Devils dance while angels cry

Feb 10, 2007 21:28

Title: Devils dance while Angels cry
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Vam, Ville/Jonne, Jussi/Ville
Disclaimer: I wouldn't be writing this, sweethearts, if I owned them…buut...I do own Kalevi. You steal him, I eat your face. Got it? Get it? Good.
Summary: Bam takes in a foreign exchange student, but in that one action, he's getting more than he bargained for.A/N: Nothing interesting to say...COMMENT!

Chapters 1-10

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen:

"You've got to be kidding me." Jonne frowned, sweeping his blonde hair from his eyes. "Do you have any idea how expensive that would be for us?"

"Yeah, but we're not exactly poor, Jonne." Kalevi shot back as he slid past Jonne into the kitchen. The couple was arguing about flying to the U.S. to visit Ville. Jussi, feeling very much left out, watched the two as though watching a tennis rally.

"Do you HONESTLY think that Ville wouldn't freak out if we just….suddenly showed up one day?" Jonne snapped, leaning against the counter irritably, taking a sip from his glass. "He's not exactly the most emotionally stable person."

"What's your point?" Jussi cut in sharply. "It's not like we're going to show up unexpectedly on his doorstep. He's PERFECTLY stable, thank you VERY much!"

The entire room fell silent at this outburst, before Jonne turned slowly to face Jussi. "Suicide attempts and pill popping does not equal stable, Jussi."

"Well, I'm glad you're finally awknowledging that he has a problem." Jussi snapped. "Maybe he's actually had a chance to get over you, because now, he doesn't have to worry about what's going to happen next with you and him. He doesn't have to fear someone he THOUGHT loved him!"

Kalevi winced, watching Jonne's expression darken with a nervous grin. "Jussi, you're treading a very thin line…"

Jonne bit his lip. "How dare you." He whispered, free hand closing into a fist. "You KNOW I loved him. I still do, as a brother. Don't even accuse me of having never loved him. Or not loving him."

Jussi shook his head. "I hate to break it to you, Jonne, but you don't try to scare the one you love into submission." He stood to the side as Kalevi slipped from the room.

"I'm…going to get tickets…okay?" Kalevi grinned hesitantly, glancing between Jonne and Jussi quickly. When they both nodded curtly, Kalevi scurried away.

"I never meant to hurt him. And you know that DAMN well." Jonne gritted, looking as though he would like nothing better than to punch the man in front of him.

"I don't think I did." Jussi shot back. "Because before he came here, Ville was the most outgoing person I knew. You BROKE him, Jonne. You turned him into someone who was scared of his own shadow!"

"I did NOT! He was ALWAYS like that!"

"No. No he was NOT." Jussi held a hand up as Jonne started to interrupt. "He started to be like that after you nearly slit his wrist with his razorblade."

"I NEVER MEANT TO HURT HIM!" Jonne yelled, actually starting forwards a few paces, before stopping.

"But you didn't try not to." Jussi frowned. "I'm not yelling at you, Jonne. There's no reason to raise your voice."

"I'M SICK OF YOU TELLING ME I FUCKED UP VILLE'S MIND!" Jonne burst out, flinging the glass he held towards Jussi, who ducked neatly to avoid it. It shattered against the wall behind him.

Jussi moved forward so fast, it was almost inhuman. One second, he was standing across from Jonne, leaning against the counter. The next, he was almost nose-to-nose with the blonde. "If you aren't to blame, who is? Huh? Answer me that, Jonne. I'd like to see what you come up with." Jussi hissed, before turning away from the shocked blonde and stalking from the room.


*zzzt* *thunk* "Fuck." *zzzt* *thunk* "Fuck!" *zzzt* *thunk* "FUCK!" Bam let out a frustrated groan, tossing his handful of darts into the nearest trash bin irritably.

Ville stuck his head into Bam's room, gaze traveling up Bam's lithe form to the wall in which three darts were still quivering. "Bammie? What…" What the hell are you doing?

"Shut up." Bam pouted, flopping onto the bed with a groan. It's not my fault…

Ville chuckled softly, walking past him to scoop the darts from the bin. Taking Bam's spot, he closed an eye, took aim, and tossed. The dart thudded alongside Bam's. Which was about a foot wide of the dartboard. Wow. That's pretty bad…"Well…I have news, Bam-Bam."

Bam, who was currently gazing at the ceiling, turned his head to glance at Ville. "Yeah?" Let me guess. You got a bulls eye.

"I'm just as bad at this as you." Bullshit… Ville laughed, tossing the remaining darts back into the trash bin. Strolling over to the bed, he eyed Bam with a small smile. "Bam-Bam…hey…Bam-Bam!" No response. "Guess what?"

Bam propped himself up onto his elbows, arching an eyebrow curiously. "There's…I don't know. What?" Is it good? Or bad?

Ville gave him a mischevious grin. "Think fast!" With that statement, he dove forward, tackling Bam and tickling him mercilessly. Time to cheer the poor dart player up!

"Ah, Ville!!" Bam laughed, rolling over in an attempt to gain the upper hand. Good. The next ten minutes were spent rolling around on the bed, trying to gain dominance over the other.

"That's not FAIR!" Ville pouted as Bam threw his leg over Ville's torso, straddling his slender hips.

Life isn't fair. Bam leaned forward, placing his hands on Ville's shoulders. "Shush." Bam whispered, before leaning down and capturing Ville's mouth gently with his own. Ville whimpered softly into the kiss, allowing his hands to roam as he deepened the kiss. There was a cough from the doorway.

Bam sat up sharply, turning his head to see April standing there looking highly amused. "Dinner, boys." Whoops.

Ville laughed. Only slightly embarrassing… "Thanks, April." He pulled Bam down again as she left, continuing where they had left off, which Bam seemed to have no objection to. In fact, the skater was quite happy right where he was. This is…perfect? Maybe…yeah… Quite suddenly, Ville's hips jerked against his, and Ville rolled over, neatly switching their positions as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "What the-" Who the fuck is calling me…NOW??

Bam frowned. "What?" Damn.

"It's Jussi. Hold on for a second, okay?" Ville frowned, flipping the phone open. "Hei." The Finn frowned for a moment as there was scuffling from the other end of the phone. "Hei? Jussi? Are you there?" You called. Come to the damn PHONE.

"Yeah! Sorry. We're coming to visit you in a few days. The three of us. Is that okay?"

Ville frowned. "Three?" He shook his head. "Okay. I don't care. Look, I'm busy now, can I call you back?"

A hint of hurt crept into Jussi's voice. "I…sure. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye." Ville replied, before snapping the phone shut and tossing it somewhere to his right.

Bam, who was still being sat upon by the slender Finn, gazed up at him. "So?" Good news? Bad news?

"Nothing important." I wasn't listening…really…Ville replied offhandedly. "Shall we go eat?" He stood, holding out a hand to help Bam up off the bed.

I don't believe you… "Sure."

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