Devils dance while Angels cry

Feb 15, 2007 12:45

Title: Devils dance while Angels cry
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Vam, Ville/Jonne, Jussi/Ville
Disclaimer: I wouldn't be writing this, sweethearts, if I owned them…buut...I do own Kalevi. You steal him, I eat your face. Got it? Get it? Good.
Summary: Bam takes in a foreign exchange student, but in that one action, he's getting more than he bargained for.A/N: MUWAAHAHAHHAA! I'm sadistic. That's all I'm saying.

pters 1-10

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty:

Bam frowned, leaning against the kitchen counter. "Do you REALLY think it's smart to leave Ville alone with…Jonne?"

Kalevi smiled at Jussi's helpless look of confusion, before responding. "It'll be okay, I think. "

There was a thud from the hallway. "That didn't sound like a good thing…" Bam frowned, exiting the kitchen into the main hallway. "JESUS FUCK!" Bam started forward, almost reaching Ville before Jonne's voice rang out.

"Get the fuck away from him. Don’t…"

Bam reached out, gently touching Ville's shoulder. Bending down, he turned Ville's head gently so the Finn was facing him. "Ville? Ville, are you alright?"

Ville closed his eyes as more tears slipped out. "Get away from here. I don't want you to get hurt."

"But-" Bam was cut off as Jonne's foot came in contact with his ribs.

"I told you to get the fuck AWAY from him!" Jonne yelled.

Bam backed away quickly, going into the corner of the hall. Kalevi and Jussi appeared, kneeling next to Bam to tend to the skater's bruise. "Jesus, OW!" Bam bit his lip as Jonne bent, hauling Ville to his feet.

"You know why I even BOTHERED coming here, Ville?"

Ville averted his eys from the blonde. "No."

"To see YOU!" Jonne took a deep breath, calming himself. "And to get my ring back."

Ville raised his head sharply. "YOUR ring?"

"Yes. MY ring." Jonne snapped, eyes darkening.

Ville rose to his feet fully, gingerly touching his cut lip. "You're not getting that back."


"Why do you think?" Ville snapped, backing towards the stairs away from Bam as he did.

"YOU want to give it to that…that…" Jonne cast around for a moment, trying to find the phrasem before blurting, "Brown-haired excuse for a skater! Don't you!?"

Ville's eyes flashed at that. "Don't you DARE talk about him like that. Don't you fucking EVER assume you know how I think." Ville ground out, grabbing Jonne's wrist as the blonde made to slap him.

An ugly expression crossed Jonne's face, and he raised his knee to Ville's chest, who let out a wheezing gasp at the contact. When the Finn doubled over, Jonne grabbed his hair roughly, yanking him, gasping and wheezing, towards the stairs. "Don't you talk to me like that! You KNOW what I'm capable of!"

"Yes. But…I also know…what you're NOT…capable…of." Ville choked out, half-stumbling, half-crawling to keep up with Jonne's pace and not lose any hair.

"KEEP MOVING!" Jonne snapped as Ville collapsed on the stairs, sobbing and wheezing. The Finn struggled back to his knees, barely keeping up with the blonde.

"Please…don't…" Ville whimpered as Jonne threw him rather roughly into the corner of the stair landing.

Jonne darted forward. "Don't…what?" He hissed softly, smiling sadly as Ville cowerd away from him. "Shh. Relax. I'm not going to hurt you."

Ville shook his head frantically, still sobbing. "Please, just…get away from me…"

"I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not mad at you." Jonne whispered, gently stroking Ville's cheek.

Ville winced as Jonne's fingers traced the bruise on his cheek. "Get OFF ME!" Ville burst out suddenly, pushing Jonne away from him with as much strength as he could muster. In the breif two second phase of shock, Ville bolted, heading towards the stairs.

Jonne turned, grabbing the back of Ville's shirt and dragging him to a halt. "What the fuck is WRONG WITH YOU?" The blonde pulled Ville forcefully away from the stairs, and freedom, straddling the younger Finn and pinning him firmly to the ground. "I'm NOT trying to hurt you!"

Ville began to cry softly, struggling to throw the older boy off of him. "THEN…GET OFF…OF ME!"

Jonne hauled back, slapping Ville hard. "SHUT UP!"

Meanwhile, Bam, Kalevi, and Jussi were all talking at the bottom of the stairs. Or rather, Kalevi and Jussi were arguing in heated Finnish, with Kalevi translating once or twice. "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?!?" Kalevi suddenly burst out in english, turning to look at Bam.

Bam started to reply, watching Ville shoot across the landing, with Jonne in hot pursuit. "That DOES it!" He got up, ignoring the throbbing in his ribs as he took the stairs two at a time.

Jonne was bending over Ville, screaming what sounded like Finnish obsceneties in the terrified Finn's face. Bam darted forward, grabbing Jonne's shoulders and pulling him away from Ville violently. "PERKELE!" Jonne turned, lashing out with a hand and sending Bam down the stairs. Unseen by both on the landing, the skater rose to his feet at the foot of the stairs, shaking his head to clear it.

Ville let a yell of mixed anger and pain, struggling to his feet and tackling the blonde. Jonne let out a grunt of surprise, before twisting to upset Ville's grip on him. It worked, but not in a way that Jonne had inteneded. Had they been farther away from the landing, Ville would have merely hit the ground, winded, and no worse for wear than before.

As it was, they were far too close to the landing, and Ville landed hard on his shoulder, attempting to grab the stair railing to keep himself from falling. The attempt failed. Jonne turned in time to see the already half-dead Finn tumble down the stairs to land in a crumpled heap at a shocked Kalevi's feet.

The blue-haired Finn knelt next to a prone Ville, gently touching his shoulder. "Vittu…" He hissed under his breath, before turning towards the general direction of the kitchen. "BAM!"

There was a grunt from the kitchen, and a loud 'OW', before, "What?"

"Jussi, please don't hurt him. And…'s Ville."

There was thudding footsteps, before Bam appeared in the kitchen doorway. "Oh my god…" Oh…that FUCKER. The skater hurried forward, kneeling next to the Finn and taking his head gently into his lap. "Ville? Ville?" Oh god, PLEASE talk to me… "Ville, PLEASE…Ville??"

Ville didn't move right away, save for opening his eyes, which were full of pure, raw terror. "Jonne? Oh god…get the fuck AWAY from me…" Oh my god, what happened?

Bam bit his lip. "Ville, baby, it's me. It's Bam." PLEASE recognize me. You know me…please?
There was a few tense minutes where Ville struggled to bring Bam's face into focus. A faint smile of recognition crossed his face. "Bam-bam?" It hurts so much…

"Yeah. Yeah, it's me. Don't talk, Ville. We'll get you help. Just…stay with me, okay?" Please don't die. You can't die…not now… Bam motioned for Kalevi to call the hospital, gently stroking Ville's hair to soothe him.

"Bam…" The Finn coughed suddenly, and blood appeared on already rosy lips. "Dammit, Bam…it hurts…" Everything…hurts…

"I know, baby. Just…try to relax." Bam bit his lip, trying to hide his alarm at the red liquid staining the corners of Ville's mouth. "Nothing bad will happen to you. I swear."

Kalevi glanced over. "Can he move? They want to know?"

A long silence fell, and Kalevi caught Bam's look of fear. Moving forward so he was kneeling in front of Ville, Kalevi laid a gentle hand on Ville's leg, which was curled under his body at the awkward landing. "Ville, can you feel that?"

"What? You're not doing anything."

Kalevi bit his lip. "Ville, my hand is on your leg. Look."

Ville cast a glance down in that general direction, wincing at the movement. "I…oh."

Bam closed his eyes to prevent the tears from falling. "Ville, baby? Can you…move your legs for me, or something?" Please…please…

"I…don't know…" Ville frowned for a moment, screwing his eyes shut as pain shot through his back. "Yeah." That's a relief

Bam frowned. "Ville, move your legs for me."

"I am."


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