Bam Bam, you shot me down, Bam Bam

Nov 30, 2006 19:55

Author - Bonevalo
Rating -  NC-13
Disclaimer -  Bam and Ville are locked in my closet....i dont feed them unless they do as i say.   I own no one, but they are all on my christmas list. Of course, this is FICTION.  It never has, and probally never will happen...
Summary - While shooting for 'jackass 3' Bam does a stunt with the CKY crew, and Ville, called 'extreme spin the bottle' Which starts with the first pair kissing, and, as the game progresses, the kisses become more...when the cameras are off, the game ends with Bam and Ville in bed together... Ville's over active imagination does'nt seem so silly, when his predictions start to come true, however, when he see's death in his mind, does that mean that will come true too...?
Pairing  - Me and Ville VAM
P.O.V. - Ville
Notes - To contain Mpreg, possible character death, PG - NC-17 material and volience

Chapter 1 - Round, round baby round, round

He sat there, oblivious to your staring, chatting with the camera crew, waiting for Ryan Dunn to appear so you could film the next stunt. Well, the only stunt you were involved in. 'Extreme spin the bottle.' It was Bams take on the game that drunken teenagers play at under-age parties. The game involved no women, just the CKY, Bam, and youself. The first pair to face the end of the bottle, simply gave each other a peck on the lips, and as the game continued, things got a little more R-rated. Of course everyone was drunk, that's why they were playing, they could blame any sort of sexual satisfaction of the night on drunken mishaps. You however, weren't drunk. Having only just arrived from Finland, you weren't in the mood, not like that would stop you playing, not if it means getting a chance to touch Bam. You hadn't always seen Bam in such a way, but ever since the making of BABL, when he had given you a raging hard-on after drunkenly passing out on you, you couldn't help it. Since then every time you made love to your girlfriend, everything you jacked off, well, at every waking moment, all you could see was his face, all you could here was his voice, all you could smell was his after-shave, mixed with the scent of his fruity shampoo. He was the reason you had dumped Jonna. The inspiration behind all you latest material.
"Come on Dunn! We're waiting! The camera crew have to go in 10 fucking minutes!" Bam yelled up the stairs. Poor Dunn. Bam had covered him in superglue and glitter, and had proceeded to use him as a disco ball.
"Fine,  I'm coming!" Dunn replied. You couldn't help but grin as he appeared. He had changed, but his hair and face still sparkled rainbow colours.
Everyone proceeded to sit in a circle. Bam ran over and jumped into your lap.
"Hey Willa, you can decide who has first spin!" he said. You bit your lip. A part of you was suddenly aroused. To tame it, you thought of Vito - naked. It was soon gone. You grinned at Bam.
"Dunn can start" you say.
"Go Willa! How did you know what i was thinking!" he said, raising his arms in the air in victory. You laughed.
"Great minds think alike," you say. Bam moved off you and sat to your left, Dunn sat on his other side, Raab on yours.
"Yeah, thanks Ville, this is really what i dont need right now." He said. However he spun the bottle regardless. It landed on Rake. There was a pause.
"Come on, KISS"  Bam yelled. Rake and Dunn blushed, but they pecked each others lips briefly.
"Alright then Dunn, you get to pick who next spins the bottle,* said Bam. Dunn looked round the circle, deep in thought. Then he grinned evily and looked at Bam.
"Go ahead Bam, spin" he said. Bam blushed. He looked so cute when he blushed, it brought a small smile to your face. Bam gave it one hard spin, it almost spun out of the circle, but it stopped on Raab.
"EEEEWWWWW there is NO way, i mean, NO way, I'm frenching Bam" he said. He stood up, to try and run, but Dunn tackled him, and held him down. Bam ran over, laughing like a school-girl, and planted his lips frimly on Raabs. Dispite protests, Raab let Bam french him, even giving a bit back himself. The site was such a turn on, you had to leave the room. Before anyone could question it, you were gone, sinking to the floor of the bathroom. In less than a minute, you had locked the door, pulled down your pants, and jacked off to the point of cumming, the image of Bam and Raab frenching still in your mind. After cleaning yourself up, you returned, claiming that "you were laughing so hard you needed your inhaler"
A couple of rounds later, the camera crew left, but not untill after they caught Ryan jacked Dico off. Dico had claimed he had not enjoyed himself, but he  came in seconds, and even moaned out, what sounded like Ryans name. Ryan however, did not enjoy himself, having thrown up over the floor, after Dico came on his hand.
You sighed, with the camera crews gone ,there was little chance they would continue, which ment your chances of touching Bam where getting smaller and smaller. However, Dico said
"I pick Ville to spin the god-damn bottle. Hes done jack shit all night."
"Hey that's right" said Rake, as everyone turned to face you. You blushed yet again, and tried to get out of the situation.
"OH, ive got it, he has to fuck whoever the bottle lands on!" yelled Raab. There was a cheer amongst the group, followed by mumers or unceritanty. Rake backed out of the game, then Raab, followed by Dico. You sighed, knowing you couldn't get out of it. Yet now, your hopes were up, there was a 50/50 chance you could be with Bam.                                                                                                                                                                                                               
"Fine" you say, in what you hoped was an annoyed voice. You spun the bottle hard, it moved about the now minute circle, repounding off the knees of you, Bam and Dunn. Then it slowed down, for a few fearful seconds, it looked like it was going to land on Dunn. But it didnt. It stopped, fully and clearly, on Bam.
"Awww come on!" yelled Bam, and he stood up and banged his head against the wall, while a course of laughs rang out amongst the others at the same time you could here the sound of your heart breaking. It hurt so much, you wanted to cry, to run off to your room, lock the door, and never be seen by the world again.
"Come on Bam, go and have sex with Ville" said Raab, as he pushed him towards you. Bam stumbled, but refused to go anywhere near you. You simply stared at the floor, you didnt want anyone to see the tears in youe eyes.
"Thank fuck for that" you said, this time trying to sound like you were making a joke.
"No way, you two are going to at least french!" said Rake, as both he and Dico took one of Bams arms. They dragged him infront of you, before throwing him into your lap.
"No!" yelled Bam, trying to run again. But Rake and Dico pinned him down.
"FINE. I WILL KISS HIM. ONCE. ONCE AND THAT'S IT!" screamed Bam as he kicked and faught against the grip of his friends. They let him go, and, before you could prepare yourself he grabbed your face, and forced his lips against yours. Before you could capture any feeling, his lips were gone, and he sat down,  wiped his mouth, and downed a beer to 'get rid of the taste.' You simply laughed and did the same. You didnt want them to ask questions.
One by one, the others drifted to bed, leaving you and Bam alone. For a few seconds of awkard silence pass. You bite you lip, and try to think of something, ANYTHING, to say. You open your mouth several times, but nothing. Bam appears to be having the same trouble.
"I'm just going to go to bed..." you say in a whisper, your head down. 
After leaving the pirate bar, you almost run up the stairs, just so you could throw yourself on your bed and cry. Before you can reach the door, someone grabs your shoulders, forces you against the wall, and puts thier lips on yours....

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