For You 616

Feb 21, 2007 16:08

Title: For You
Author: Crimsonyght666
Pairing: Ville/Bam and others.
Rating: PG/PG-13
Summary: Both are close to getting married. But will either of them stop it? (summary sucks, now you know why I don't like writing one, besides they give the story away. Unless you are one of those people who are great at making summaries than lucky you.)
Disclaimer: Don't own don't sue, all that jazz.
(ps: sorry for taking so long to update on this story.)

Previous Chapters:
Ch.1 Love You Like I Do
Ch.2 For You
Ch.3 Wicked Game
Ch.4 Our Diabolikal Rapture
Ch.5 In Love and Lonely

a/n: Okay, I'm looking for someone, anyone, who is willing to be a beta for me for any of my stories, I don't care which one, but I really really need someone who is willing to edit my shitty stories, if so it would be very very appreciated.

Chapter Six

Your Sweet Six Six Six

There are things you should know
And the distance between us seems to grow
But you're holding on strong
And, oh, how hard it is to let go, oh, so hard to let go

We made it to the airport, and went inside, it wasn't as crowded as it usually was, but it was still none-the-less, full of passengers going to their gates or coming from them.

Walking silently side-by-side, we made it towards my gate, where the rest of the HIM band was. I almost forgot that they had come along to Bam's with me. Looks like they had gotten a ride from Dunn, since he was sitting there talking to Linde and Gas, about God knows what.

"Hei." I muttered as we reached my friends. I sat down in an empty chair beside Burton, Bam, following suit, who had been quiet this whole time, which to me is very unusual, since he is usually very talkative around the guys and always laughing and making jokes, fooling around, just being Bam.

"What's wrong Bammie?" I asked him, using the pet name I had given him years ago, during a drunken night, and it just seemed to stick after that.

"Nothing." His voice sounded strained, and I immediately began to worry.

"Bam-Bam, come here." I told him embracing him in a hug.

He stiffened against me for a moment before collapsing into my arms, silent tears streaming down his face, wetting the front of my shirt with the warm salty liquid. "There, there." I was confused and worried as to why he was crying, I wanted to know what was wrong, but was afraid of pushing it to far.

I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your
Six six six in my heart
And I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
Six six six in my heart (oh, my heart)

"Everything..." He muttered.

I looked around to see if anyone noticed, but all I got were a couple of baffled looks from my band mates, and a 'what’s-going-on?' looks from Mige.

"What do you mean, 'everything', sweetheart?" I asked him trying to soothe him.

"Don't say that!" He hissed, moving back away from me.

I gave him a puzzled look. "Don't say what?"

"Don't say that, when you don't mean it."

"Bam... Please, what’s wrong?" I asked him, concern for my friend growing more, our flight was being called, reluctantly I got up, and walked over to Bam who was standing near the windows, spacing out, as he just stared and stared out to where the planes were.

I'm losing my faith in you
But you don't want it to be true
But there's nothing you can do
There is no thing you can do - yes, I've lost my faith in you

"Ville, just leave okay?" He muttered, not even bothering to give a glance my way, to see just how much those words had hurt me.

I felt a stab of hurt, it broke my heart, not knowing what was wrong, but having him not want me around? That was more than I could bear. "Don't expect me to visit or talk to you again, Brandon." I said harshly before walking away, heading towards my gate.

I felt my face heat up, and my eyes sting, tears wanting to be unshed out, but I blinked them back as best I could, I walked onto the plane taking my seat near Lily, who had his stuff already above the seats, and was reading a book.

Pulling my notepad out, I began scribbling down words, then it lead to me writing a letter to Bam. When I saw what I was doing I started to scratch it out, but stopped about halfway through, when maybe this was a wake-up call for the both of us, I couldn't keep living a lie like this any longer.

So I began my letter to Bam, most of where what I thought about him, and that it was true that I do like love him. Also writing that he don't hate me for it, and if he doesn't feel the same that I still at least wanted to be friends and salvage that at least.

Waiting for your call
And I'm ready to take your six six six in my heart
And I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
Six six six in my heart
Right here in this heart

Right here in this heart
I'm lonely

I felt myself start to doze off, mainly from all the 'exhaustion' of today and from lack of sleep. I let the pen roll away, which I really could care less, I had a million others back at my apartment and more in my bag.

I watched as the clouds drifted by, the hum of the planes engine lulling me to sleep.

And I know it's too late
Oh, my god you're so lonely

I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your
Six six six in my heart
And I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
Six six six in my heart
I'm ready for the fall and I'm ready to take your
Six six six in my heart
Longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
Six six six in my heart
Right here in this heart
Right straight through my heart
Oh, right here in my heart


Comment please.
Sorry for the shortness.
But in the meantime...

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