
Feb 21, 2007 16:56

“Nothing Matters”

Author: Jordan (insane-pyro-grl)
Disclaimer: I don’t own the people mentioned in this fic, and since it’s fiction: it’s not true.
Rating: PG - 13 for the mentioning of the word ‘fuck’ a few times.
Word Count: 802
Summary: The story of the bride-to-be, and how their relationship came to be. Secrets were kept by both parties, but only one of them knew the truth. No matter what happened, she would stand by his side, even it involved her being hurt in the process.
Pairings: Brandon Margera / Ville Valo & implied Brandon Margera / Melissa Rothstein
Notes: How come you guys comment the fuck out of my chapter stories, but no one comments the one-shots and prompts? If you read it, love it, comment it.

“Nothing Matters”

She had known. All along she’d known and had said nothing about it, as long as he was happy. In all honesty, the first time she saw the ink adorning his abdomen, she’d known right then and there that his relationship with the singer wasn’t all that platonic. When she saw his new house, full of pictures of the two men and the grand picture above the mantelpiece that was like a shrine to this foreign man, her assumptions were confirmed. Even with her knowledge, she went along with the masquerade, as absurd as it might be, because she wanted to make her best friend happy. That’s what he’s been to her all these years, the best friend she’s ever had.

Even when he’d gotten down on one knee and asked her to marry him, she knew his full heart wasn’t in it, and yet she accepted anyway. The day their relationship began, she knew she was the cover-up for their late night rendezvous whenever the rock star was in the area. With her eyes closed, she pretended not to feel the weight rise out of bed, the heat escape the sheets, the door clicking shut, and the love of her life slip out of her grasp. They both said nothing about it, and therefore, he didn’t know that she knew about his true love. She knew since when they were still chubby teenagers living in West Chester, that he never wanted to discuss his sexuality. If anyone ever called him ‘fag’ he just came up with another retort such as ‘cocksucker!’ and seemed to shrug it off, when in all reality, it ate away at him day after day, night after night.

It was when he met the green eyed Finn he realized he didn’t give a flying fuck about his sexuality and threw all caution to the wind, before beginning his relationship with the true one he loved. In the back of his mind he was worried about losing the only career he had - the shows, the skating, the status - all of it hung by a thin thread, and his relationship could snap it in an instant. He decided to find someone he could enjoy being married to, that knew him better than he knew himself, and that’s when his relationship with her began.

It wasn’t until their engagement that they had their first fight - about all the pictured on the walls of the two lovers. He had fought to keep everyone of them up, but she insisted that his obsession with the other wasn’t exactly the healthiest thing in the world. All of them came down - except two - the one above the mantel in the living room, and the one in his office, which had been converted into a radio broadcasting room. The Electric Eyewear campaign that he’d been featured in, that sunny summer day that the two of them had played dress-up in his closet until they looked ridiculous and resembled pimps.

Their wedding - that cold February 3rd day in 2007. She decided to break tradition and see her future husband before the ceremony, knowing his mother would kill her if she would’ve found out. He had put his hands in front of his eyes, forcing himself not to see, until she had forcibly removed his hands, looked directly into his sapphire orbs and said those four words that she never expected to come out of her mouth: I know about him. He stood there, shocked, until she explained that he didn’t have to go through the marriage if he didn’t want to; it was all up to him. He stared down at his indigo jacket, fumbling with the CKY patch on his right sleeve, before fingering the heartagram necklace he was wearing on a long black cord. He wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her tightly, explaining how she deserved so much better than this lie she was living - all for him. Laying his head on her shoulder, it was made to be her decision if she wanted to live a lie for the rest of her life, and she told him she did, as long as he was happy.

She walked down the aisle, all eyes on her, as this was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, and it was. They both said their vows and promised to cherish one another till death do they part, and were pronounced as husband and wife. She gladly willed her life away, as long as he was happy. No matter the nights he crept out of bed to see his true love, nor the mornings she’d wake up alone, not the life she could’ve had if she’d found something else. It all didn’t matter, or even phase her, as long as he was happy.
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