Jun 26, 2006 02:35

Pairing: Vam
Rating: No idea. Swearing, violence and PLENTY of n/c sex.
Disclaimer: It never happened, it never will, I don’t own the characters, blah blah blah. It’s pure, alt.universe action.
Summary: Ville made a mistake and now he's in a sinister correctional facility which seems to operate way outside the laws of the land. And guess who his cellmate is...
Notes: Am I a total pervert? I think the answer to that is a resounding YES!!

Feedback is SEX!


Bam leaped to his feet as the guard’s voice sounded outside the door. It wasn’t locked, it was never locked, but the guard wouldn’t dare come in for a while yet, nervous of what he might be interrupting. Which meant they had a little time…

He looked around wildly. Jones was still on the floor, out cold, Ville was still sitting on the bed, looking up at him with wide, terrified eyes. And they had to move damned quick!

“Help me get Jones on the bed.”

Ville just stared, as though he was in some kind of daze, and Bam felt like slapping him back to alertness. Instead he reached out, grabbed Ville’s shirt and hauled him roughly to his feet.

“Ville man, that guard’s gonna come in here pretty soon and we have to make it look like Jones is too busy to speak. Got it?”

Ville nodded dumbly but clearly he hadn’t got it at all.

“Just help me get him on the bed, then pull his pants down and make it look like you’re giving him the best blow of his life.”

Ville’s eyes got even wider and he opened his mouth to protest, but Bam silenced him with a rough finger to his lips.

“It’s just pretend buddy. It’s the only way we’re gonna buy ourselves some extra time and remember, that goddamned guard is right outside the door so shut the fuck up!”

Together they heaved Jones’s unconscious body onto the bed and Bam watched as Ville unzipped his pants, pulled them down and, using his arms to shield what he was actually doing, lowered his face into the vicinity of Jones’s crotch, grimacing as though he was about to puke. Bam nearly smiled at the irony of it. If Jones had only been awake, he’d have thought all his Christmases had come at once…

“Governor Jones?”

The voice was louder this time and the door knob began to rattle. Suddenly thankful he was still bollock naked, Bam leaped onto the bed and straddled Jones’s head. He wound his fingers into the Governor’s lank hair, pulled the slack mouth onto his cock and began moaning as though he was building towards the best orgasm of his life, pausing only to hiss at Ville to do the same.

He watched from the corner of his eye as the door to the office finally cracked open and the guard’s inquisitive head popped round, his eyes widening at the sight confronting him. Bam arched his spine in feigned ecstasy, moaned loudly for added effect, threw his head back and caught the man’s eye.

“The Governor can’t speak at the moment, Sir, as you can see!” He remembered to pant a little as he said it, impressed by his own acting ability, and the guard reddened and beat a hasty retreat, closing the door softly after himself.

Bam pulled his limp cock from Jones’s mouth and swung round to see how Ville was doing. Ville was kneeling at the foot of the bed, staring at the Governor with a glazed expression and he looked a little green around the gills. Bam grinned.

“Ville man, we did it, that guard won’t be coming back for a while!”

“What exactly did we do Bam? Buy ourselves another hour in this shit hole, waiting for this bastard to wake up and start shouting?”

Bam sighed. Ville really didn’t know jack, which wasn’t surprising given he’d been here less than a week. He walked over to his pile of clothes in the corner and pulled them on quickly. Then he went over to the door and slowly, silently, inch by excruciating inch, edged it open just enough to see through. As he’d expected, the Governor’s office was empty. The guards would be waiting out in the hallway, probably sleeping. Bam turned to Ville and grinned again.

“What I’ve just bought us is an hour in Jones’s office.”

Ville’s dour expression took some of the shine off his triumph. “So what?”

“So what? Ville man, he’s got a computer out there, the internet, you know?”

Ville brightened considerably and he stood up in a rush.

“I couldn’t call Finland but I can fucking email someone!”

He brushed past Bam and strode into the outer room, over to Jones’s desk and the neat laptop, and began tapping at the keyboard, peering somewhat myopically at the small screen. Bam watched him for a moment before creeping over to the door which led into the corridor, listening intently. He was greeted by the unmistakable sound of snoring and smiled triumphantly. Suddenly remembering the CCTV monitor, also sitting on Jones’s desk, he realised this was a perfect opportunity to check out the facility, camera by camera, and try to find any areas of weakness or, God forbid, escape.

Turning back into the room, he froze in his tracks as his saw the expression on Ville’s face. Ville was staring at the computer screen, white as a sheet and shaking visibly.

“Ville, what’s wrong?” Bam forced himself to whisper.

No answer, Ville just continued gazing blankly at the monitor. A moment later Bam was by his side and, just like Ville, he froze at the sight which confronted him.

It was a photo gallery, not so unusual on a PC, except every picture was of Ville and in every shot he was semi-naked, heavily made up and posing provocatively for the camera. Most of them were publicity shots, but the fact Jones had acquired so many of them in such a short space of time was a clear indication of his intentions. Even though his cock stiffened instantly at the sight of the images - Ville was one Goddamned hot motherfucker - the greater part of Bam felt sick. And if this was enough to make him queasy, what the fuck must his cellmate be feeling? He put his hands on Ville’s trembling shoulders and massaged them gently, trying to show his support.

“Ville, I think you should close that folder and try to find his email account.”

Ville nodded and a couple of clicks later he’d opened Jones’s email client and begun pecking urgently at the keys, muttering and swearing softly under his breath at the lack of proper accents. Bam didn’t understand what he was writing so turned his attention to the CCTV monitor. It took him a moment to figure out how it worked, but by punching in a number and swiveling a joystick he could view pretty much every main area inside the facility from different angles. There were cameras in the kitchen, the laundry, the dining room, the chapel, the classrooms, the showers, a couple of the corridors - Bam recognised them as the ones in the immediate vicinity of this office - and as he clicked on the final button he jumped in surprise and cursed. This time the screen showed a view of Jones sprawled on a bed and, as Bam moved the joystick slowly, he realised there were at least four cameras inside the bedroom. Cameras so well concealed he’d never spotted them in all his countless sessions with the Governor. And why would Jones have cameras in the bedroom anyway, with nobody sitting at the desk to monitor the activities, unless…

“That sick fuck!”

In disgust, Bam spoke louder than he should have and Ville shushed him urgently.

“Sorry man, but he’s got cameras in that bedroom, and that means…”

“It means…” Ville didn’t sound very interested, he’d gone back to his email, squinting at the monitor as he tapped in a seemingly never-ending stream of recipients.

“This is going to every email address I can remember or guess at,” he growled. “Family, friends, management, record company, journalists… Every fucker in Finland is going to know about this place!”

Bam wanted to make him understand, to scream how Jones was recording his depraved little sex sessions with his prisoners, but he could say his piece later. Right now it was imperative Ville got the email sent without further interruption and then another thought occurred to him. If Jones was filming himself, he must be recording too, which meant there had to be a stash of tapes somewhere. Bam didn’t believe the CCTV system was hi-tech enough to be digital so he began looking through the Governor’s desk, rummaging through drawers. If Jones was so upfront about the filming, it was unlikely he’d bother hiding the recordings and his suspicions were confirmed when he found a stash of mini-cassettes in the bottom drawer. Flicking through them, he found a couple with his name scrawled across them in black marker pen. He recognised the other names on them as well - six other prisoners who were called to see Jones regularly. Bam wondered when the Governor watched these things. When he went home for the weekend? Upstairs in his facility apartment after he’d finished work? During office hours? Was he even bothered that should they find their way into the outside world his career would be over and prosecution would swiftly follow?

Bam shook his head in wonder. How could anybody be this goddamned careless? It was as though Jones knew he’d never be found out; the facility would never be found out… A movement on the TV monitor caught his eye and his heart lurched as he glanced at it and saw the Governor beginning to come round.

“Ville man, just send that fucking thing. Jones is waking up!”

Ville hit a key with a flourish and several seconds later the email was sent.

“Now delete it!”

Ville looked at him like he was mad, and Bam tried to keep his voice calm as he explained.

“So he won’t see it in the send box man! If he knows you got an email out, he’ll have time to prepare!”

Ville grunted, tapped, and all traces of the mail vanished. Then he frowned, tapped some more and a few moments later all the images in Jones’s perve folder were gone as well. Bam grinned. That would make Jones mad as hell, but he didn’t blame Ville for doing it one little bit.

“Now what?” Ville sounded anxious but also more than a little elated.

Bam shrugged. “I guess we make a run for it.”

Ville snorted, stood, strode back into the bedroom and a moment later he returned with a wooden candle stand hefted in each hand. He offered one to Bam.

“I’m up for that!”


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
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