Apr 08, 2006 01:57

Pairing: Vam
Rating: No idea. Swearing, violence and PLENTY of n/c sex.
Disclaimer: It never happened, it never will, I don’t own the characters, blah blah blah. It’s pure, alt.universe action.
Summary: Ville made a mistake and now he's in a sinister correctional facility which seems to operate way outside the laws of the land. And guess who his cellmate is...
Notes: Am I a total pervert? I think the answer to that is a resounding YES! Comments urgently!


Governor Jones hung up the telephone with a smile. He’d spent a very satisfying five minutes speaking to Doctor Thomas, who’d just finished up with their newest prisoner, Valo. According to the doctor the pretty Finnish boy was in good health, aside from an asthma condition which would require him to carry medication at all times. The doctor had approved that - he’d also asked that Valo be brought to see him twice a week for check ups and Governor Jones had grinned as he’d authorized the request. The doctor wanted Valo for more than updates on his asthma but hell, there was plenty of him to go round…

He glanced down at the notes he’d made during the conversation: ‘anal exam: compliant’, ‘FSP: restrained’. That was promising too. Most new arrivals went ballistic as soon as the doctor got anywhere near their arse; but Valo had allowed himself to be intimately touched, and more, with barely a murmur. And while he’d balked at the second part of the sex exam, and got himself restrained as a result, the doctor had enthusiastically explained how the patient had come three times in his hand which, to Governor Jones’ way of thinking, meant he was quite happy being tied up and handled by men. Not that he should have been surprised by that, given the charge on Valo’s rap sheet. And even though he’d been drunk and pleading ignorance at the time of his arrest - and subsequently - what he’d been caught doing was clearly not the mistake he was claiming.

He glanced at the little TV monitor on the corner of his desk then reached out and flipped through the various CCTV cameras until he found the one which was trained on the corridor outside his office. Valo was out there, slumped on a bench with a guard on each side of him. His chin was on his chest, he was handcuffed again - a result of trying to attack the doctor the minute he’d been let up off the examination bench - and wearing standard issue prison garb; dull, shapeless and far too big for his slender frame. Something would have to be done about that: Governor Jones didn’t want this luscious young acquisition looking like a sack of potatoes, at least not in his presence. He picked up the phone again and dialed the stores department, telling them to locate the clothes Valo had been wearing at his time of admission, and to find out his sizes.

He hung up and stole another look at the CCTV. Valo hadn’t moved - in fact it looked like he might be asleep or passed out. Well, he could sit out there for a little longer. Governor Jones pulled his laptop closer and hit a key to get it out of sleep mode. He’d been intrigued enough by Valo’s charge sheet to make a few online investigations the night before. In the nationality box was the word ‘Finnish’ and in the ‘occupation’ box ‘professional musician. Singer, HIM’. It hadn’t taken the Governor long to see this was no mere wishful thinking, or exaggeration on his prisoner’s part. Simply typing the words Ville Valo into a search engine had brought up a bewildering number of websites, forums, MP3s and picture files. A quick foray into a couple of the sites revealed just how famous, successful and talented this prisoner was. He might be unknown in the US but the band he sang with, HIM, were very big news in Europe and that excited the Governor. It was clear from those websites just how adored and lusted after Valo was, with very good reason, and Governor Jones had him all to himself for the next 30 days, though very likely a lot longer than that.

Jones wasn’t about to let somebody like Valo out of his clutches quickly, though he was also mindful of his prisoner’s celebrity status on the outside. Valo’s people weren’t likely to let him rot in the Facility indefinitely but a few months could be easily justified and were more than enough to satisfy the Governor, not to mention the rest of the committee. The situation just needed to be handled with discretion and tact and Mister Jones had years of experience in those departments.

The Governor tapped more keys on his laptop in order to access the folder he’d made last night. He’d realised, during his long, nocturnal internet session, just how many photographs of Valo were available. And if Jones had found him almost unbearably hot in the car park - bleeding, bruised, angry and restrained - some of the press and publicity shots had nearly blown his mind. The ones he’d saved all featured Valo semi-naked, made-up, wearing impossibly tight, low-cut pants, posing provocatively - a sexy, slutty professional who knew exactly how to fuck the camera. Governor Jones’ cock twitched as he looked through them again, marvelling at Valo’s delicate features, his incredible beauty: the cat-like eyes, the pink, pouting lips, the waxy white skin, the boyish physique, the intriguing tattoos… The Governor’s hand slipped inside his pants and, almost unconsciously, began caressing his cock.

The phone ringing pulled him up sharp and he snapped the lid of the laptop down before answering. It was only the stores department telling him they’d located Valo’s clothes and Jones jotted down the sizes, surprised at how tall and unbelievably skinny the prisoner was. No wonder they’d had trouble finding clothes to fit him…

He hung up and again looked at the CCTV monitor. No change outside his door, though now it seemed as though the guards were beginning to doze off too. He punched a button irritably - the one that made a buzzer sound in the corridor - alerting them that they could now bring the prisoner in. A moment later the door was pushed open and Valo was practically dragged into the room. He didn’t try to resist and when the guards pulled him to a halt in front of Jones’ desk and let go of his arms, he kept his head down and swayed as though he was about to fall over. Jones was a little alarmed. Hadn’t the doctor just told him Valo was in perfect health?

“What’s wrong with you, Valo?”

He didn’t answer but his legs buckled and the guards caught him just before he slumped to the floor. They looked at their superior questioningly.

“Well don’t just stand there, fetch him a chair!”

One of the guards raised an eyebrow before doing as he was bid, since this was totally against established protocol. Prisoners were required to stand before the Governor - naked if he was feeling particularly sadistic - but there was clearly something wrong with this Finnish ‘rock star’ and he wasn’t taking any chances with his prize possession. Jones watched as a chair was dragged before his desk and Valo was pushed down onto it. Once again the guards were looking at him, awaiting their orders. If new prisoners seemed unruly then they generally stayed in the room, but Valo looked more likely to pass out than offer any kind of resistance.

“Take those cuffs off him and wait outside, I’ll call you if I need you.”

They did as they were told and Governor Jones got up and moved around his desk, perching on the edge nearest Valo, watching as his prisoner hunched forward and rubbed at his bandaged wrists. Valo’s dark hair was hanging over his face - long, damp and unkempt - and he was visibly trembling. The Governor repeated his earlier question.

“What’s wrong with you, Valo?”

No response, just more wrist rubbing.

“If you don’t tell me I’ll have to send you back to the doctor.”

He hadn’t meant it as a threat, but it got a startling reaction. Valo jerked his head up and shook the hair out of his face. He was pale and sweating, more bruises were beginning to blossom on his face, but his piercing green eyes were glittering with fury and his expression made Jones want to take a few steps backwards.

“Next time I see that fucker, I’m going to kill him!”

The Governor smiled. “You’d better get that idea out of your head Valo, for your own good, because you’ll be seeing Doctor Thomas twice a week from now on, so that he can monitor your asthma.”

“So he can strap me down and toss me off!”

It was a statement of fact and Valo sounded disgusted. But also weary and, the Governor hoped, more than a little resigned. Which was good. Much as he enjoyed watching new prisoners resist, it got pretty tiresome after a while. But it seemed Valo was already learning. Smart boy!

But he couldn’t shake the feeling there was something wrong with this prisoner, and he needed to find out what it was. If a short session with the doctor had provoked a worrying reaction like this, Jones might find his own style severely compromised… He tried again.


The steely green gaze swept round to meet his own.

“If you tell me what’s wrong, why you seem on the verge of collapse, maybe I can do something about it.”

Valo watched him for a moment, considering, and his top lip curled up into a sneer as he finally spoke.

“I’m no medical expert, Governor, but I think it may have something to do with not eating for two days or more, getting no sleep last night, enjoying another beating from the guards in the doctor’s office then getting wanked off three times. Sex can be exhausting, or didn’t you know?”

Jones bristled but managed to brush aside the patronising tone in Valo’s voice; that final, insulting jibe. Valo could pay for all that later on - right here in this office. But first he had to be sure his prisoner was strong and healthy enough to meet the demands which would shortly be made on him.

“You were fed last night, Valo. Why didn’t you eat?”

“Because it would have poisoned me! I was stupid enough to get myself locked up in here, but I’m not that fucking stupid!”

Again, Jones ignored the insubordination. For the moment…

“Okay Valo. When we’re done here I’ll have the guards take you to the dining hall and they’ll make sure you eat. After that you can go back to your room for the day; sleep all you like, and make the most of it because this is the first and only time I’m making an exception to the rules.”

“Don’t do me any fucking favours…” Valo scowled and looked away.

The Governor’s instinct was to march over to his prisoner, grab him by the hair, jerk his head back and watch his reaction as he was told, in no uncertain terms, just what an attitude like that earned you in the Facility. Instead he folded his arms and slowly, calmly explained the rules to Valo; going over the daily routine, what was expected of prisoners and the range of punishments available when they failed to comply.

Valo kept his head averted the whole time but the Governor knew he was listening. He smiled, certain his next words would get a reaction.

“And Valo, you’ve only been with us a short while but you’ve already broken several rules. I can’t be any more lenient with you than I already have been, so I’m afraid you’ll have to pay the consequences.”

Valo snapped his head round but there was no fear in his expression, which was disappointing. In fact, Valo was smirking a little as he spoke.

“I’ve already heard how the system works, Governor. How many extra days do I get for objecting to a sexual assault, or resisting a beating? How many extra days do I get for telling you how you’re a creepy fucking pervert? You’d do well to remember, Governor, that no matter how long you try and keep me here, I have people on the outside who'll come looking for me. And believe me, you’ll be totally fucked when they find me!”

Valo spat out the words with such sincerity that Governor Jones felt a flutter of fear in his belly. Was this man really capable of getting him exposed, of blowing the whistle on his corrupt little empire? No, he wasn’t! A moment later his smug confidence was back, along with mild anger at how Valo had made him doubt himself and his methods, even for a split second. He punched the buzzer on his desk and the guards marched back in.

“Seize that fucker!” He barked at them and they grabbed Valo, none to gently, and hauled him to his feet.

Governor Jones was appalled. This prisoner had caused him to temporarily lose control and now he was going to pay for it! He approached Valo, firmly held between the two beefy guards, but Valo wasn’t struggling and didn’t seem in any way afraid. He simply gazed at Jones with that infuriatingly cool expression, sneering slightly, making it clear as day that no matter what they chose to do to him, he’d be able to handle it.

Jones stood right before him, arms folded, and delivered his speech.

“Okay Valo, for insubordination and lack of proper respect towards your superior, I’m giving you five extra days.”

Valo snorted his contempt and Jones carried on.

“Disobeying the doctor gets you an extra three days, trying to punch the doctor gets you an extra three days, and flushing perfectly good food down the toilet is an extra two. That’s nearly two weeks already! Carry on like this Valo, and you’ll be spending a lot more time with us than you reckoned.”

Valo spat on the floor and Jones was running out of options. Prisoners weren’t supposed to act like this; they were supposed to be frightened, compliant, desperate to get out… This man didn’t seem to give a damn what he was threatened with, or how long he spent inside the Facility.

Jones tried a final tactic; sure this one would get a proper reaction. He stuck his hand down Valo’s baggy pants, located his cock and began rubbing it slowly, provocatively, feeling it stiffen in his hand. He looked Valo in the eye - their faces inches apart - as he gave the guards their instructions; how they were to take the prisoner to the dining hall and make sure he ate, then take him to his room. He dragged out the orders but Valo didn’t flinch throughout and his insolent expression didn’t drop for a moment.

“You know what Governor, your technique is lousy!”

Jones whipped his hand out of Valo’s pants, stung by the words, and he slapped his prisoner hard across his face.

“I’m going to enjoy you Valo! Don’t you forget it, you fucking foreign arsehole!”

“Sticks and stones, Governor…”

Valo actually had the audacity to laugh and Jones waved impatiently at the guards to get him out of the room. The door slammed shut and he prowled back to the chair behind his desk; unsettled and deeply humiliated. He wanted Valo to pay dearly for what he’d just said and done, but none of the usual methods seemed to be working! For several minutes Jones was at a total loss as he sat at his desk, absently scrolling through the pictures of Valo on his laptop, feeling his cock stiffen again in spite of his concerns.

And slowly an idea came to him. He picked up the phone and punched the number which connected him to the kitchens. A guard answered.

“Have Margera brought to my office straight away.”

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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