Apr 29, 2007 23:49

It's been so long since I updated this baby, most of you will have forgotten about it entirely. Which is why I thoughtfully give you links to all previous chapters. Enjoy and feedback!

Pairing: VAM
Rating: No idea. Swearing, violence and PLENTY of n/c sex.
Disclaimer: It never happened, it never will, I don’t own the characters, blah blah blah. It’s pure, alt.universe action.
Summary: Ville made a mistake and now he's in a sinister correctional facility which seems to operate way outside the laws of the land. And guess who his cellmate is...
Notes: Am I a total pervert? I think the answer to that is a resounding YES!!

Feedback is SEX!


The rattling of locks roused Bam from a deep, troubled slumber. He suspected it might have been drug induced but during the past couple of days - or was it weeks - he’d totally lost touch with reality and, if he were honest, he preferred unconsciousness to the waking world. Because his waking memories were a confused, nightmarish concoction of freezing cold rooms, achingly bright lights, needles, voices and pain. Reality and horrific, disturbing dreams had become blurred but pain was a constant - it hurt to move, it hurt to talk, it hurt to breathe - but a small part of Bam was grateful for it. Each time he woke up it seemed he hurt a little less, which implied time was passing and that he might actually be getting better.

His last coherent memory was of the failed escape: Ville getting shot, jumping down from the wall because he couldn’t bear the thought of leaving his friend injured and alone in this place, then getting beaten almost unconscious by the guards for his trouble. He could more-or-less guess at what happened after that. Somebody - most likely Governor Jones - had thought it a fun idea to put him in The Hole. Bam had been in that place a couple of times before and the combination of cold and a distinctive, earthy smell let him know he was in there again, even though he couldn’t open his eyes and had passed out almost immediately. Nobody could have survived The Hole in the middle of a blizzard, and Bam supposed he should be grateful to whoever it was who’d hauled him out of there and into the infirmary, but all he could think about was Ville. The shock of seeing his friend shot in the leg, at close quarters was still fresh in his mind, and the terrifying amount of blood pumping from the wound was only surpassed by the worry of what had happened after. Did Ville get proper medical treatment? Was he still here in the facility? Was he in pain? Bam wouldn’t permit himself to contemplate the other options…

The door of the cell banged open to admit Doctor Thomas and a couple of guards, who hovered in the background as the stout, sandy-haired man approached. He stopped a few feet short of the bed and stared down, arms folded, a small smile playing at his lips. It irritated Bam.

“Hello doctor. Come to feel me up while I’m hurt like this?”

The doctor’s smile widened.

“Don’t flatter yourself, Margera, you’re not my type. I’m here to see how you’re feeling. Most of the drugs should be out of your system by now and if you think you’re okay, there’s somebody who’d like to see you.”

That would be Governor Jones and Bam’s stomach did a flutter. Getting beaten senseless was hardly punishment enough for somebody of Jones’s perverted and refined sadistic tastes. He knew he wasn’t up to whatever challenge Jones might have in mind, and saw no point in acting tough for the hell of it, but he couldn’t help antagonising this smug fuck of a doctor. Fuelled by the sudden recollection of what Thomas had done to Ville, the words were out before he could fully consider the consequences.

“How the fuck should I know if I’m okay? Shouldn’t you be giving me your considered medical opinion, doctor?”

The doctor shrugged.

“The worst injuries you suffered were concussion, some cracked ribs and a broken finger. The rest was bruising, minor lacerations and hypothermia. You’ve had a week and a half to recover; and you’re a strong, healthy boy, so my considered medical opinion is that you stop being a fucking pussy and get up on your feet!”

He made the whole agonising ordeal sound so pedestrian that Bam almost laughed. “I’d like to see how you handle a kick-in like that. I suppose Ville getting shot was a walk in the park for you as well?”

The doctor’s smile suddenly faltered and his face creased into a frown.

“Actually, no. Valo came very close to dying that day. We couldn’t get him to a hospital because of the blizzard, and the gunshot wound caused an extremely severe asthma attack. Your friend is lucky to be alive, Margera, and you have me to thank for that.”

Bam’s vision blurred, his head began pounding and he was so close to vomiting that he rolled onto his side and hung his head over the bedframe, certain he was about to puke. The concept of Ville dying was too horrific to contemplate, and tears pricked at Bam’s eyes as his mind spiraled out of control. He’d only known Ville Valo a couple of weeks - barely even knew the guy in the wider scheme of things - but life without him was already unthinkable. Suddenly Bam needed to see Ville and nothing was going to stand in his fucking way. He struggled to his feet, wincing as pain shot through his ribcage and vertigo got his head spinning all over again, but used the bedframe to steady himself. He looked Doctor Thomas directly in the eye.

“Where’s Ville? I need to see him!”

He was expecting jibes and rejection but the doctor smiled and patted his shoulder.

“That’s exactly where I’m taking you Margera. Think you’re up to the journey?”

“You bet the fuck I am!”

That was a lie. The reality of the situation was that Bam felt shaky, queasy and weak. He didn’t remember that last time he’d eaten - presumed they’d stuck a drip in his arm to keep him nourished - but under normal circumstances he doubted he’d be able to walk more than a couple of feet without falling over. The prospect of seeing Ville, however, fuelled his determination. Nothing was going to prevent him from getting to wherever the fuck it was Ville was being held. He needed to know what kind of state his friend was in…

In spite of his injuries the guards saw fit to pull his arms behind his back, cuff his wrists and Bam’s legs did indeed give way halfway down the corridor outside his cell. The two hulking brutes spent the rest of the journey supporting him as the Doctor guided the little procession back towards the infirmary. They eventually stopped outside a bolted metal door with a glass window cut into it at eye level, and the guards removed the handcuffs as the doctor unlocked it. Bam was expecting company during his visit but instead found himself pushed roughly into the room. He fell over again as the door slammed shut and the sound of the bolts being rammed home reverberated around the room. He dragged himself wearily to his feet and peered around.

The room was sparse, small, windowless and not particularly warm. It smelt of piss, disinfectant and illness. There was a bed pushed up against the wall, a bedside table housing a plastic bottle of water, a couple of cameras rigged up in the corners of the ceiling, and Ville!

The faded bedclothes were pulled up to Ville’s chin. His face was ghost white with a nasty, bluish pallor and he was covered in a sheen of sweat, in spite of the room’s chill. Ville’s expression wasn't peaceful and although Bam could see his chest rising and falling below the blankets, his breathing seemed shallow. Bam could hear the ragged intake of breath from across the room.

If it wasn’t for that Bam might have been convinced he was looking at a corpse. His stomach churned as he approached the bed, knelt on the floor next to the patient, and gently brushed a lock of sweaty hair out of Ville’s face. He wasn’t expecting a response, was convinced Ville was unconscious, but to his surprise and immense relief Ville’s eyelids flickered. The fascinating, emerald green eyes were dulled grey and took a moment to focus but, as Ville realised who was next to him, the worrying grimace distorting his features fleetingly turned into an expression of absolute delight. It melted Bam’s heart.

"Hey Ville, how you doing?”

Ville smiled. “I’m doing just great Bam Bam, can’t you tell?”

In spite of his joy and relief at seeing Ville alive, Bam couldn’t convince his face to adopt the necessary pose.

“What the fuck have they done to you, Ville? You look like shit!”

Bam instantly regretted his words as all the light vanished from Ville’s face.

“You don't want to know right now. It'll only depress you. Just tell me what happened to you. Why didn’t you just jump off that goddamned wall and run?”

The accusing tone in Ville’s voice annoyed Bam and he spat out his next words with more force than he intended.

“Because they shot you Ville! How could I just run off into the night knowing my best friend was injured and bleeding and at the mercy of this fucking place?”

The frown on Ville’s face turned into an outright scowl and he messily pulled himself into a sitting position, cursing under his breath the whole time. Bam couldn’t help noting that he was bare-chested and that annoyed him even more. Couldn’t the fuckers even give him something to wear?

“You could have gone for help Bam! You could have got me out of this fucking hellhole and into a proper hospital. Then I might have got proper…”

Bam didn’t let him finish.

“I’d have probably died in that blizzard Ville! Then where would you be?”

“So why did we even bother trying to escape Bam? The whole plan was fucked from the start. Your fucking plan!”

Bam couldn’t understand Ville’s animosity and he really didn’t want to argue right now, not with both of them so weak and beaten up. If they were going to survive the immediate future in this place, they needed to be strong and united.

“How’s your leg, Ville? It looked pretty nasty from where I was standing.”

Abruptly, Ville folded his arms and buried his face in his shoulder. The extremely negative body language was a strong indicator that whatever was coming next wouldn’t be good, and Bam mentally steeled himself.

“That’s the thing, Bam. It’s why they brought you here. They want me to tell you something?”

Ville’s words were muffled by the close proximity of his mouth to his flesh, and Bam struggled to make out his words.

“Speak up man, I can’t hear you!”

The words came out sounding pissed off and Ville’s head whipped round in response. For a moment the dullness in his eyes vanished, replaced by a steely green glare. There was anger flashing in those eyes, and Bam wondered if it was totally aimed at him.

“They want to know which one of us made the plan! The plan to escape. I wouldn’t tell them so they cut off the morphine. The pain never goes away Bam. It’s terrible but …”

Bam surged to his feet, furious. Of all the sick things he’d encountered in the Facility, this had to be the sickest. Depriving an injured person of vital medication was about as low as it was possible for human beings to sink, but what the fuck could he do about it? Except…

“It was my idea Ville, we both fucking know it. I’ll confess as soon as somebody walks back in this goddamned room. There’s no way I’m gonna let you suffer any more than you have! I’m gonna confess and…”

Ville’s voice cut through the turmoil and fury in his head. Cut through like ice.

“You won’t Bam, because Governor Jones told me what he’d do to you if you confessed. If it’s me who confesses, the deal gets a little easier.”

Bam got a bad premonition, more than an inkling of where this was going. Ville and Governor Jones was not a great combination at any time, but what had Jones promised him in return for a confession?

“What’s he gonna do to you Ville?”

Ville’s expression was unreadable, deadpan, but then a bead of sweat rolled down his face.


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
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