Holiday Surprises Part 2

Dec 16, 2006 20:34

Name- Holiday Surprises
Part 2
Genre- Fanfiction, Romance,
Fanfare- VAM, Jussi of 69 Eyes (sorta)
Author- Rai Shelton
Rating- You decide
Disclamer- Dont know. Don't Own. But I Wouldn't Mind If Ville and Bam DO Get Together.
Summary Bam has a surprise for Ville!
A/n I'm not the best speller, and I don;t have Jpeg, soooo...Schabe for any errors. Plus, this is the first time I've included a flash back in a story. I had this entire thing wrote out, but as i was writing this part on here, I relized it was..short. So I added to it! hope you enjoy!

ok so im sick today...its just a chest cold (or so i hope) all my friends have something wrong with them, and im ussually the healthy one. guess its my turn huh? thanks for the comments guys!

Taking the stairs two at a time, Bam rushed downstairs to the living room. Ville walked slowly down behind him, choosing to relax instead of rushing, risking an attack. A package had arrived. Apparently, it was important to Bam. As Ville walked into the room, Bam hid the small box in his shirt. Ville eyed him, but said nothing. He lit a fag, exhaling deeply. With the stick held tightly between his lips, he sat down next to BAm on the leather couch. Bam layed his head down on Ville's lap as he turned on the television. Ville ran his hand over Bam's chest, down his stomache. He felt the small box that now rested against his thigh. He traced the seam of the pocket before finnally going into it. Bam slapped his hand playfully and wiggled his lower body around.
"No Willa." he said in a childish voice. Ville mocked a pout. Bam couldn't help but smile; he was so damn cute!
"You can't have it yet. It's a Christmas present!"
Ville eyed the man, but smiled.
"Christmas gift? You don't even have a tree!"
Bam looked around as he sat up. Ville was right. They needed to make the castle a bit more...Christmas-ey.


Hand in hand, Ville and the boy prince walked around the tree nursery. April had accompiened them, but was off retrieving lights, garland, and other decorations. The two now walked by themselves, awaiting to spot the perfect one. So far, all they had seen were (Big word for me, so dont get mad if its spelled wrong. im only a freshman, and i hate spelling!) mediocre pines and evergreens. None seemed to suit the skater's expectations. Suddenly, Ville pointed and jumped up and down excitedley.
"oh, oh, I found one!" He ran up to a seven foot evergreen. He wrapped his arms around it, attempting to embrace it. Bam smiled as Ville turned around.
"Is this the one you want?" Bam inquired. Ville nodded. He placed his scarf on the branches, marking it as theirs. They found a keeper, and it was loaded onto the top of the Hummer.

The house looked spiffy, if he didn't say so himself, Bam thought. They had came home, loaded with bags of decorations and gifts from shopping. They only had to worry about gifts for five this year, being as everyone but Ville, himself, Phil, Ape, and Jussi were elsewhere for the holiday.
Ville had dissapeared. Bam figured he was walking outside in the woods for a while. He wasn't in the house, and he didn't know how to drive. Walking was the next possible option.
Bam walked putside, looking over his vast yard into the woods. He walked down into the woods, figured he'd find him. His mind wandered to the past few months. Jussi had moved in for a while. Ville had broken up with a physco, and Jenn had broken his heart along with half his albumn collection.
So much had happened, yes. Him and Ville had found comfort in each other's arms. Bam himself found an emotion that he believed that he had felt for Jenn in Ville. He didn't know if it was returned by the singer, but he knew he felt it.
After a while, he came to a treehouse that him and the the guys had built. They had named it Fast Eddie's Tree Top Casino. But lateley it was deserted, seeing as a canonball had went right through it. Bam still came out to it to collect his thought. Other than that, it was usually deserted.
But Ville's feet were slung over the bottom rail, laying down.
Bam climbed into the treehouse, settling down next to him. He pushed his brown lockes from infront of his eyes and looked down at Ville. His eyes were closed; his fingers were intertwined on his stomach.
"So this is where you ran off to." Bam stated. Without opening his eyes, a smile pulled across the older man's lips.
"I needed to collect my thought for a bit. I didn't mean to be gone this long kulta."
Bam shook his head.
"You weren't gone that long. I just didn't see you. If you want I'll leave." Bam started to get up, but Ville grabbed his arm.
"No!" he protested. "Don't go." Bam sat back down. Ville sat upright. It was now that Bam could tell that he had been crying.
"Baby," he said in a soft voice. "What's the matter?"
Ville sighed.
"I'm scared. I'm scared that I'm going to get you upset and you're going to be just like him."
Bam felt like he just got hit in the face. That was the last thing he expected. He wrapped his arms around Ville and held tight. His mind wandered back to the time he found Ville.

~Bam was in Helsinki, just wanting to chill. He had called Ville to see if he wanted to get together, but some guy had answered and and yelled that Ville wasn't there and to never call him again.
Bam was nervous. That must have been Ville's new boyfriend, Shawn.
Ville had told Bam about him; about how sweet he was, how sexy, and how he rivalled Bam in his smile. He was wearing more braclets than usual, and didn't mess with his hair as much at the time. Bam didn't suspect anything at the time.
But when he yelled at him and demanded he forget about Ville, that was enough.
Bam strolled down the Finnish sidewalk, casually drinking from a bottle of soda. He stopped in front if Ville's apartment building, and sighed. He was a dipshit for being there, and he knew it. But Ville was his best friend, and he was worried.
Maybe he was just drunk, Bam thought to himself. But he decided to ring the buzzer anyway. A deep Finnish voice came from the other end.
"Terve?" it said. Bam stated he was there to see Ville, and the voice pressed a button releasing the door. Bam climbed the stairs until he reached Ville's door. Before he even knocked, he heard the crash as something bounced off the door and shattered. He heard the same voice scream in Finnish, uable to pick up many words except bullshit, pathetic and whore.
After a bit, the yelling stopped. Bam breathed a sigh of relief.
The dorr busted open. A well bult man walked out of the door. He eyed Bam, rolling his eyes. He walked past him and down the stairs to the alley below. As he passed Bam, he could smell cheap liquor on him, mingling with sweat and smoke.
Bam rushed into the place, looking for signs of Ville. The place was a wreck. Photos were strewn around the room. Broken glass crunched under the man's feet as he walked into the room to spot Ville laying on the bed.
A gasp escaped his lips.
Blood was pouring from his wrists and thighs. As Bam collected the frail man into his arms, a bloody razorblade dropped from ther singer's hands.
Hours later, he was stable. Bam looked at the sleeping creature, taking note of the scars on his wrists, the bruises on his arms and neck.
He'll never touch you again, my darling.

"I would never do that Willa. I would rather kill myself before letting that happen again."
The tears flowed freely from Ville's eyes into Bam's sweatshirt. Bam smoother Ville's air and kissed the top of his head.
"It's okay." he said reassuringly. "It's okay."
After a bit, the lovers climbed down the ladder and walked towards the house, planning on having a few beers before dinner with Jussi.

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