Babysitting- Chapter Nine

Jun 19, 2007 11:14

Babysitting - Chapter Nine
Author: Tia_Maria
Pairing: Vam
Rating: 13+ (still no real rudeness ;)
Disclaimer: Everyone belongs to themselves, if they didn't we sure as hell wouldn't be writing all of this, would we?

Summary: Ville has moved to London and finds the add for a posh family's babysitter, thinking it's a good idea. He just doesn't realise that their little 'Bam' is not some sweet six year old, but a hormonal sixteen year old who has scared away his previous minders. It doesn't take Ville long to realise all if not as it seems in the Margera household.

*Hint* Comments will get you a very special suprise in the next chapter! I already have it planned, but you know, if I don't get any feedback then I might just not write the Vam! *Insert evil laughter here*

Previous Chapters;
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

A/N Once again, thank you to my beta crimsonyght666 who helps me SO MUCH, you have no idea!

Chapter Nine

When he shut his eyes, head rested against the back of the seat, he could see blue eyes leaning over him, feel soft lips upon his own.
What had the boy done to him?


"Hey gorgeous, come on, wake up and talk to me darlin'." Ville felt a hand stroking up and down his arm, from the end of his T-shirt to his elbow.
He turned his head in the direction of the voice and opened his eyes, wondering whom on earth it could be.

The face of one Nudie Novak was leering over him, looking as if he wanted to devour him in one mouthful.

"Hello." Ville croaked.

"Hey. What's your name beautiful?" The brown haired loon smiled at him. Clearly he didn't recognise Ville at all.


"Ville eh? That's a lovely name. I'm sure I've heard it before." His eyes clouded over briefly. Ville looked on expectantly trying not to laugh from his reclined position on the lounger.

"It's Finnish." He supplied.

"Oh yeah, I know some Finnish blokes." Novak nodded.

"Yes, Finnish blokes." Ville clarified.

Nudie's eyes eventually widened in shock, "Oh fuck. You're Ville from the pub- Ville the Finnish bloke."


Novak laughed. "Nice to see you again, sorry about that. I didn't recognise you without a hat."

Ville fingered his loose culrs tentatively and batted his eyelashes.
"You mean you don't want me sweetheart?"

"Ha ha, let's just say you're missing a pair of vital assets for me, dude." He winked, not in the least bit embarrassed now.
"So, what are you doing here?"

"Babysitting Bam."

"Yeah, yeah, we all baby-sit Bam. He certainly needs it. Seriously though, do you skate or something?"

"No, I meant it. I'm Bam's new babysitter, nanny, minder, whatever you want to call it."

"Oh, well lucky him then."

"Hmm, I don't think he's quite seeing it that way." Ville thought of the boy's abrupt dismissals of him and the earlier wet clothes incident.

"Nah, he's probably just coming to terms with fantasising over his new nanny."

"What?!" Ville choked.

"Well," Novak gave him a lazy smile, "You are pretty hot, if you ignore the fact that you have a dick."

"Umm, thanks. I think..." Ville was still in shock and slight amazement at the thought that perhaps Novak was right. Not about him being hot, about Bam that is.

"What are you here for then Novak?"

"Ah," He pointed over at a skateboard floating in the middle of the pool. "Skating with Bam during lunch. We have a competition coming up."

"Yeah, you guys' any good?"

"Well, Bam's awesome," he laughed, "I just about manage to stay upright usually."

"That's not true, you're quite good really." Spoke up a mystery voice behind them.

Novak turned to look back at the person. "There you are dude, ready?"

Bam appeared and nonchalantly walked around both of them to the pool where he fished out the board, ignoring Novak's question entirely.

"You two having fun?" He asked, eyeing the pair of them, laid next to each other, Ville half curled up facing Novak, who had his hands behind his head, legs wide apart and dangling off either side of the lounger.

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"Umm, no." Novak and Ville said at the same time. Ville quickly scrambled off the seat as Bam glared at them.

"Come on Novak." He called as he turned and stalked off in the direction of his half-pipe.

Novak shrugged his shoulders sheepishly before running to catch up with his friend.

Everyone seemed to be telling him how nice Bam was. How come he never was to Ville, other than the freak episode with the hat game?
Did Bam really just not like him?
If that was the case, what happened last night?
It made no sense.

Instead of annoy Bam some more, Ville decided to stay put. It was still quite sunny and he enjoyed moments alone.
Since he'd come to England, him and the band had been together constantly and it drove him mad.
Saying that, thinking of them made him realise he was already missing them.
Migè and Linde would have worked out what he should do about Bam.
Except, in all honesty he wouldn't have told them. They would tell him to leave and he didn't want to quit this job. It wasn't just the money anymore. He wanted to get to know Bam, learn to understand him better.
Not to mention spend hours losing himself on those clear blue eyes.


"God I hate French. All those R's make me feel like I'm coughing up a hairball." He muttered, rubbing a finger in his eye-socket, trying to quell a mad twitch in his eyelid.

Novak would be waiting outside for him, ready to practise and unwind before he had to work again.
The back door was already open, which was a bit strange, as Novak never came in through the house.

Yet there he was, stooping over one of the sun loungers. What was he doing?

"Talk to me sweetheart." Novak bent down lower. Was he talking to himself?

"What's your name beautiful?" Bam couldn't hear the reply. Who the fuck was he talking to?

"Ville, eh?" Bam froze momentarily.
Was Novak chatting up his Vi- Was Novak chatting up Ville?
What gave him the right to do that?
Besides, Ville is a guy.
Anything with a pulse will do for Novak sometimes.
But this is Ville!

There was laughing now, Novak looked flushed as he threw himself down and out of view.
He heard Novak pretending he wasn't good at skating. Bam threw him some compliment, just to alert them to the fact that he was there. It came out sounding honest. Why was he helping Novak?

He saw the skateboard floating over to the side of the pool and headed straight for it. Pretending he hadn't seen the two reclining figures.

As he turned around, he saw Novak laid back, legs open and hands behind his head; screaming available. Then Ville, body turned towards Novak, lapping up the attention, eyes glittering and bright.

"You two having fun?" he tried not to let anything other than friendliness come into his voice. He was pretty sure he failed though.

They both shot something back at him, but Bam wasn't listening anymore. It was time for him to leave.
Then he realised he was going to be by himself and leave them together again.

"Come one Novak." He shouted out to his so-called friend.


As his stomach growled desperately for the fourth time in two minutes, Ville faced up to that fact that he really had to have dinner.

He had been scribbling the odd lines of some songs he had started, for most of the afternoon. Some small noises from Bam's room had indicated he had finished lessons.
Ville didn't see the need for him to disturb him, unless it sounded like he was doing something he shouldn't.

Slowly he slid off the bed and onto the floor, before picking himself up with a sigh.
Might as well face the music.

A lighter smell was coming from the kitchen today, compared to yesterday's pizza.
Ville opened the dining room door with a sense of dread.

The table had been set up for two again, but there was only one bowl of food.
He inched closer, pasta in some tomato sauce with mushrooms and other vegetables. Ville's stomache positively growled in delight.

Ville quickly went and poked his head into the kitchen. The maid was washing up pots and pans, hair flying out around her face from its bun.

"Umm, excuse me?" He called hesitantly.

She snapped her head round, till she saw who it was and smiled.

"Why is there only one bowl?"

"Master Bam took his upstairs. Mrs. Margera says I am to be telling you she has had to go urgent to Manchester for two days. She will be back for lunch on Saturday." The maid reeled off, it had to have been the longest thing she had said so far.

"Oh, well it's just me for dinner then. Do you think I could eat at the table in here?" Ville didn't fancy the idea of sitting alone at that big table again.

"Of course!" She beamed. Ville smiled and ran back to grab his bowl and fork.

"Shall I get some wine as it is just you today?" The maid asked, drying her hands on a yellow tea towel.

"If you don't mind, red wine, please."

Ville sat so he had a view of the garden, illuminated with the setting sun.
There would be no more Ribena for him now.

A waft of rich tomato hit Ville, causing him to grab his fork and dive in. He could get used to this, no more burnt toast or microwaved leftovers for him.

The maid came back in with Merlot and poured a glass for him.

Heaven. Rich and fruity, but most of all: alcoholic.

Mere minutes later Ville had finished eating and was sitting, sipping his wine and watching the maid knead some dough.

"What are you making?" He enquired.

"Gingerbread men." She replied.

"Can I- Could I help?"

"Of course Ville, I was going to give them to my grand-daughter but you can have some."

"You have a grand-daughter?" Ville put his glass down on the side and came round to the counter.

"Yes," her eyes warmed, "Leena, she is four years- straight black hair and bright blue eyes. Always laughing and running around!"

"She sounds cute." Ville smiled, imagining the little girl. "What should I do?"

She handed over a cutter in the shape of a person. "I will roll out first." She picked up the rolling pin and dusted it with flour before starting to roll the dough, until it was just the right thickness.
"Now, you press and wiggle." She explained, demonstrating with her hands.

Ville obeyed, carefully pressing the cutter down into the dough. Wiggling it to get the body loose.
Press and wiggle. Press and Wiggle. Press and wiggle...


Wiggle that bottom! Sorry, I was making quiches and this image just flew into my brain.

ANYWAY, I hope you all liked this chapter, it was a longer one this time, hey?


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