Bam Bam, you shot me down, Bam Bam

Dec 03, 2006 20:07

Author - Bonevalo
Rating -  PG
Disclaimer -  Bam and Ville are locked in my closet....i dont feed them unless they do as i say.   I own no one, but they are all on my christmas list. Of course, this is FICTION.  It never has, and probally never will happen...
Summary - While shooting for 'jackass 3' Bam does a stunt with the CKY crew, and Ville, called 'extreme spin the bottle' Which starts with the first pair kissing, and, as the game progresses, the kisses become more...when the cameras are off, the game ends with Bam and Ville in bed together... Ville's over active imagination does'nt seem so silly, when his predictions start to come true, however, when he see's death in his mind, does that mean that will come true too...?
Pairing  - Me and Ville VAM
P.O.V. - Ville (you ARE Ville)
Notes - To contain Mpreg, possible character death, PG - NC-17 material and volience

Chapter 3 - And i'll see into your imagination...
Other chapters behind cut.

Chapter one - Round round baby, round round
Chapter 2 - I wanna Rock and Roll all Nite

Chapter 3 - And you'll see Into your imagination...

Bam lead you down to breakfast, half an hour later, after a shower together. His hands entwined with yours as yet again you stopped to kiss. It took you three times as long as normal. When you arrived, everyone, for once, was sitting around having somewhat of a civilized breakfast.
"Morning guys, did one of you have a girl here last night..." said Dunn looking up. He spotted your hands and gasped, dropping his spoon as he did so. At the sound of Ryan's gasp, everyone looked up. As soon as the noticed your hands, they didn't shut up.
"No way, THAT was you two last night?"
"I knew you guys liked each other"
"Oh man, I should have known you would go through it"
"Are you guys in love and something?"
"Actually Rake, we are. Do you have a problem with that?" asked Bam.
"Well, no… its your choice man." he said. The others shrugged their shoulders and murmured in agreement.
"So, none of you have a problem with this?" you asked. No one spoke up, so you grinned. "Good, cause I'm going to have Bam in bed every night till I go"
There is a cry of protest from most, who leave the room in disgust.
"I'm not eating cereal again...ever"
"Oh god, Ville's room is right next to me."
A few minutes later they had all gone, leaving you and Bam to eat in peace.
"HEY BAM DOES YOUR ASS HURT" came Rakes voice from the pirate bar. Its followed by a round of laughter from the rest of Bam’s friends.
"NO, BUT MINE DOES" you yell back, causing Bam to fall of his chair because he's laughing so hard.
"So honey, what's so important you drag your father and I over here on such short notice?" asks April as she and Phil make themselves comfortable. You and Bam look at each other, smile, and grasp hands.
"We're a couple April,” you say.
"And we're in love." says Bam. There was a silence. Bam's eyes widened with a cross between shock and fear. He unlinked your fingers from his own, and went over to her. He placed his hand on hers.
"April..." Nothing. "Mom...please mom, say something." A tear dripped down Aprils face, but she smile.
"I knew you'd realize how you felt Bam. I've been able to see it for so long. I'm so glad you can finally see." She said, patting Bam's hand.
"What?" questioned Bam, looking very confused?
"Oh Bam, I'm your mother, mothers can see these things in their children. I mean, come on Bam, his face, his symbol, just about anything to do with Ville you have, and the way you talk about him sweetie. How could anyone not see," Bam smiled, he stood up and hugged his mother tight.
"Don’t tell anyone I said this, but I love you mom,” he whispered. You, April and Phil laugh.
"That. NEVER. Happened." Bam said, grinning. "So fatboy, what about you?" asked Bam as he pounced on his father, hitting him in the stomach a few times. Phil simply lifted him up and dropped him on the floor.
"As long as your happy kid," he said. Bam pounced again, but this time, he hugged his father.
"Oh, by the way April," you say, she looks up at you with a questioning look, as does both Bam and Phil. "I have malepregocity" April grinned, squealed and ran over to you, hugging you tight.
"You can have kids?" asked Bam. You nodded as you wrapped your arms around April...
"I found out when I was 15, I woke up to find blood on my sheets. Jesse has it too; him and his wife have each carried one of their children. We don’t have periods like girls, but we bleed when our bodies are ready to conceive."
"How comes Jess and I cant do that?" Bam whined.
"It’s genetic Bam and our family has no history of it," Said April, as she let you go.
Bam waited until his parents left before he asked.
"Do you want to have my children? I mean, you told my mother that you have malepregocity." He couldn’t stop a small hopeful smile playing on his lips.
"I know it’s early on Bam, but, I've been in love with you for years, I've imagined these things darling."
"You have..." said Bam, smiling. He came and sat on your lap, curling up against your chest. "So tell me, how many children are we going to have."
"A few, we only ever plan the first pregnacy, the others just come naturally, but because we're so sexually active, it means the little ones keep coming.  We don’t care though because fatherhood comes naturally to both of us."
"Are we going to get married?" Bam questions. You look down at and see that he's smiling and looking hopeful.
"Of course. We’ll have a beautiful wedding, our families and friends are there, supporting us. We’ll sell the pictures to a British Rock Magazine like Kerrang, and that issue will become their biggest selling issue in history. They’ll have to reprint it many times,"
"Do we look sexy on our wedding day?"
"Well, you did, I was pregnant, and fat. But you didn't care. Your hands were on my stomach the whole time, feeling the baby kick. The priest had to tell you off because you were talking to it - her - we have a girl first." You choose this moment to look down at Bam. His eyes sparkled.
"Tell me more about your plans," he said.
"Our fans dont care that we're together. Most seem to say they knew it was going to happen. We get some hate mail, especially after our first child is born, but you just laugh it off. You teach our kids to skate, to pull pranks, they drive me insane, but I dont care. I teach them about rock and roll and get them into Elvis, Sabbath and Maiden. That drives you insane." You stop as Bam laughs, and you kiss his forehead.
"Is that what you want out of life, apart from your career?" asked Bam. He looked right into your eyes. You grin.
"Its all I’ve ever wanted since I realized I was in love with you." you confess. Bam's smile reaches his ears as he says,
"Its what I want to. I've thought about these things too, I don’t have your vivid imagination, but what you just described is basically how I see our lives."
"Hey Bam.." you ask.
"You want to make that reality?"
"What, now?" asked Bam, grinning like a Cheshire cat.
"Yeah, now. Bammie, we've been a couple for less than a day, but we've been in love for years, we we're friends, but we were as close to being a couple as friends could get. In my mind, we've been a couple for years. Last night was just us cementing our relationship. I love you Bammie,” you say. Your little speech brings tears to both yours, and Bam's eyes.
"I love you too Willa, I just wish I’d told you sooner." Tears were pouring down both your faces now. You took Bam's face in your hands, wiped his tears away with your thumbs, before planting a kiss on his lips. You pulled away and rested your forehead against his.
"Marry me Bammie?" you ask. Bam smiles and fresh tears fall down his face.
"I was about to ask you the same thing,” he said, smiling widely. You kissed him again.
"Is that a yes?" you ask, playfully.
"Yeah, yeah it is," he replies. You kiss him deeply and passionately. "Hey Ville, you know who you said that, on our wedding day, you were pregnant...?" Questioned Bam. You grinned knowing what he was getting at.
"I want you to be pregnant on our wedding day, I want to be able to feel our baby kicking, just like you said,"
"You just want to get told off my the priest," you said with a grin.
"That too, but I'm serious,"
"So am I. I want to be..."

Thanks to hottgrl1289  for being my Beta! *HUGS*
-Comments keep me sane...
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