Chapter 10

Dec 16, 2006 17:20

Well, this is for all of you darlings. I hope you like this part, Ville... whimpers... All right... Read on. Also, I'm gonna put a quote for the cut thing instead of boring old chapter 10 blah!

Title: Say You Love Me Too
Author: absinthe_memory
Paring: VAM
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own Ville or Bam. All incidents are fiction. But we all can dream.
Summary: Bam messed up this time; just days before school he managed to get his parents to put him in the Mont Reform House. He sees a green eyed angel, and he feels the need to help him. But this older boy wants nothing to do with him, least of all love him. With his refusal for help, Bam tries to turn away. But somehow Bam finds himself trying to help Ville no matter what it costs.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Bam and Ville finished off their shower both boys cleaning themselves; Ville couldn't help but look down at Bam's body. It hurt for him to want something and not be able to touch it, due to someone else's sick mind. He knew in time he'd heal and in time he'd be able to touch Bam just like he wanted. "Come on baby, bedtime." Bam smiled wrapping a blue towel around his hips, Ville picked up a green one wrapping it around his own. Bam's hair was so messy; some of it was falling in his eyes. Ville leaned against the counter with his head down; he lifted his head back and turned around to follow Bam out. April was walking up the stairs as they were coming down the hallway, seeing both boys in a towel.

"He was in the shower, I was in the tub." Bam laughed, April rolled her eyes and walked up the stairs as Bam opened his bedroom door. Bam reached in his drawer shooting a pair of black silky boxers at Ville. "That should be your size." Ville slipped them on getting under the covers quickly. Bam put on a pair of blue boxers and got in beside him. "Vil, when do you want to tell Ape?"

Ville looked up at the ceiling in thought, his head turned slowly to rest on Bam's eyes. "Not yet, I still need to sort out everything." Bam nodded turning off the bedside lamp. He pulled Ville close, his back to Bam's chest. Ville felt safe in his arms, like nothing bad could happen when Bam had his arms around him. Both boys drifted off, Ville had turned around and was now facing Bam.

April walked in around 11am dressed up for the day. "Boys, wake up." She said opening the curtain. Bam groaned sitting up. "Where's Ville?" April asked looking at the bed where he should have been. Bam looked over then at the door when Ville walked in his hair wet, wearing his new clothes. He was wearing a black button up shirt and tight black jeans.

"Ville, honey why are you up so early?" April asked picking up some of Bam's clothes off the floor. Bam ran a hand through his messy curls.

"Ape lay off the cleaning woman." He growled getting up, his boxers hanging low off his hips.

"I just wanted to clean myself off." Ville smiled leaning against the wall, watching the two of them. Bam threw on a pair of pairs snatching a t-shirt from April's hands pulling it on backwards. He growled turning it the right way.

"So why did you come in?" Bam asked searching through his drawer for a pair of socks.

"We're going to the airport to pick up Jess." Bam's head snapped up.

"Jess." He grinned smiling like an idiot.

"Who's Jess?" Ville cut in. April turned her head, smiling at the green-eyed boy before her. She wondered how Ville would get along with Jess.

"My oldest, Bam's brother." April smiled putting the clothes in a drawer. Bam ran over to Ville clutching him on the shoulders.

"He's wicked cool, and he's in a band." Ville laughed patting Bam's shoulders.

"Sure fun, fun. I'll get to see him when he comes." Ville laughed, Bam grinned making him look younger and more devious. April walked out with the two of them following Ville's hand was in Bam's as Bam started skipping out to the car. Ville laughed skipping along, wondering why Bam was so excited.

"Ville rides shotgun." April commanded, as Bam was about to open the passenger door. Bam opened the door holding his arm for Ville to sit in.

"I was just holding the door out for him." Bam grinned rolling his eyes. Ville mouthed a kiss to Bam making him cave in and smile. Bam got in the back buckling himself in, he looked out the window happy that Ville was accepted so quickly no questions. Bam suppressed a laugh listening to April and Ville talking like two girls. Ville looked back his eyebrow raised.

"What are you laughing at?" He grinned his lips curved in a smile. Bam just rolled his eyes before touching Ville's cheek.

"I'm laughing at you two women." Ville reached back playfully hitting Bam's arm. Bam's mouth opened almost in a smile.

"We're here." April announced getting Ville to turn around. Ville got out of the car squealing out loud as Bam's arms wrapped around him lifting his legs off the ground as Bam ran with him to the front doors. Bam laughed in his ear as he put Ville down in a red chair. April walked over to a vending machine getting them each a cup of coffee. Ville accepted his warming his hands on the foam cup.

"Jess-Jess should be here any minute." Bam grinned looking at Ville who was blowing on his coffee. "That's so hot." Bam snickered looking at Ville's lips in an O blowing at the hot liquid.

"Sorry that hot coffee turns you on Bam." April cut off their little conversation putting her coffee down to run at Jess, who dropped his bags on the floor his arms opened wide. Bam put his cup down walking over with his hands in his jean pockets. Ville sat there, giving them space. He took a sip of his coffee looking around the airport. He saw someone not to far away talking to someone else. He looked closer noticing the same jet-black hair, those black-rimmed glasses. He was wearing black jeans and a beige shirt with a trendy jean jacket. Ville's hand started shaking badly letting his grip on the coffee loosen.

He knew who it was, it was Dr.Mont, he accepted a box; Ville knew exactly what that box was. A new shipment of drugs, his cup fell out of his hand. His knees subconsciously rising to his chest, Bam walked over noticing Ville's actions. "What's going on?" He asked touching his shoulder looking at the fresh tears in Ville's eyes. Ville turned his head, his shoulders shaking.

"He's here Bam. He's fucking here." He whimpered looking in Mont's direction. Bam's eyes followed Ville's gaze widening at the sight. It was in fact Dr.Mont standing over there talking to someone else. Bam shot up and ran over to April and Jess.

"Look, we gotta get out of here." He almost screeched making them both quickly follow him. He walked back over to Ville kneeling before him. "Ville come on get it together, if he notices us, it's over." Ville nodded hugging his knees. Bam helped him up rushing for the doors as quickly as possible. Ville looked back one last time thanking god Dr.Mont didn't notice them. They got in the car and Ville ran for the back crawling all the way to the window. Bam got in with him, pulling him close.

"What's going on?" Jess asked looking at the two of them. Bam glared at Jess, holding on Ville tighter.

"Bam's boyfriend." April smiled putting her glasses on as she backed out of their parking spot. Jess looked at her raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, his boyfriend. He's a real peach." April grinned looking back at Ville only now noticing his current state. "Honey, are you all right?" He shook his head clutching onto Bam's shirt.

"Jess, trust me you'll like him, but right now just shut up ok?" Bam pleaded looking out the window seeing Mont get in a black car. April pulled out the gate driving to their house. Ville shook, his eyes squeezed shut, his hands a white knuckle grip on Bam's shirt.

They arrived back at the house, Ville shot out of the car running in as fast as he could. Bam ran in after him following him all the way to the bathroom where he found Ville curled up in the tub. Bam got in with him pulling him close. He stretched out letting Ville crawl up and lay beside him. "He's not gonna get you here." Bam looked down playing in Ville's hair. Ville held onto Bam trying to not think of Mont.

He needed to tell Bam soon, he wanted to tell him everything he went through. He just couldn't figure out how, and when he'd work up the guts to do it. He just knew he had to, and he knew Bam needed to know for the healing to begin. Ville looked at Bam, his eyes were shut in sleep. Ville looked at the shower curtain, thinking he saw a figure standing outside it. He pulled it back fast, his heart in his throat. Nothing was there. He stood up shakily, walking over to the sink. He bent down slashing cold water on his face.

He let the cool water flow over his lips, licking them tasting the fresh cool water. He sighed, putting his hands on the counter top. His eyes looked over at Bam's sleeping form. He so badly wanted to be normal for him; Bam didn't deserve to be put through this. Ville looked back up in the mirror for once smiling at his reflection. He looked down turning off the tap, when his eyes met his reflection once again. He saw the face of Dr.Mont behind him, smiling. Ville backed up, his face full of horror; his back hit the door as he slid down it slowly. "Get out of me, get out. Stop, stop, stop." He whispered his hands on either side of his head.

April called out for supper. Ville stood up drying his eyes; he walked over to the tub shaking Bam awake. "Shit, man didn't know I fell asleep." Bam said groggily. Ville helped him up, trying to pretend he didn't see something again. He walked to the table sitting down in the same spot as before. Bam sat down beside him.

"So what happened at the airport today?" April asked, handing Ville his plate. He looked down playing with his fork. "I'm sorry I asked honey, when you're ready tell me ok?" Ville looked up nodding. Jess just shook his head digging in.

"So how'd you meet Ville?" Jess asked before taking a sip of water. Bam looked at Ville squeezing his thigh.

"We met in the skate park. He was drawing and all that shit, so I wandered on over." Bam grinned; Ville didn't look up. He didn't like lying, but it hurt for him too much to talk about. April knew that wasn't the truth but he kept her mouth shut, cause whatever it had to do with, wasn't good.

Supper went fast. Leaving Ville and Bam doing the dishes. "I didn't like you lied to your brother." Ville whispered handing Bam a plate. Bam took it wiping the soap off.

"I didn't want to say anything, you had a rough enough day already I just didn't want to stir shit up." Bam put the plate down so he could put them away later. Ville looked at him his hands full of suds.

"It's all right, we're safe." Ville turned back to the sink looking out the window like the pervious night. Smiling at the beautiful setting sun. April called out for Ville, he wipes his hands promising Bam he'd be back to finish. He ran up the stairs following April's voice. He opened their bedroom door finding her holding a shirt to herself.

"Come sit honey." She smiled pointing to the bed. Ville walked over and sat down Indian style. "I just wanted to know if you're ok." Ville looked at her, wondering if he should say something.

"I'm ok I guess." He played with his pant leg nervously. April picked up another shirt looking at herself, then looked at Ville.

"Like this color?" Ville pointed to a blue shirt on the back of the chair.

"That one would be nice." He smiled, watching her go get it. She held it up smiling at Ville's choice.

"Thanks honey. Like I was saying, you can tell me anything." She smiled, "Well I need to get ready Phil, Jess, and I are going to the movies." Ville got up off the bed walking over to April. He bit his lip nervously. "You don't need to hug me." She said looking at him shaking.

"I...I want to." He whispered looking at the floor; his green eyes glistening from unshed tears.
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