(no subject)

Feb 07, 2007 19:16

Title: Devils dance while Angels cry
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Vam, Ville/Jonne, Jussi/Ville
Disclaimer: I wouldn't be writing this, sweethearts, if I owned them…buut...I do own Kalevi. You steal him, I eat your face. Got it? Get it? Good.
Summary: Bam takes in a foreign exchange student, but in that one action, he's getting more than he bargained for.A/N: A NEW banner! Because I felt like it!

Chapters 1-10

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen:

Bam stared at Ville for all of thirty seconds as though trying to discern whether or not he was joking. "I…what?" Don't be a dipshit. Say YES!

"Really." Bad…is it bad? DAMMIT SAY YES!

There was another moment's pause, before Bam rose on his toes, hesitantly returning Ville's kiss. "Does that work?" …WAY to be the romantic.

"Yes." Ville smiled, taking Bam's hand and pulling him from the room. "Now, YOU have to go meet your friends." YES! If I could be dancing right now…I SO would.

"But…this shirt is disgusting…and my clothes…" I feel distinctly drunk.

"You can use one of mine." Ville responded, making a detour to his room. "Search the closets."

After a few moments of searching, Bam unearthed a fairly plain dark blue t-shirt. Quickly removing the black one he was wearing, he threw the new one on, before proceeding into the hallway. Ville followed, grabbing Bam's hand and stopping him before he made it to the stairs. "Have fun."

"Have fun? Hell, you're coming too!" Bam laughed, pulling Ville down the stairs.

"I...wait…what?" Ville stumbled after Bam quickly, narrowly avoiding falling down the stairs after him.

"You're coming with me!" Bam repeated, all but kicking the door open and releasing Ville's hand in the same movement.

Ville frowned, following an overexcited Bam cautiously. "Where the hell are you going?" And why the hell are you so hyper?

"To find Raab and…" He trailed off, eyes traveling past Ville's shoulder to land on the garage. "Kill him." My CAR!

Ville followed his gaze. "Why…oh."

Bam's car, a sleek black convertible, was now resting on cinderblocks. Bam ground his teeth. "First the door, and now this. Oooh, they are SO dead!" First, I'll kill them. Then, I'll hunt down their ghosts, and kill THEM! THEN…

"Who is?" Dunn and Raab appeared, both eating what appeared to be a slice of April's apple pie.

"YOU ARE!" Bam gritted out, starting towards the pair. DEATH!!!!

"Ah, Bam…" Ville stepped forward, catching Bam gently around the waist to stop him from diving at Dunn and Raab." Bam…Bam, calm down…" This is just a LITTLE frightening.

"I don't care what you do to anything else in the house, but no one, and I mean NO ONE fucks with my car and lives. NO ONE!?" Bam yelled, struggling in vain to get away from the considerably stronger, and taller Finn.

"Bam. Bam…." Ville sighed, wincing as Bam's elbow came in contact with his lip. "BAM!" Dammit, that HURT!

Almost immediately, Bam stopped struggling. "Oh god, Ville, I'm sorry." Did I just…oh god, I did! Ville had released the skater, stepping away from him gingerly. "Ville, are you okay?"

The Finn didn't respond right away, his hand held over his mouth. I THINK I'm bleeding now. GREAT. JUST GREAT.

Bam frowned. "Ville, seriously…" He moved forward, gently moving Ville's hand away. "JESUS! I'm SO sorry!" SHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT!

Ville managed a grin, wincing in almost the same movement. The Finn was bleeding heavily from a cut on his upper lip.

Dunn and Raab appeared. "NICE one, Bam. Have Ape take a look at it."

Ville rolled his eyes in an obviously annoyed gesture, following obediently as Bam grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the house. This is kind of funny…my lip REALLY hurts now. REALLY…

April appeared at the door to the kitchen just as Bam rounded the corner. "Oh my god. Ville, what did they do to you??"

Ville shook his head, managing a "nothing" before wincing.

April sighed, retreating back into the kitchen. Bam followed her, with Ville behind him. Turning away from the freezer, April tossed Ville an icepack. "Rinse your mouth out, and put it on your lip." She instructed.

Ville complied, and thirty seconds later, he was glaring at Bam, icepack held over a sore lip. If he wasn't so sorry….he'd be dead.

Bam grinned sheepishly. "I'm REALLY sorry. Does it hurt?" The glare he received was equivalent to 'I will KILL you. In your sleep, slowly and painfully.' "That bad?"

Ville nodded. Stop looking so sad…it's killing me.

Bam glanced away from Ville's angry-turned-intense stare, gazing down at his shoes. Please don't be mad.

"I'm not." Ville's baritone cut through Bam's thoughts.

Wait…he HEARD that??? "Did I just-"

"Say that out loud? Yes." Ville smiled gingerly, removing the icepack. The swelling had lessened dramatically, and one could hardly tell that the cut was there.

"You heal…WAY too fast…" Bam blurted, flushing a brilliant red in the same moment.

Ville gave him a clear, WTF? look. "What's so funny?"

"I just thought of something…" NOT that you want to know.

"Is it…" Ville leaned forward, whispering something in the skater's ear.

Bam recoiled. "Uh…."

Ville laughed, pecking Bam's cheek. "Don't answer that."

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