Bam Bam, you shot me down, Bam Bam

Nov 30, 2006 22:27

Author - Bonevalo
Rating -  NC-17
Disclaimer -  Bam and Ville are locked in my closet....i dont feed them unless they do as i say.   I own no one, but they are all on my christmas list. Of course, this is FICTION.  It never has, and probally never will happen...
Summary - While shooting for 'jackass 3' Bam does a stunt with the CKY crew, and Ville, called 'extreme spin the bottle' Which starts with the first pair kissing, and, as the game progresses, the kisses become more...when the cameras are off, the game ends with Bam and Ville in bed together... Ville's over active imagination does'nt seem so silly, when his predictions start to come true, however, when he see's death in his mind, does that mean that will come true too...?
Pairing  - Me and Ville VAM
P.O.V. - Ville
Notes - To contain Mpreg, possible character death, PG - NC-17 material and volience - Chapter 1 - Round, round baby round, round

Chapter 2 - I wanna Rock and Roll all night...

It was Bam. But of course, you knew that. After years of day dreaming, and the once, split second kiss from before, you didnt need to look at the man who was now slipping his tounge into your mouth. As your tounges battled, Bam pushed himself colser too you, and you could feel the tight bulge in his pants, and you knew he could feel yours,. He pulled away and looked into my eyes, smiling as he did so. He caressed your cheek and rubbed his nose against your own, as you became lost in his beautiful blue eyes.
"You think I'm going to back out of an extreme spin the bottle challenge?" he asked.
"Well..." Bam didn't let you answer, he simply pressed his lips against yours in another mind blowing kiss. When he finally pulled away, me muttered "I never back down. If i want something, i will get it. I want you Ville, and don't you dare say otherwise. I can feel your hard on, and i know full well you can feel mine." he said. You moaned into his next kiss as he dragged you into your room. He threw you on the bed, and went and locked the door. Before he could climb on top of you, you stopped him.
"What about the way you acted before. I felt like a piece of dirt, you didn't even want to kiss me. Now you'll over me like a rash. Has the drink finally kicked in or something..." you say. Your voice rising as you go.
"Its not like that..." says Bam softly. He looks at the ground and plays with his hand.
"Then what is it Bam? Fancied a quick fuck and there are no girls around?"
"Is this a dare, are there hidden cameras in this room?"
"NO! that's not what this is about."
"I'M BI OKAY! I'M BI, AND I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU. THE REASON I didn't WANT TO GO NEAR YOU BEFORE IS BECAUSE I KNEW, THAT IF I DID, I WOULD GET A HARD ON AND EVERYONE WOULD KNOW! I don't WANT THEM TO KNOW, NOT UNTIL I KNOW YOU LOVE ME TOO ! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR! IS IT! I GUESS NOT, GO ON, LAUGH, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!" Tears are streaming down Bams face at this point, as you stare in shock. Bam shakes his head at your lack of response, trys to gain some dignity by wiping his face and sticking his head in the air, before proceeding to go out the door.
"I love you too..." you whisper. Bam stops, looks back, and asks.
"Say that again."
"I love you too" Bam grins, relocks the door and runs over to you. He forces his lips against yours, pushing you back on the bed as he does so. He climbs on top of you as you snake your arms around his waist. One hand rubs his back, the other plays with the ends of his hair. Bam rubs your ams, his hands moving lower with each stroke, until he has to move his hands away, onto your hips. He uses this oppertunity to slide his hands up your t-shirt and caress you bare cheast. You sit up, forcing Bam into your lap. This allows him to take off your t-shirt and caress you cheast with his lips as well as his hands. You run your hands through his hair as he runs his tounge along your tattooed nipple.
"Oh god Bam, you have no idea how good this feels..." you say. Bam stops, looks into your eyes and says,
"Show me" he said. His shirt was already off. Like Bam before you, you ran your tongue over his exposed nipple. He moaned. You played around for a little bit before allowing your mouth to travel south, to the line of his pants. You undid the top button with your teeth. You heard Bam gulp.
"Take them off..." he muttered. You kissed him briefly on the lips, before laying him back on the bed. You undid the zipper of his jeans, nad slowly pulled them down. Bam was wearing nothing underneath. He was fully erect and you could see the desperation in his eyes. He was close, he tried to touch himself, but you swatted his hands away.
"Ill take care of that," you say. Precum leaks from his tip, it drips down his length and almost reachs his stomach. that's where you start. You slowly, oh so slowly, start to lick it away, so slowly, a minute is gone before you reach the tip of his length, which you gentle suck on.
"Please Ville.." he whispers.
"Please what?" you tease. He jerks his hips, trying to force his length into your mouth. You lightly set your teeth onto his skin.
"OW!" he wails.
"Then wait." You look at Bam in the eyes and grin before taking half his length in your mouth. Bam moans again. You move your mouth down, cupping his balls in your hands as you do so. Bam throws his head back in pleasure. His moans get loader as you begin to bob your head up and down slowly, massaging his balls as you do so. Bam grips your hair and wimpers, seconds later, his hot seed shots into your mouth. You swolow all he has to offer, before climbing on the bed next to you.
"That was amazing" he panted. You grinned and kissed his lips.
"Your first blowjob by a man..?" you question.
"Yes, but oh god, you do it better than any woman i know." He rambles, catching his breath. Then he looks at you an smiles seductivly. "Ive never given one before" Before you can really respond, he is unfastening your pants and pulling them down. Within seconds they are on the floor, and Bam had taken your own length in his hand. He moves it up and down slowly, before adding his mouth.
"Bam..." you moan, as he takes your entire length into his mouth. You feel him smile as he continues.
"Are you sure youve never done this before..?" you moan a minute later. "I'm sure your an...." you moan into your last word as you cum into Bams mouth. He has trouble swollowing, but wipes his mouth on the bed sheets. "" you say. Bam grins.
"Theres a lot of other things ive never done before" he whispers, sending shivers down your spine.
"Hav you got any lube..?" you ask.
"Yeah, i do as a mattter of fact." he grins, trying to look innocent, but failing.
"May i ask why..?"
"Maybe, sometimes, i use anal toys, sometimes..." he says, hiding his face.
"Get the lube..." you mutter. Bam walks to his room, not bothering to cover himself, before returning with the tube.
"What do you want to do?" you ask him.
"I wanna fuck you Ville, i would love to feel you inside me, but, not now, not after Johnny shoving that branch up there today." You laughed at the memory as Bam opened the lube.
"Coat it on my opening, and on your fingers. Add one at a time, sissor them to prep me, ill tell you when I'm ready," you say, knowing Bam has no idea what to do. "Wait, before you do..." you say, as you take the lube from Bam. You put a little on your hand and then lube Bam cock, ready for when he enters you.
"Willa, if you coninute, ill cum before we start," Bam moans. You laugh and finish up, before Bam continues with his task. Th lube is cold at first, making you gasp, but by the time his second finger is inside you, you don't care. By the third finger, your ready.
"Bam, now, please oh god now..." You hear him give a slight laugh, before he slowly enters you. Once fully inside, he doesnt move, instead he waitts for you to be comftable.
"I'm fine Bam, you can move..." you moan. And he does. Slowly at first, but faster as he becomes more comftable with what he is doing. You had never felt pleasure like it, and you could help but moan load enough for the whole house the hear. Bam takes your cock in his hand, and rubs it with the same rythym as his thrusts. He himseld is muttering your name, his voice getting loader each time. Suddenly, he makes the same whimper as before, as Bam shots his load into you. Seconds later, you cum over his cheast.
"That was brilliant" Bam whispers as he lies down next to you, pulling the crumpled sheets around your sweaty bodys.
"I love you Bammie..." you say, as you begin to drift off.
"I love you too Willa"
You wake up to the sight of Bam pulling his boxers on. He looks like he is in a rush to leave.
"No.." you whisper. Bam stops dressing and looks at you.
"Sleeping beauty awakes" he says, coming over and kissing your lips lightly.
"You remeber last night?" you ask.
"Of course, why wouldnt i"
"I thought, maybe, the drink..."
"I wasnt drunk Willa, i barely finnished two beers, i just needed to get the others piss ass drunk so they would pass out. Didht want them waking up while we had fun did we?" he asks, kissing you again.
"So you love me?"
"I love you, and you love me. And now that its finally out, i want to tell the whole world, but first, i have to pee," he says. You laugh as he rushes into your bathroom. Five minutes later, he rejoins you in bed.
"You really thought last night was a drunken mistake on my part?" he asks,
"I was afraid it was...I love you Bammie, i'd go to the end of the earth for you." you say.
"It never will be, i love you too Willa Walo, i'd do anything for you."

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