Devils dance while angels cry

Jan 11, 2007 17:56

Title: Devils dance while Angels cry
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Vam, Ville/Jonne, Jussi/Ville 
Disclaimer: I wouldn't be writing this, sweethearts, if I owned them…buut...I do own Kalevi. You steal him, I eat your face. Got it? Get it? Good.
Summary: Bam takes in a foreign exchange student, but in that one action, he's getting more than he bargained for.A/N: I am SO sorry. I know that I must have lost like....ALL my readers because I didn't update for so long, but I had the WORST case of writer's block EVER. is what happened! PLEASE PLEASE read it, and tell me what you think. I live off those comments, and every little one modivates me to force myself to write. Thanks!

Chapters 1-10

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen:

"I'll start at the end of my sophomore year in high school. My best friend of five years, Jussi, managed to convince my parents to allow me to live with him in his two-bedroom apartment on the outskirts of Helsinki. It was away from the city, so it was always quiet, and it was gorgeous there. I can remember the first time I saw the house…and the first time I met Jonne."

The taxi groaned to a halt, and Jussi leapt out of the car, walking around to wake Ville, who was dozing with his head resting gently against the window. "Ville? Hei. Ville?" Jussi opened the door slowly, almost causing Ville to fall out of the car. He caught the Finn quickly, slowly easing him back into the seat. "Ville? Wake up, darling." Jussi shook Ville's shoulder gently. "Come on…"

"What is it?" Ville muttered sleepily, eyes fluttering open, before squinting against the light. "Are we there already?"

"Yes. Help me with your stuff, okay?" Jussi walked around the car again, opening the trunk. Ville joined him a moment later, helping him heave his suitcase from the confines of the trunk. As soon as the suitcase hit the ground and Jussi slammed the trunk lid shut, the taxi accelerated backward down the driveway, narrowly missing another car on the main road.

Ville turned to face the house, eyes widening. "Oh my god, Jussi, it's BEAUTIFUL!" The house was a pale champagne color, with two soaring columns supporting the entrance archway. Visible above this was a balcony leading out from the second floor bedroom. "How on earth could you afford this?"

"It was a joint purchase. You'll see. One of my other friends helped me buy this." Jussi smiled at a dumbstruck Ville, taking his arm and guiding him up the walk. Reaching into his pocket for the key, he opened the door, gently ushering Ville inside before him. The younger Finn followed behind, tossing his keys past Ville to land on the hall table with a clatter that rang throughout the entrance hall. "Jonne?"

As soft, slightly feminine voice drifted from upstairs. "Jussi? Is that you?"

"Yes. Along with my friend. Ville? The one I told you was moving in with us?"

There were soft footsteps on the stairs, before a young man descended the stairs. "Hei, Jussi. Uh…" There was an awkward pause as Jonne's eyes met Ville's, and he held a hand out. "Jonne Aaron Liimatainen."

"Ville Hermanni Valo. Nice to meet you, sweetheart."

"Ville? Ville, are you okay?"

Ville nodded. Not really. No. "Yeah. I'm just trying to make sure everything comes out in the right order."

Bam nodded slowly, worry etched in his features. I hope this won't hurt you any more… "Okay. Take your time."

There was a loud crash from upstairs, and Jonne jumped. Getting up from the couch, he glanced at the clock. 10:00. Jussi couldn't be home yet. He wasn't going to get home until at least eleven. Sighing, the blonde took the stairs two at a time, glancing in the open doors of the landing. Nothing. Heaving another sigh, he knocked on the door of Ville's room. There was no reply. "Ville?" When there was still no reply, Jonne frowned, pushing the door open gently. The room was dark, and Jonne nearly fell over a still packed box just inside the door. "Fuck! Ville, are you okay?" Silence. "Are you even HERE?" Finally. A noise from the bed. Jonne groped for the light switch, flicking it on. "JESUS CHRIST!" Jonne yelped, moving towards the bed and helping Ville sit up partially.

The dark haired Finn was all but choking on air, struggling visibly to draw in air. Jonne bit his lip in worry. "Do you have an inhaler?" Ville nodded, dimly aware of a pounding in his head that rivaled even his worst migraines. "Do you know where it is?" Ville shook his head. Jonne glanced around the room, gently lowering Ville to the bed again before getting up and going over to the bathroom. The small white object was lying on the counter next to the sink. Snatching it up, Jonne hurried back into the main bedroom, supporting Ville again as he helped him use the inhaler. As the Finn's breathing calmed, Jonne stroked his hair gently, watching Ville's chest rise and fall as he drew in gasps of much needed air.

Ville closed his eyes partially, relaxing into Jonne's gentle touch. He was aware of pounding again before Jonne's soft voice sounded. "Yeah?" Ville murmured as black began to eat at the edges of his vision.

"Will you go out with me?"

Ville smiled even as unconsciousness began to take hold. "Yes."

Bam sat silently, mouth half hanging open. "That's…rather odd. The circumstances."

Ville laughed. Come to think of it, he's right. "Yeah. It is. But it seemed perfect until he found my razorblade. And that I cut. That's when things went bad."

"VILLE!" Jonne's voice sailed up the stairs, and Ville sighed.

"I'm in the bedroom!" He called, exiting the brightly lit bathroom to enter the said bedroom, going over to the bureau to find a shirt.

Jonne burst in a moment later, stalking over to Ville and grabbing his shoulder, turning him around forcefully. "What is this?" He snapped, brandishing something silver in his hand.

Ville blinked a few times. "A razorblade?" He searched Jonne's face for some sign of why he was so angry.

Jonne released Ville's shoulder. "Yes. Now. Why the HELL do you have one??"

Ville didn't reply. At least, not directly. "Jonne, what is this about?"

"I want you to answer something for me." Jonne whispered, approaching Ville with the air of a cat stalking a cornered mouse, which was exactly the situation. Ville had taken a few steps back towards the bathroom doorway. "Do you want to die?"

Obvious confusion drifted across Ville's face. "What kind of question is THAT?"

Jonne let out a muted yell of rage, arms shooting out and pushing the Finn backward roughly. Ville stumbled backward, tripping over a pair of shoes in the doorway, falling hard. He scrambled backwards away from Jonne, who had obviously lost it EVER so slightly, until he felt the cool glass of the shower door against his bare back. "Jesus, Jonne, what the hell is WRONG?"

Jonne slammed the door shut, before he grabbed Ville's shoulders, hauling him forcefully to his feet. "You're not answering. STOP AVOIDING THE QUESTION!" Ville didn't speak again right away, and Jonne slammed him back against the glass, causing Ville to see stars as his head struck the glass. "ANSWER!" The razorblade was digging into Ville's arm under Jonne's grip, and Ville suddenly felt raw, pure terror wash over him.

"My god, Jonne. Stop it. Let me go!"

Jonne complied with the request, releasing Ville's shoulders and stepping back to allow Ville to stand normally. The minute that Ville had halfway composed himself, Jonne grabbed his wrist roughly, turning it to reveal several red cuts crisscrossing the pale skin. "Fuck you. Ville. I can't fucking BELIEVE THIS!" He pulled Ville forward until they were almost flush against each other, the thin metal razor finding its way to the underside of the older Finn's arm. "Do you REALLY want to die? Is that it? Is that why you have…THIS all over your arms?!"

The fear that had receded when Jonne had released Ville flooded back tenfold as the razorblade began to dig into his skin. "Jesus…Jonne. JONNE LET ME GO!" He began to cry softly, struggling weakly against Jonne's surprisingly strong grip. "JONNE, STOP!"

Jonne shook his head. "NOT UNTIL YOU ANSWER!"

Ville began to hyperventilate out of panic, worsening as he felt the sharp pain and the trickle of blood run down his arm. "DAMMIT! JONNE, PLEASE!"

"ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!" Jonne yelled, driving Ville backward again into the shower.

"NO!" Ville screamed, tearing himself away from Jonne and causing a cut to appear from the middle of his arm clear to his wrist. "I…DON'T WANT IT! I DON'T WANT TO…" He wrenched the door open violently, stumbling into the main room. He made it halfway across before collapsing to his knees. "I HATE YOU!" He yelled, still trying to draw in gasps of air. "I…FUCKING…HATE YOU!" The door opened at that moment, and Jussi's spiked ebony head appeared.

"What the hell is all the no-" He cut himself off, observing the scene. Jonne standing in the doorway, looking shocked and still holding the now blood-stained razorblade, to Ville, curled up into a sobbing mess, bleeding heavily from his arm.

Jonne started forward, tossing the blade onto the sink. "Jussi…I can explain…I. Oh my god, Ville, I'm so…sorry…" He approached the trembling Ville slowly, gently touching his shoulder.

Ville recoiled away from him. "Fuck off." Was the whispered reply as he lowered his emerald eyes to the carpet.

Jussi started forward, kneeling next to Ville and whispering something to him. At Ville's nod, he carefully lifted the sobbing Finn into his arms. Jonne started forward. "I can-"

Jussi stopped at the door, turning to glare at Jonne. "You've done enough." He snapped, eyes burning with barely concealed rage. "I'm taking him to the hospital. You had BETTER not leave. You and I. We need to have a little chat." With that, he swept from the room, leaving Jonne kneeling on the floor, looking shocked and forlorn.

Bam reached out to touch Ville's shaking hand gently. I'm so sorry. "I…I'm sorry. I really am."

Ville drew in a shaky breath. Me too. "It's not your fault. I don't know…that was two weeks before I left. Before all of this happened." He let out a sigh. "I don't even know why I told you all of this." He frowned. Don't close up now…don't… "I don't know you very well at ALL. I can't believe I just told you all of this." He got up abruptly. "Look, I'm sorry." He said abruptly. "I'll talk to you later." With that parting, he turned, leaving the room and half slammed the door behind him.

Bam turned away from the door, a single tear rolling down his face. I knew it. "I'm sorry."



"FUCK YOU!" He hissed to himself. "It's NOT my fault!"

He was there for you. He was someone to talk to. Don't burn your bridges before you even get to the SCHOOL!

"It's NOT like I cursed at him or anything!" Ville snapped.

You may as well have.

"Shut up." Ville found himself crying in spite of himself. "It's not true. SHUT UP." He threw himself onto his bed, soft sobs shaking his shoulders. "I'm so sorry." I know.


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