For You

Jan 17, 2007 15:28

Title: For You
Pairing: VAM (Ville/Bam)
Rating: PG-PG-13
Declaimer: Dont own never happened, I sure as Hell wished... but dont. And of course all song lyrics belong to Ville Valo and HIM.
Summary: Marriage is close for the both of them, but will either of them stop it? (yes I know summary sucks. Now you see why I don't write summaries other than they give the story away???!!!)

Previous Chapters:


a/n: Im going to have an alternate ending. YEAH THATS RIGHT. Im having an alternate ending. why? Cuz everytime I think about it now I laugh my fucking ass off. SOOO yeah. Oh and sorry for my Bad Suomi(Finnish) But I'm not that great at speaking it period. I only got a couple/few words mesmerized... but that's pretty much it... so if some of the sentences I use in here are not grammatically/gender specific or anything please bear with me, 'cause I don't have an actual tutor... or anything, I'm just sorta teaching myself, with some 'how to say' or dictionaries w/e to help.... (Damn you Washington, and your limited selection of languages....) Oh and like a whole lot of Languages theres different dialecs to Finnish, not alot but there is, just like Italian has Different dialecs(10-20 to be more exact... srry I forgot the actuall #...) but anyways those 2 languauges r completely different, so If Im using a mix of Different dialect, then if you could help me with my horrible Finnish than I'd be eternally grateful.

okay before we start this is what the translation is for some of the Finnish sentences or w/e. Again sorry if this isn't 'correct' but like I said I don't have an actual tutor or anything...

'Olen sellainen joku hutiloida.'- means: I'm such a screw up.

For You


In the grace of your love I writhe in pain
In 666 ways I love you and I hope you feel the same

I'm for you
I'm for you

I grabbed a couple of asprin that I usually kept around, when I woke up with a hangover or had a really bad headache. I swallowed them dry grimacing at the slight taste they left behind.

I sat at the edge of my bed holding my head between my hands, staring at the floor thinking random thoughts, of almost practically everything that I needed to think about. "Olen sellainen joku hutiloida." I mumbled exhaustedly through my hands.

"Ville? Aren't you going to come downstairs?" I looked up to see Bam standing in the door way, hair dripping from his recent shower onto his shirt causing that to get soaked.

"Yeah, In a second, let me get my fags." I mumbled, reaching for the pack in my coat pocket.

I need to get a new pack soon.... I thought looking at my almost empty pack of ciggaretts.

"Come on." He gestured with his hand for me to follow.

"What is it this time Bam?" I asked boredly.

"I Have a suprise for every one tonight. I want every body to be there, and since you're one of my best friends I thought that you should help me out with tonight." He said slinging an arm around my shoulders grinning.

"And may I ask, what is this suprise you have for everybody?" I asked taking a fag out of the pack, placing it between my lips I lit it with one of the lighters I carried around with me.

"Well, the suprise is mainly for Missy but I don't want anyone knowing either so, all I'm asking is for you to help me set this place up, you know, make it look nice." I gave him a quizzical look, but he just stared right back not giving the slightest hint as to what he was going on about.

We finally made it down the stairs, Bam walked over to April who was sitting at the Dinner table having a conversation with Phil. "Ape, I need you and Ville to help me set this house up nice. I got rid of the guys for the day, their with Missy trying to keep her... Occupied..." he informed his mother.

"You actually want the house set up nicely?" She asked her son with suprise.

I was just standing there confused as hell, wondering what he's been going on about. Why would Bam want the house to be set up nicely? What was he planning for Missy? All these questions swam around my head as I took a long drag of my ciggarette contemplating whether, it was her birthday ('cause personally I don't give a damn and I forgot it...), or he might ask her something completely different. It was a thought I was most willing trying to avoid.

I'm killing myself for your love and again all is lost
In 777 ways I love you 'til my death do us part

"Yeah, all I'm asking is for a nice dinner and then I want everyone to get gathered in the living room." He explained.

"Oh, oh my..." April trailed off as she looked at her son with wide eyes.

"Ape, it's not what you're thinking..." Bam trailed off clearing his throat nervously.

"I won't tell any one I promise sweety." She said giving him a knowing smile.

"What do you think I've got planned?" he asked her arching an eyebrow.

"I don't think I should say what I think in front of Phil and Ville, since you said you wanted to keep it a suprise until tonight...." She trailed off giving her son a motherly hug.

"Okay! Enough with the loving." Bam said smiling softly to her.

As for me, I was kinda apathetic about the whole thing. I was still some-what suprised that they still remembered that I was still alived, still existed and was still in the same room with them... I looked up at Bam wide-eyed as a thought just struck me. He's going to ask her for her hand in marriage. No, no he's not that sort of guy to be doing that... Stop thinking like that Valo, he won't, he wouldn't. I quickly avoided the look Bam was giving me. "Uhhh, yeah let's get going..." I said quickly trying to shrug off the deep feeling that was in the pit of my stomach, the feeling that I knew that I was right.

I'm for you - and I'm dying for your love
I'm for you - and my heaven is wherever you are
I'm for you - and I'm dying for your love
I'm for you - and my heaven is wherever you are

"Yeah, It's already 1pm. I don't think the guys can keep her entertained forever." Bam said chuckling.

I put out my fag in a near by ash tray, and followed Bam out to the Kitchen with April. Fuck, he better not be doing what I think he's going to be doing tonight... Bammie please don't do this, If you do than you would be making me even more miserable, I really want to be the one for you Bam, why have you chosen her over me? Why? If you do then maybe I'll have to take the alternate choice of suicide... Marry Jonna, maybe than I can forget about my feelings for you, But I know they'll always be there haunting me, I just hope that I'm wrong...

In 666 ways I love you and my heaven is wherever
you are

"Here let me set up the table, I have a pretty good Idea what sort of stuff you would like the table to be adorned in." April said smiling happily.

"I probably should get dressed in better clothes, you to Ville, and call the guys up so they look some-what decent and have them get Missy dressed up in a dress or something." Bam said running towards the stairs.

"Bam... What exactly are you planning?" I asked hesitantly.

"You'll find out soon enough." He said moving his gaze from me to look up the stairs.

"Fine..." I said bitterly moving past him up the stairs. "Just tell me how Formal you want me dressed." I muttered going up into the spare room.

"Not too formal, more causual but still, you know nice..." He replied walking down to his room.

"I just hope I'm wrong Bam-Bam." I muttered to myself before entering my room.

I'm here for you - I am here for you
I'm here for you - I am here for you
I'm here for you - I am here for you
I'm here for you - I am here for you

Read the authors note that was way above, please.

COMMENT OR I'LL SEND A PACK OF RABID BUNNIES TO HOLD VILLE AND BAM HOSTAGE! okay I won't... don't wanna ruin ville's purdy face... but they can go after jonna and missy for getting in between true love *cough*villeandbam*cough*
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