Fiction- Chapter 2

Jan 21, 2007 00:09

Title: Fiction
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Vam
Disclaimer: Don't own anything or anyone but the idea and myself.
Summary: Bam wakes up from a coma to learn the life he was living wasn't what he thought.

A/N: It took me a while to get this out but it is short. Things have been crazy. I'm not too confident about this chapter but I wanted to get it out before everyone forgot. If you did forget or just need a refresher there is a link to Chapter one that was originally a one shot. I'm really hoping to get this one really going and keep it intresting. =)

Chapter 1-Permanant Imagination

There they are right in front of me. I knew they had to exist. They just had to. And there they are. Everyone else was wrong.

They say nothing as I approach them, they just stare at me. Ville is holding Alyrica’s hand and smiling at me. I smile back, my heart melting at the sight of him. Alyrica begins to bounce and tug at Ville’s hand. He kneels down, getting on one knee before her. She points my direction and says something but I can’t hear it. Ville nods and looks back at me. Alyrica motions for me to come over, her hand waving frantically. I begin to run. They are so much farther away than they look but I finally reach them. I fling myself at them, taking them into my arms but they crumble away like so much dust in my hands.

I sit up suddenly in bed. A dream. Just a dream. I think bitterly and rub my stinging eyes. I haven’t been sleeping much the last few days. I try because sitting here alone with my thoughts is too much but I just see them in my dreams.

I hear footsteps coming down the hall towards my room. Some room. They have bars that slide into place when they open the door so that they can talk to you but stay safe from us psychos that will jump at them. And in case that does happen, the bars are padded. That was something new to me but in the end, I appreciated it. Yeah, I jumped at them the first time they came to visit me. They think I'm insane so why not play along with it?

When I say “they” I mean the various nurses and doctors that come and go throughout the day. Not my family. No, it must be too painful for them to come see their insane son or brother. Honestly, I don't know if I could take seeing them. I know I will come unglued. They have betrayed me.

Suddenly there is a loud buzzing noise and the bars slide into place. For a second I think about how I could slip a foot or wrist between the sliding bars and wall before it closed. This place isn't as safe as they might think. The door opens and a young female nurse smiles at me. I hate those smiles. So fake. Everyone around here has mastered that smile.

"Mr. Margera, you have a visitor." She says brightly and steps off to the side.

Oh yippee. I settle myself onto the floor and face the door. Anger sears through me when April steps into sight. I hear the nurse walk away but I know she isn't far. They always have a nurse nearby, along with a muscle man to subdue any wackos.

"Hey baby." April says with a smile. I glare at her and her smile falters. "Bam, please don't be angry."

"Don't be angry!" I snap and stand up. "Ape, you have me in a fucking psych ward even though you know I'm not insane!"

"But dear, nothing you have been saying has made any sense. You were talking about people that don't exist."

"But they do exist!" I insist and go up to the bars and Ape steps back. She's afraid of me. My God, my mom is afraid of me. "Ape, please, stop lying to me. I just can't be insane. It is all too real to just be my mind playing tricks on me." I say quietly, my anger seeping away to despair. "I'm not crazy but if you leave me in here, I will be.” She steps closer to me and touches my hand that is wrapped around a bar.

"Bam, they won't let you out until you stop talking about these people. Don't say anything right now. I know you believe in them but just really think about it. We are your family and if you had a daughter we would not keep her away from you.”

“What about my husband? Would you keep him away from me?”

“No. Of course not.” She says it without skipping a beat but I don’t feel she is being as truthful as I would like.

I go to nod but then say, "I certainly hope so."

She looks surprised at my reply. "We have never done anything to take away from your happiness. How can you doubt us?"

"People can surprise you." I say my voice more cynical than I have ever heard it.

She nods sadly and then I can visually see her demeanor change. "Okay then. I'm going to go now. You make sure and try very hard to think of the life you had. Your real life. Just remember, the longer your deny Missy and stay stuck on that Ville and Alyrica the longer you will be here and the more likely they will send you to a real institution." And with that, she turns on her heel and walks away, leaving me bursting to scream.

The nurse walks up and closes the door. Again, that buzzing and the grinding sound of the bars sliding back to their hiding place in the wall. As soon as I hear the footsteps walk away I punch the wall as hard as I can. A cry escapes my lips as I feel the bones of my right hand breaking. I collapse in a corner, holding my throbbing hand.

So basically I've been given an ultimatum. Stop acting crazy and live a fake life or believe in my heart and go to a nut house. I let my eyes close and lean my head back against the wall behind me. As soon as I close my eyes I see Ville's glowing green eyes. I groan and open my eyes again. They are everywhere. I swear I hear Alyrica's laugh when all is quiet and I lay in bed at night feeling Ville's body against mine. I can't just ignore that.

"Looks like I've chosen the nut house." I say to the ceiling.


I shift in my bed. Something woke me up. A voice. I sit up and stay still, listening hard and again, it comes.

“Bam.” Whispers a voice, deep and male. My heart race increases and I sit up straighter, scared of what I think I heard.

“V-Ville?” I whisper back into the dark, afraid that I’ll get an answer.

“Yes, Bam.” Is the reply, louder this time. “Why haven’t you come to find me?” I jump, the voice sounds right next to my ear.

“I-I can’t. I’m stuck here. I can’t get out.” I choke out to the darkness. Tears threaten to escape my already raw eyes.

“If you love me you will find a way out.”

“I do love you! Things are out of my control!” I cry out, tears unabashedly falling. “I love you so fucking much!” I scream.

“Mr. Margera!” I jerk and see a nurse staring at me strangely. The room is lit. I don’t know when that happened. “Are you okay? You were screaming.” She says. I think her name is Molly.

“Uh…I’m f-fine. Just a bad dream.” I say softly and go to rub the tears from my face but I shock of pain stops me and I gasp.

“What have you done to your hand?” Molly asks and grabs my wrist, surveying my black and blue swollen hand.

“I punched a wall.” I say simply, looking at the mix of colors on my hand. There are blends of purple and yellow along with the black and blue. It really is beautiful even with my twisted fingers. I shake my head. I hate these thoughts that keep popping into my mind.

“Well, I’m going to go get the doctor and we’ll get you fixed up.” With that, she leaves. When she returns she has a male doctor following her. I don’t know his name and really don’t care. He leans over me and observes my hand, taking it in his own and turning it slightly. Pain shoots up through my arm but I don’t flinch or make a sound.

“Well, Mr. Margera, it looks as if you have earned yourself a trip to the x-ray room. Come along.” He tells me with a strange smile and leads the way out of the room, Molly taking up the rear.

“Oh my, a field trip?” I ask in a childlike voice. “And these must be my chaperones. Are you excited too, boys?” I ask the two muscle men that I should have known would be there. I’m trying to get some reaction out of them but nothing. I’m disappointed then I remember they work with nutcases for a living.

The doctor says nothing and heads on down the hall. I begin to follow right away to avoid the big guy next to me grabbing me. They fall into step beside me like two moving walls. They both have shaved heads. I wonder why the bouncer type guys always shave their heads. I’m sure they think long hair is too feminine for them but why do they have to shave it all off? I love long hair. It’s fun to play with. I missed it when Ville butchered almost all his hair off on one of his artistic whims.

We pass all the other doors where the other crazies are being held. I can’t see them now. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any others. They really keep us separated and there is really no reason to leave the little cell unless you have an appointment or hurt yourself like I did. I’m no doctor but I don’t think locking us away with ourselves is really going to do anyone any good.

We make it to the x-ray room. It’s nothing grand for me. I’ve been in a room like this many times thanks to many broken bones from stupid stunts. Like a pro I go through the whole process. I could just about do this by myself. I just nod as they rattle off the scientific names of the bones I’ve broken and point them out to me on the x-ray though I’m uninterested. They do what they need to do and wrap me up then escort me back to my room.

Molly gives me a couple painkillers and I take them though I don’t really notice the throbbing in my hand. The door closes and I’m thrown back into the darkness. With a sigh I flop down onto the bed and stare at the ceiling, waiting for my eyes to adjust but I can’t keep my eyes open, the drugs making me drowsy. The painkillers may give me a good night’s sleep that I haven’t had in a long time. Maybe I should hurt myself more often.
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