Letters To A Lover

Jan 11, 2007 16:38

Title: Letters To A Lover
Author: vamxaddict
Rating: Pg-13
Pairing: Vam Bam/Missy implied
Summary: True love comes around once. So when two boys catch it, they try not to let it go.

Part 2:

Dear Bam-Bam,
It’s okay that you were mad. I understand, I find myself having a short fuse sometimes. I’m glad you haven’t forgotten me and next week seems so long. I can’t wait to visit either. I’m glad your in school, but who’s this new girl Missy. Does she like you? Are you attracted to her?
I love you Bammie,
P.S. sorry for the shortness. I loved the pix and here’s a tape of our band, hope you like.

Spring Break:
The moment came for me to see my Bammie once more and I was so happy. I walked the path down to the fort fondling the beer I had snuck out. The leaves crunching beneath my feet seemed to go unheard as I pranced to the fort. The smile on my face was radiating a glow onto the path in front of me and I chuckled. Climbing up the ladder to the fort made me remember special times. Times where me and Bammie had been alone. I pushed the board up and stuck my head through, the image I saw scarred me. The bottles dropped from my hands and hit the ground, many feet below.
“I hate you Brandon Cole Margera and I don’t want to see you again.” I said hurrying down the ladder as Bam scrambled down, behind me.
“Please Ville, come back! It was a mistake.” He yelled finally stopping. He was giving up on me, giving up on the love we had. Tears streaked my face as I trudged towards the airport. I needed to get home, away from all this hell. First I had been pulled away from Bam and now he had finally let go. I hated him, no, I loathed him.

Dear Ville,
I’m so sorry about last week, I was so happy you had come, but I couldn’t help it. I didn’t mean to find her attractive, I was trying to fight every urge. I was sure the feelings would go away when I saw you but they didn’t. I ruined everything and I should die. I’m really sorry I kissed her, but I couldn’t control myself. I fucked up big time and I’ll be surprised if you don’t hate me.

I don’t want to speak to you again! I hate your guts and if you ever try to contact me again I’ll scream! I thought you loved me? I thought you wanted to be with me? What happened to all that? I’ve met someone new too, Jonne. He’s in my choir class and guess what Bam!? I think I might LIKE him. Yea that’s right! You have fun with Missy.

The moment the letter arrived, I knew it was bad news. I knew that nothing good could come from the letter. He had a right to be furious, so I let him. I shouldn’t have, but I did. I waited a week and I dialed his number. I didn’t know if he would have it changed, but I prayed to god he wouldn’t have. The phone rang and rang, but no one picked up, so I called the home phone.
“Um.. This is Bam and I was wondering if Ville was home.”
“Bam, I think it would be best if you didn’t talk to him. He’s in a frightful state. I’m really scared for him and you might make it worse.” The words began to break my heart and I could feel it withering away.
“Please.” I said my voice cracking. “I need to talk with him, I need to tell him how much I love him. That I was stupid. I didn’t give up on him.”
As I waited on the other side of the phone, I prayed that he would forgive me.
“Ville.” I could hear the knocks on the door. “ Ville. VILLE!!!!! Ville?” I could hear a blood curdling scream as the door creaked open and it felt as though the phone had crashed to the ground.
“He’s dead, he’s dead.” The screams were so sad and I began to burst into tears.
How could he do this to me, how could he die.

At the scene there was a letter addressed to me.

Dear Bammie,
I realized today, that no matter how much I said I hated you, I could never really hate you. I love you with all my heart and as I look over the letters before I do what I’m about to do. I smile and laugh, I think of all the good times. But I can’t go through with this any longer, knowing that you don’t love me anymore. I know I promised you I’d never hurt myself but I lied. I’ve been hurting myself. There’s been a friend in my science class that cuts. She gave me some blades and taught me how to hide the scars and the ones that leave the best impressions. So I’ve been cutting. Carving into my flesh for the love I wish I could have returned from you. I’m okay with you loving another soul, but not with you not at least feeling for me. Here’s a song I’ve written for you. I hope you like it.

Join Me (In Death)
We are so young
our lives have just begun
but already we're considering
escape from this world

and we've waited for so long
for this moment to come
were so anxious to be together,
together in death

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

This world is a cruel place
and we're here only to lose
so before life tears us apart let
death bless me with you

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

this live ain't worth living

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

Baby join me in death

Love eternally,
Ville Hermanni Valo,
Your Willa Walo

As I read the letter I cried so many tears. All I could think about was that kiss, and what I was about to do. I had to get it over with, I had to be with you.

As Bam Margera visited Ville Valo’s grave he brought a substance with him, poison. The papers say he drunk the liquid and laid across the dirt. Clinging to the ground covering the remains of his loved one. A piece of torn paper was found at the scene of the crime with a simple message as if it was a reply.

Yes I’ll die tonight for love, yes I will die. This life isn’t worth living without you, love, so tonight I’ll join you in death.

Love always in life and death,
Brandon Cole Margera
Your Bammie
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