
Dec 16, 2006 17:36

Title: Ignorance is bliss, but only on December 25th.
rating: pg-13
pairing: vam
summary: ville suspects bam is cheating on him, better than it sounds!
warnings: angst and christmas suprises
a/n: sometimes i just don't know how i come up with this stuff...

Ville smiled as he heard Bam's cellphone ringing. He had called Castle Bam, but Novak had told him Bam was out. Finally, Bam picked up.
"Hello Bammie."
"Hey Willa, can you uh call back later? This is kind of a time..."
Ville was about to answer when he heard another voice.
"Who is it?" She asked.
"Shh, he'll hear you" Bam replied.
"I was just calling you to tell you that my plane was arriving at 10:30 tonight, Bammie."
"O.k. I'll be there in the Lambo. Bye Willa!"
"Bye Bammie..." Ville said sadly.
He thought of the past three months and the many conversations that had gone almost exactly like that except for the female voice in the background. He could no longer deny the fact that the evidence pointed to Bam cheating on him. He heard his flight called and with a heavy heart he boarded the plane.
He awoke to the slight bump of the plane landing. He grabbed his carry on bag and joined the mindless herd of paasengers pushing their way off the plane. he desperately craved a ciggarette, having fallen asleep with out smoking one just after take off, but he knew he couldn't have one until he reached the main lobby at least.
He was letting out the first drag of the cigarrette when he was practically body slammed by an over enthusiastic Bam.
"Willa! I missed you so much." He mumbled into Ville's scarf, clutching him in a desperation tinged hug.
"I missed you too, Bammie." Ville said with a laugh, trying to shove his earlier doubts away.
On the way to Bam's house Ville smoked ciggarette after ciggarette lost in his own thoughts, letting bam's soothing voice wash over him.
"...And I'm getting married tomorrow."
"What!?" Ville said turning his head so fast to look at Bam he nearly gave himself whiplash.
"I knew you weren't listening!" Bam said pouting.
"Don't do that, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Ville said.
"You've been ignoring me practically the whole way home, what's wrong? was it something I said? That I did? Talk to me Ville...."
Ville sighed.
"You'd never...cheat on me... would you?"
Bam stared at him in shock for a moment.
"Never! I love you too much for that. Where would you get an idea like that?"
"It's just the past few months you've put me off every time I call and earlier you were with a girl that you obviously didn't want me to know about and...I just don't know what to think."
Bam parked the Lambo and got out, going around to Ville's side and taking his hand as soon as he got out. He led him upstairs and into his bedroom, ignoring his protests.
"Sit." He said pointing to the bed.
Ville sat at the very end and watched as Bam dug through his closet, finally locating whatever it was under a broken skateboard. Bam looked at the lumpy and rather poorly wrapped package in his hands.
"I wanted to give this to you tomorrow, since it is christmas and all, but I suppose giving it to you now will help explain why i've been so busy lately." He said handing over the package.
Ville looked at the tag which read "To My Willa, my true love in life and death, From Your Bammie." He smiled at the sentiment, then he ripped open the paper. Out fell... what appeared to be either a scarf or a fishing net.
"It's a scarf I made for you."
Well that cleared one mystery up.
"Where did you learn to knit?" Ville asked.
"You know that girl you heard on the phone? Well her name is Chelsea and I met her in a chatroom for gay adults, she taught me how to knit. And she got us a present!" Bam said.
Ville laughed at Bam's enthusiasm, before becoming embarrassed.
"I'm sorry Kulta, I shouldn't have doubted you."
"It's o.k. I shouldn't have been ignoring you."
Ville laid back and pulled Bam down on top of himself, kissing him as the clock struck midnight.
"Merry Christmas Bammie."
"Merry Christmas Willa."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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