Babysitting- Chapter Seven

Jun 07, 2007 09:03

Title: Babysitting

Author: Tia_Maria
Pairing: Vam
Rating: PG (for now, hehe)
Disclaimer: Everyone belongs to themselves, if they didn't we sure as hell wouldn't be writing all of this, would we.
Summary: Ville has moved to London and needs to get a part-time job to keep himself afloat while trying to set up his band. He finds the add for a posh family's babysitter and thinks its a good idea. He just doesn't realise that their little 'Bam' is not some sweet six year old, but a hormonal sixteen year old who has scared away his previous minders.

Past Chapters under the cut;

I'm baaack!!! I hope you all like this chapter, it's a bit longer because although I've been super busy, I had the time to think some more about where I wanted this to go. 
Thank you so so much to Crimsonyght666 for working your magic :)
Anyway, enough rambling, you can read it now! x

Chapter Seven

With a last glance, Ville turned and retreated back to his room, quietly shutting the doors between them.


"Ville!" A woman's scream pierced through Ville's sleep.
"Ville, quickly!" He shot upright; the screams were coming from downstairs. Was it the maid? Could it, God help him, be Mrs. Margera?

He jumped from the bed and grabbed his jeans, hopping madly on one foot as he pulled them on before running downstairs. The metal staircase was cold under his feet but he didn't care.

Ville flung open the living room door. Empty;
And the dining room? Empty.
Maybe the maid had an accident in the kitchen?
He ran straight for the kitchen, cold air starting to freeze his bare torso as he whipped down the corridor.

Ville burst into the kitchen, "What's the matter?" He panted, bent over with a hand over his heart while scanned the room for the damage anxiously.

"Ah, you're awake Ville." Came the now warm and relaxed Italian accent.
His eyes snapped down to the small breakfast table at the far end of the kitchen, light shining straight in through a large bay window.
"Want pancakes?" She held up a plate from the table, piled high with pancakes and looking way to bright and cheerful in a pink dotty pinafore.
Ville blinked, head catching up with him as his heart-rate slowed.

"What was the screaming?"

"Screaming? Oh, the boy told me to do it."

"Bam?" He tried to flatten his bed hair as he headed for the table. Food had a magnetising effect over Ville.

"Yes, he just went to make bathroom."

Ville sat down where indicated as the maid put a plate down for him.
"Make a bathroom? Do you mean he has gone to the toilet?"

"Oh, yes." She coloured slightly, "What would you want for a drink?"

"Coffee please, no sugar and just a drop of milk."
The maid smiled and moved back into the kitchen area. Ville turned to the table. The delicious smelling pancakes were smothered with sticky syrup, pooling down at the bottom of the pile. To Ville it looked absolutely disgusting. He saw the strawberries in a bowl by the side and picked a handful up.

Ville shut his eyes as he drifted up to heaven from biting into the ripened flesh of the first strawberry. Divine.
His lips lightly suckled before the bite fell off into his mouth.

At the sound of a mug on the table, Ville opened his eyes.
He saw the steaming coffee a second before he noticed the wide-eyed figure across from him.
Bam was just sitting, staring.

"Thank you for the wake-up call, Sir."
Bam slightly jumped, eyes flicking down to the stalk of the strawberry still in Ville's hand before looking at his glass of orange juice.
"You okay?" Questioned Ville, Bam was clearly distressed about something. How long had he been sitting there?
Bam's head lifted and he stared straight into Ville's eyes, the clear blue orbs reminding Ville.
Last night. Kiss. Bam. Bed.

"I've... kind of got a, well, a favour to ask." Hesitated Bam. Was he going to say something about last night?

"Yes, Bam?" Bam must really be freaking out, he didn't even acknowledge Ville didn't say Sir.

"Well I, uh... my French teacher gave me this conversation homework and I need someone to do it with."

"French homework? Why didn't you do it with a friend?" Was that too harsh? It was just so alien, Bam actually wanted to do something with him?

"Yeah, well I don't have any- I mean, I just didn't, so you will have to do." Bam blushed through his frustration.

"Sure I'll do it. As long as I can call you Bam, not Sir." Ville haggled.

"Whatever. For now, we have to write down ten questions each and put them in a hat. We only pull out five each though. I'll translate them into French later." Bam produced a piece of A4 paper, a pen and scissors for both of them.
Ten questions. He could find out anything about Bam, but then so could Bam about him. He could find out about what Bam thought he was doing last night though. Besides, what did he himself have to hide from Bam?
Ville picked up the biro, anxious to start as Bam was already writing away.

1. Who was the last person you kissed?

Why not just jump straight in, whoever got it would broach the subject nicely.

2. Who is your best friend?

3. Did you choose your wallpaper?

4. Do you think you are a homophobe?

5. What is your favourite subject?

6. Are you English or American?

7. What is your greatest fear?

8. Why do you put so much syrup on pancakes?

9. Are you ticklish?

10. Do you sleepwalk?

Not bad, he might get killed for number four, but never mind.
Ville cut up all the questions and folded them, like Bam had, before dropping them into the tea cosy.
He offered first pick to Bam, who dived straight in and picked a question.

"Did you choose your wallpaper?" He read grinning, "Yeah, when I was five, Mom won't let me change it though."

"Don't you feel a bit stupid with it?"

"I've kind of got used to it I suppose." He shrugged, then indicated Ville's turn.

Ville reached out a hand, felt around a bit, before choosing.
"Why do you live in England? Well, there's bigger opportunities here. I'm trying to get my band signed ultimately."

"A pop band?"

"No!" Ville looked horrified, "The CD you've been listening to actually."

It was Bam's turn to blanch, "What?!"

"It's my demo, I put it in your stereo."

"Oh, well it's not bad. Good riffs and the singer has got some talent." He admitted reluctantly.

"Thanks, I sing." Ville smiled sweetly, noting how Bam looked like he wanted the ceiling to fall down on his head.
Bam picked another.
"Do you sleepwalk? Yes, apparently I do. I move things around the room during the night, but nothing dangerous I don't think."
That gave a possible excuse for last night then, but Bam must have been thinking of doing it in the first place?

Ville's turn, "What is your favourite colour? That's easy, I would say black, but as we all know that is an absence of light and not a colour. Purple is my favourite."

Bam's turn, he picked a question and read it, eyes widening in horror. Quickly, he shoved a pancake in his mouth to stop himself answering.

"Well?" Ville prompted as he saw Bam finally swallow.

"No, I'm not. I jus- just don't think it's right." Bam stuttered. Ville peered at the question over his coffee mug. It was the homophobe one.
Bam started waving the tea cosy in front of Ville anxiously.

"You could have fooled me." Ville muttered, realising he meant it to both points Bam had made.

"Are you ticklish? Yes." He stated simply. Bam gave him a look to explain but he shook his head. The little Bam-Bam would only use it against him, he definitely wasn't going to say when he was sitting there, bare-chested and wearing only his jeans.

Bam huffed but picked his fourth, "Have you ever broken a bone/s?" It was one of Bam's own questions.
"God, let's start from the top. Half cracked my skull, broken collarbone, two broken ribs, fingers, leg two times...the rest was just sprains and fractures."

"Holy shit. I have sprained my ankle and that's it. Ever."

Bam grinned, which scared Ville, him being friendly, "You should try skating."

"I did a while back, that's how I sprained the ankle." He shrugged while picking his question.

"What are you most afraid of?" Bam had obviously written the same question as him because this was written in Bam's simple, un-joined print, rather than Ville's curling scrawl.

"Hmm, that's hard but the biggest thing I guess, is dying without having experienced life and love to the full." He had expected the boy to laugh; instead he just nodded his head understanding.

Bam picked his last question, frowning as he read it, "My best friend? Well, I don't- I have a couple at the skate park." He obviously corrected.

"Yeah?" Ville really wanted to know about the sort of friends someone like Bam had.

"There's Raab- he's funny. Then there's Dico, who's nuts. Ryan Dunn but he doesn't skate, then of course, Novak."

"Nudie Novak? You're friends with him?"

Bam's eyes narrowed, "How do you know him?"

"I've met him at a pub a couple of times, he gets his friends free beers if he does crazy stuff."

"Yeah, he's not entirely sane." Bam agreed.

"Why don't you go out with your friends?" Ville thought of how Bam had such an early bedtime.

Bam was playing with the spoon in-between them on the table, "My Mom, she says I'm too young."

"Well, it's probably a good thing." He had seen the state some of the people Bam's age got in from a drop of alcohol.

"I don't need to go out to get drunk though, so I don't really feel the need."

"Why's that?"

Bam raised an eyebrow with a mischievous look on his face, "You mean you haven't found the wine cellar?"

Ville's interest peaked. "Can't say I have."

"You have to go outside to get to it; it's the door next to the one to get back into the hall. It's just full of wine and beer down there, my Mom does stocks and shares for a big beverage company."

"You're allowed to drink it?"

"She can never tell, doesn't even go down there herself, the delivery men do."

"Well, that's very interesting information."

"Ok, take your last question then."

Ville shuffled for a long time before he picked.
"Who was the last person you kissed?" Shit! He had forgotten he put that bombshell in there.
"Umm, shall I say who I personally kissed, or who kissed me?"


"Oh uh, ok. The last person that I kissed was the bar maid who gave me a free pint. The last person who kissed me is sitting right in front of me." Ville stated the last part deliberately slowly.
Bam's eyes widened in horror, but instead of his jaw dropping, his lips pressed together till his mouth was a tiny, tight line.

"Don't you remember?" Ville asked, fearing what he had done. Bam said nothing, he seemed too stunned.
"Last night Bam, what happened in your dreams?"


'Kay, I know how much you're going to love me for the ending already! I swear it's not my fault ;)

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