Titanic: Chapter Ten

Oct 22, 2007 19:53


After kissing Bam goodbye, Ville had run down to the chapel and spent the rest of the day following the women around like a dutiful son to one, fiancé to the other. He tried to keep the smile plastered to his face but his nerves were about shot. Everything they said sounded like an accusation, and Ville was almost sure they could tell just by looking at him that he’d had sex with a man right under their noses. Twice. They knew he was leaving, they had to. Ville knew he was a terrible liar; every time he opened his mouth he stammered, his eyes felt wide and crazed, and his palms were so wet that he lost grip on the banister on the way down to the reception hall and almost went tumbling down the stairs.  But no matter how over-amplified he felt, it wasn’t enough to raise even the slightest suspicion from Iris or his mother.

Bam was lucky, he didn’t have anyone to worry about. Ville, on the other hand, was surrounded by two feisty women who would be more than happy to manhandle him into that church come evening. He knew that when his opportunity came, he had to bolt it out of there with no second-guesses. Not that he was second guessing Bam. He’d try to go to Bam even if Iris had a knife at his throat. He was only second guessing his ability to escape. Such as, would these women EVER LEAVE? Ville was almost certain it took ladies at least two days to ready themselves for an evening out, especially if it was something like a wedding. But it was nearing 5 o’clock. Four hours till showtime, and they were still meandering around the ship as if they weren’t doing anything later but cutting their goddamn toe nails.

Ville was a bit nervous.

Finally, the equivalent of about five years later, Iris glanced at her watch.

"Oh, my, look at the time, Madam Valo. We really should go get ready! The bride’s room is just beautiful" she said, chuckling, and Ville almost exploded. How could they be so CALM!?

"You’re right, Ville you should go down and get yourself dressed properly." Lesi said, and Ville nodded heartily.

"Great! Perfect. Yes. Okay." He rambled, finally finding the right response.

"Besides, its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding…or is that the actual…day of the wedding? Oh I don’t remember!" Iris giggled and waved her hand at Ville. "I’ll see you at nine, dear. Don’t be late. Your clothes are in the wardrobe in the stay room."

"Okay." Ville answered, but they were gone before the second syllable was even out of his mouth. Ville immediately turned and dashed down the stairs.

Ville locked himself safely into his bedroom and pulled the heavy armoire doors open, scanning the contents. Sure enough, there was a lumpy bag hanging in the bag. Ville pulled it out and uncovered it, scrunching his face. Black, plain suit with a black tie. Well, at least they had one part right. This wedding would be like a funeral. Ville wondered if Iris’s dress would be black as well. He stuck his tongue out at the drab outfit and threw it on the bed in a heap. This suit was for a wedding he wouldn’t be attending. He turned back to the wardrobe, putting two fingers to his lips thoughtfully. It didn’t take long for him to decide on the one and only perfect suit for this occasion.

He reached in and pulled the white jacket and pants from the closet. It was tight, bohemian; it made him feel like a real gypsy. Plus, it was the suit he was wearing when Bam first laid his wide eyes on him. Ville carefully changed his clothes, keeping the fabric neat and pressed. He selected his ridiculously overpriced red silk tie and did it up, buttoning his white vest and slipping his spotless shoes on as well. He left his bedroom and stood in front of the mirror in the main room, laying on the eyeliner extra thick and mussing his ragged hair. He got ready to leave, making sure every button and thread was in place. Lastly, he took his room key out of his pocket and placed it on a lace-covered end table. He wouldn’t be coming back. He hadn’t quite figured out what he was going to do after the future wedding fiasco, such as what were he and Bam going to do when they got caught. And they would get caught. The ship wasn’t exactly America and they couldn’t just hide until it docked. But Ville had more important things to worry about, such as getting to Bam and starting their happily ever after as soon as possible. Ville opened the door and turned around. He took one last look around the grand room, letting it all sink in and fall through him, and then closed the door on that life for good.


The sun was setting and Bam was starting to get cold. He had been sitting on the stiff bench for a couple hours, fidgeting around nervously. He wrapped his arms around himself, rubbing his skin beneath the thin material of his old shirt. Maybe he shouldn’t have given Ville his jacket after all, he thought to himself, smiling. He stared out at the placid ocean, marveling in the orange and purple lights the sun cast down. There was nobody on the ship’s deck, and the gentle clicking across the wood was a dead giveaway. Bam turned his head and sure enough, there was Ville, trying to keep his gaping smile under control. Bam got up from his bench and walked toward him, same giddy grin upon his face. They met and wrapped their arms around each other, lips meeting in a heated rush.

"You came," Bam said happily, and Ville nodded against Bam’s forehead.

"Of course I did." He replied, gently kissing Bam’s lips. "I brought this for you." He said, handing Bam the old dirty jacket.

"Thank you!" Bam said gratefully, quickly pulling it over himself. "I was freezing."

"Cold tonight, yes…but no time for small talk…what do we do now?" Ville asked, rubbing his hands together and glancing around nervously. Everyone seemed to know him on this ship and he feared anyone that rounded a corner to see them. "The wedding is in less than two hours."

"Well." Bam began, taking Ville’s hands in his own. "I think we should go down to my room-it’s very luxurious you know-and make love until we decide what the plan should be." He said. "Parties every night, you know. Bunkmates out till all hours." He winked and Ville giggled.

"That’ll suffice for now, I suppose." He laughed and they kissed playfully. "I love you." Ville said, still somewhat astonished with everything that was happening.

"You’re telling me," Bam responded, reading his mind, and they fled to the third class halls of the ship. If anything, Ville’s fiancée would never set foot down there.


i know, its a little short! I hope you can forgive me! More soon darlings, promise promise!!
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