(no subject)

Aug 29, 2006 16:31

Title: Here Comes The Fucking Groom...Ch.2
Pairing: Vam
Rating: MA-strong language
Summary: I don't wanna spoil anything, so just read it mmkay?
Disclaimer: I wish they were mine...but, sadly, no.


*I know that I basically bash Jonna is this chapter, but oh well. If it offends you, then don't read it.*

~Ville's P.O.V~

"Get out."

He looked at me as if he could just break down in tears. And, that's hardly like him at all to show emotion. I wasn't trying to be mean, but damn, with that scene he just caused, I was pissed. Not so much because of all the stares he and I were getting, but because of what he said to me. I couldn't believe it, I was shocked. Bam has never said anything like that to me, well he's cursed in general conversation, but never directly towards me. It was as if I had done something wrong. I haven't done anything to anyone. He has no right to come into my home and talk to me that way. I'll be damned if he does. He's acting like a jealous boyfriend. But, wait, he couldn't be jealous of Jonna could he?

"What do you mean get out? No, I won't leave. Not unless you plan on throwing me out, you are not getting rid of me that easily. And, just what the hell are all you staring at? This has nothing to do with any of you. Well, maybe you Jonna. But, we'll handle all that shit later. Right now, Ville and I need to work some things out."

He is seriously pushing it.

I've never been a violent man, but if he thinks just because he's fucking Bam Margera, that he can say whatever the hell he wants too, then he's going to be extremely dissappointed.

"No, don't any of you try and step to me and tell me to calm down. Fuck you! I know what I'm doing. I'm not going to walk away from this or Ville. If I have to drag you out of here by your hair kicking and screaming, I will. Don't test me right now. I'm pissed. And, you will listen to me. Every word. You may not agree with it. You may never want to see me again. But, you won't push me away. Not now."

Did he just say he would drag me out kicking and screaming?

He is insane...

"Look Bam, you just need to go calm down okay? I don't know what type of drug you recently took a fancy too, but it's really went to your head. You will not disrespect me in my own house. Now, I'd appreciate it if you would leave."

"Wow, all that loud music must've really damaged your hearing over the last few years Willa, you evidently didn't hear me correctly or you are choosing to ignore it. But, either way, like I said...I'm NOT going anywhere."

Please...someone hold me back.

"Come on Ville, lets just go. We don't need this. He's obviously not as great of a friend as you thought."

Jonna was standing behind me, tugging on my hand trying to lead me to the door. But, why should I leave my own house, he's the one that needs to leave. Not us.

"Jonna, I've never hit a women, but you're are getting on my last nerve. Oh wait, I shouldn't say women...no no no. My mistake, you aren't a women. A real women would stand by her man, through everything, not just when she felt like. A true women, wouldn't go around bragging about how much money her man makes. A women, that really loved her man, I don't mean 'love' as in 'use', cause there is a different sweetheart. I mean love as in, she wouldn't cheat on him every waking moment because she thought he would just lay there and take it. No no no, Jonna. That's not a women. You know what that is? That's you. You Jonna. You are what makes Ville drink and be depressed. You. You know how many times he's came to me bitching about you? And, how I wanted so bad to tell him to shove your ass of some random bridge somewhere? Hell, I'd help him bury the body, cause that's what you do when you love someone Jonna. You'll do anything. There's nothing to big or too small. When you LOVE someone, it doesn't matter who they are, what they do, where they're from, how much fucking money they have. What matters is that you love them and they love you. Something you know absolutely nothing about. So fuck off."

By now, Jonna had ran out crying. I wanted to run after her, but I was being pulled in the opposite direction by Bam.

"Bam, what the fuck is going on? And, what makes you think you had any right to speak to my fiancee' like that? She didn't deserve.."

"Would stop defending her already? God damn Ville! How can you be so fucking blind? How can you not see that she doesn't give a shit about you? Did you not hear everything I said to her? Did it not make any sense to you? Are you in that much denial about the whole fucking thing? God, you're never going to learn are you? Here I am, I love you more than anything. And, what do you think? You think I'm just being a total jackass about the whole thing. I just trying to open your eyes! You're like a kid who refuses to open his mouth at a dentist office. He knows he should, he's just scared of what might happen. That's you Ville. You're scared to let her go. I could understand that, if she was worth hanging on too. But, Willa, she's not. She's no good. You don't have to settle for that. You don't. You deserve so much more. I can give you that. I can make you happy. I love you Ville. Is any of this ringing a bell? Or, am I just wasting my time on something that's never going to happen?"

I knew I looked I like a fool. Standing there, eyes wide, mouth hanging open. But, what could I say? I never knew. Honest. I just thought he was overly affectionate like me. Wow...I feel...I feel like crying. I want to just let all the flood gates open. Here he was, loving me the whole time. And, I was...I was stupid. How could I have neglected myself like that? I could've had something amazing all this time. But, no, I stayed with Jonna. What's wrong with me? Do I love drama or what? Damn. What do I do now? Should I say I love him too? Do I? I don't know...I love him as a friend...but...am I "in love" with him? Oh, for fucks sake, this is way to complicated. You'd think I'd know how to deal with this with all the love songs I write. Do I really know what I'm doing? Or, am I just full of shit?

Where is he going?

"Bam wait! Wait! Please don't go! I'm sorry!"

He was walking down the sidewalk now. He never even turned around.

What have I done?

Have I just let him walk out of my life?

God no.

I ran after him. I was shouting. Calling his name as loud as I could.

"BAM! Please answer me! Where are you?"

I was now bent over trying to catch my breath. Damn asthma. I really need to quick smoking. I reached for my inhaler...

Where is it?

"You dropped this."

I turned around to see Bam with my inhaler in his hand. He had been crying. That must've been why he took off. He didn't want me to see him cry. I feel like kicking my own ass...

"Thanks Bammie."

I took a few quick puffs.

"Are you okay?"

He's asking me if I'm okay? I should be asking him that. Damn, he's sweet when he wants to be...

"I'm fine sweetheart, are you okay?

Wait, that sounded dumb. Of course he's not okay.

"I'm not in the back of an ambulance am I? So yeah, I'm cool. Besides the fact that you ripped out my heart and fucking tore it to shreads, then ran it over with your car...repeatedly. Other than that minor detail. I'm just peachy."


"Bam. I'm sooo sorry, so terribly sorry. You have no idea how bad I feel right now. Believe me, If I would have known.."

"If you would've known? What the fuck does that mean? You would've what? Huh? Confessed your love for me too? Right. This is not a movie. There is no perfect ending. Ever. Something always fucks it up...right before the good part. Hollywood has fucked everyone's brain up. And, so has Disney. I'm having my cable cut off. It's screwing with my mind too. I mean, to think that you, would come sweep me off my feet and carry me away to our 'far away land'. Right, fuck all that Cinderella/Prince Charming/white horse/Snow White/Sleeping Beauty shit. I hope they all catch pneumonia and die. Fuckers."

"You're right. Life is not a fairytale. And, you know what? I'm glad, because if it was, that means everything would be perfect. Then, what a boring world it would be, right?"

"In a perfect world, you'd be mine. And, I wouldn't get any lip about it. So, that'd be great."

I sighed. I wanted to make him feel better.

"What is it? Why don't you love me? And, if your only excuse is Jonna, I swear to god I'll.."

"This has nothing to do with her. I never said I didn't love you. I never said I did either. I'm just so confused."

"What's there to be confused about? Either, you love me or you don't. Simple."

"I wish it was simple. I don't want to fuck up our friendship."

"Our relationship's been fucked up since the day I realized I loved you. It's never been the same. Not for me anyways."

"So, what if I said I love you? What then. There is no happily ever after remember? So, what's going to happen next?"

"We'd fucking be together damn it! That should be enough."

He was right. Just being with him should be enough. Is it?

"I swear Ville, you're gonna give me a damn heartattack. You're gonna wait up one day, and find out I'm dead. And, you killed me. You bastard. Why do you wanna do me that way? I'm not asking for too much."


If anything ever happened to him...I'd...die.

Suddenly, "Join Me" started playing in my head. I would die for him. I would.

I do love him.

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