutes later before Ville re-emerged from his room, no trace of the line left on his face. Twirling the stick of liner in his hand, Ville headed towards the living room where Bam and Jonne could be heard arguing over Bam wearing eyeliner.

“No, I refuse. You made me put these on but I am not wearing eyeliner as well.”

Intrigued as to what Bam was talking about, Ville walked through the doorway. The eyeliner slipped through his fingers to the floor and Ville felt his breath catch in his throat as he took in the sight of Bam wearing leather. Delicious hardly began to cover it.

The clattering sound of the eyeliner caused Bam and Jonne to stop their argument and turn to look at him. Jonne bound up to retrieve the eyeliner while Bam stared, slightly slack-jawed, at Ville. With good reason; he was wearing a pair of tight black jeans and an open black blazer revealing a pale, hairless chest; laying on his collar bone was one of his own dark purple feathers.
Bam’s bright blue eyes were locked with Ville’s kohl lined emerald ones until Jonne, once again, broke the moment by trying to jump Bam with the eyeliner poised.

“C’mere, it won’t hurt, just stay still.” Jonne had clambered onto Bam’s back and the two staggered over to the wall, almost knocking a clock off the wall. This brought Ville’s attention to the time.

“We’re late! Mige’s gonna kill me!” Ville pulled Jonne off Bam and dragged the two to the front door. “Jonne leave the damn eyeliner, you can do it later. Now hurry up!”

With that Ville dragged them to the nearest (decent) club. Bypassing the queue at the entrance they made their way inside the dimly lit club, a loud bass pounding in their ears.

Making their way to the back of the club Ville froze while Jonne started laughing.
“They’re not here! I hate it when you bust a gut trying to get somewhere 10 minutes late on for the people you’re meeting to be even later than you.”

The three had settled themselves at a table in the corner when two men walked up, one had messy brown hair and a slightly crazy look about him while the other strongly reminded Bam of what he thought a vampire should look like. The vampire-like one started when he saw Ville.
“You’re here before us, that’s gotta be a new record. Of course we did tell you 15 minutes early, looks like it paid off.”

Choosing to ignore him, Ville introduced Bam to them.
"Bam,this is Mige," he gestured to the, so far, silent man with brown hair,"and the abnoxious prat is Jyrki" The vampiric demon smirked and took a bow before sitting beside Jonne.
"Guys, this is Bam; he's staying with me and Jonne for a while."
Migé after sitting opposite Bam, spoke up. "So, correct me if I'm wrong but you're a mortal?"
Before Bam could answer Jyrki interrupted, "I ran in Jussi about 10 minutes ago, he said that Bam wasn't supposed to be here but he's an alright guy."

"Where is Jussi anyway? He was supposed to be here." Ville had gained an expectant look at the mention Jussi. Taking note of the look, Jyrki was slightly reluctant to answer.

"He was in a hurry, said Ville's a sadistic bastard if you do something to piss him off. Didn't really want to be on the receiving end of it, though it sounds like he deserves it."
Jyrki turned from the fuming form of Ville, who was muttering none too politely about Jussi being a coward, and faced Bam.
"I've heard a rumor that mortals are terrible at holding their alcohol, care to try it out?"

This small challenge lead to the group of 4 staggering out the club at about 2:30; Migé had ditched them an hour previous to go find his girlfriend.
The drinking had started off pretty tame; Bam able to hold his alcohol at about the same rate as the others. Everything, especially their dancing, degenerated from there as they all had more and more to drink. Before he'd left Migé, being the only slightly sober one, made sure the four of them picked a buddy to stick with; the idea being that two drunk minds are better than one and they might actually make it the few streets over and back to Ville and Jonne's flat.

Surprisingly this worked fairly well Jonne and Jyrki arriving a couple of minutes before Bam and Ville who'd set of in the wrong direction; they weren't actually that drunk, Ville just said he didn't want to be the one to mess around trying to open the door.

Ville, Bam and Jyrki congregated in the living room while Jonne fetched a bottle of the vodka Ville had pilfered earlier.
Bam collapsed on the sofa, Ville quickly following since he'd been leaning on Bam. As he landed you could hear the air leave Bam's lungs. "oof... Hey, land somewhere else."
Not making any move to get off, Ville snuggled closer. "Nope, you're comfy."

Jyrki sat down infront of the sofa, "So what're we doing?"

"Truth or dare." Jonne had entered the room.

"That's boring." Jonne leant down to whisper something in Jyrki's ear. This seemed to appease him as instead of complaining he pulled Bam and Ville to join him on the floor; Jonne quickly following suit. Depositing the bottle of vodka in the centre of where they'd formed a circle.
"One swig if you win, 2 swigs and a dare if you lose or refuse to answer. I'm going first."

Giving the vodka a quick spin, Jonne positively bounced when it came to rest.
"Ville, truth or dare?"

Striking a thoughtful pose Ville seemed to mull over the consequences of each choice.
"I think.. dare."

Jonne rubbed his hands in a gleeful manner. "Wonderful. Now balance a glass of water on your head, while walking in a line." Jonne miraculously produced a glass of freezing water which he handed to Ville once he'd clambered to his feet. "Walk to the door and back."

Somehow Ville managed to balance the glass atop his head and get to the door and back, suffice to say there were a lot of near misses and it wasn't quite a line, more of a zig zag. At the end he marred his Herculanean effort by accidently tripping, succesfully using the ice-cold water to put out the ciggarette Jonne had just lit.

Wanting to spare himself Jonne's wrath, Ville took a swig of the vodka before replacing the cap and spinning the bottle. Ville smirked as it came to rest on Jyrki, "Truth or dare?"

Choosing to start off slowly, Jyrki chose truth.

"Ok, Jyrki I've been wondering about this since I found a packet of dye at your place; is it true that you dye your wings black?"

Looking slightly put-out Jyrki sighed. "Well here goes my reputation; yes I do dye my wings black."

Bam gave off a not-quite sigh; barely audible to Ville who was sitting right beside him.
"What's wrong sweetheart?"

Ducking his head, Bam stared at a small beer stain on the carpet. "Nothing stupid really, it just seems like everyone has wings... except for me."

Ville normally would've laughed, pointed out that maybe that was a good thing as mortals are terrible drivers let alone flyers. But he didn't. Bam had glanced up, those crystal blue eyes killing any words before they formed; instead he removed the feather from round his own neck to slip it round Bam's.

"Here, it's not quite your own pair but it's a start."
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