Hogwarts Boys

Aug 29, 2006 22:30

"Hogwarts Boys"
Chapter 35
Author: insane_pyro_grl AKA Jordan
Pairing: Vam= Drarry
Rating: PG-13 for now
Summary: What if Ville and Bam went to Hogwarts and were rivals like Harry and Draco? Let the yaoi and vam ensue. Warning: Extreme AU and silly-ness.
Disclaimer: I dont own Ville and Bam.. and I dont own Harry Potter. All these things are just thought up in my demented mind.
Notes: This has to be the best chapter of any story I've ever written.

Links to Previous Chapters and Full Character Listing

“Hogwarts Boys” - Chapter 35

The day was supposed to be fun, full of humor and pranks, but it was only filled with violence. The first half of the day started out normal, students flocking to classes, not paying attention to what their teacher’s were saying, it was Halloween, their minds were full of ghosts and goblins. Every teacher was tense, knowing what was to come in a few short hours. The staff wasn’t the only ones panicking; Ville, Bam, and the six Gryffindor boys that knew about the events to come were also all in a sense of dread.

Ville had not slept a single wink that night, still thinking how it was his last day on the planet, his last day of life, silent tears permeating his pillow. When the alarm went off at seven, he suddenly felt nauseous, running into the bathroom and vomiting several times before being able to get up. He felt weak, and shook slightly, his usual pale skin even paler than before.

I don’t think I can do this. He thought to himself.

Once he got up from the bathroom floor, he slowly walked back into the dorm, opened his trunk and got out some clothes to wear, choosing a crimson button up dress shirt and black slacks. He quickly got dressed and decided to roll up his sleeves that day, instead of hiding the tattoo, he exposed it, letting everyone see what Vito had done, and maybe warning people of things to come.

After the other Gryffindor boys got dressed, they headed down to the common room to meet Jess and Chad and then head down to breakfast. They entered the Great Hall as they did every morning, and noticed it was as cheery and as loud as always, except for the staff’s table, where everyone looked tense, and a sense of dread was on everyone’s faces. The seven sat down at the Gryffindor table, and all began to nibble at the waffles on the plates before them, except for Ville, who began to look over to the Slytherin table for a familiar face. Emerald met sapphire and both had looks of fear, of unknowingness of what was to come.

The first chimes of the day rang throughout the castle, and students were on their way to their first classes of the day. The trio waited for the hall to empty before heading towards the exit, and meeting up with a certain Slytherin.

“So today’s the day.” Said Bam with a sigh as he walked with the students.

“Don’t remind me.” Replied Ville, staring at his feet as he shuffled along the stone floors.

They walked silently along the corridors towards their Potions class; they arrived and entered the room to sit at their normal seats. This wasn’t a normal class, it wasn’t a normal day, and instead of having the students take notes or mix up a potion Professor Glomb let them have a day off, to sit and chit chat, knowing that everyone would need every ounce of their strength for later. Ville sat at his usual spot next to Mige, arms sprawled across the desk, head lying on his right limb and he sat with his eyes closed, oblivious to every thing that was happening in those moments. He lay there for the rest of class, and didn’t even want to get up then, wishing to sit there all day until he had to face Vito himself later that night. Wished that everything would go away in a heartbeat, wake up to find that it was all a horrible dream, that he was a few years old again with his parents, and had a vicious nightmare. This wasn’t a nightmare; it was a cruel reality that he had to go through, with one person by his side, and only one person.

The students became restless, not knowing why they had so many free periods to chit chat and do as they pleased in one day. Nervousness radiated off the staff and seeped into every being that it sought out, making the students jittery and almost as nervous as the staff. The only person who was more nervous than the teachers, was Ville. His heart was racing what felt like a mile a minute, he could hear his pulse in his head, the pounding of the blood rushing through his veins.

Classes usually feeling like they took forever, seemed to end in a blink of an eye, the one seeming the shortest was History of Magic, Ville and Bam looking directly in each other’s eyes the whole time, holding hands under the table, seeing the fear in the orbs opposite them. At lunch, Ville didn’t eat, he didn’t even touch the food that was on the different plates before him, he just sat there, seeing his death before him, in that room, in a matter of a few short hours.

The students knew that something was up when even McGonagall gave them the day off, it couldn’t be that every teacher was in the Halloween spirit, something was up, and they only wished they knew. They started talking, asking every person what was wrong, what was up, why everyone was so uneasy, and all they received in response was more questions.

Herbology had came and went in a flash, sitting on the rolling laws, staring up at the blue grey sky, wondering if it would rain on this night. Ville wondered if it would rain as soon as he died, the heavens crying for another soul lost because of evil. The weird clichés of death ran through his mind, knowing that these were his last breaths of oxygen, last heartbeats, last everything before he saw the bright white light and walked towards it, towards the next plane of existence.

They sat in the library. All of the people involved sat in the library from the final bell until dinner: Ville, Bam, Ryan, Mige, Chad, Jess, Gas, and Burton. They didn’t go to the common room, didn’t go to the broom closet, they sat in the library, barely speaking to one another, thinking. The room was at a dead silence until Ville spoke up as he sat draped across Bam’s body.

“I’m going to miss you. All of you, I’m never gonna forget all you’ve ever done for me, every word you might’ve said, any action you might’ve done, I will always remember.”

“What are you talking about babe?” Asked Bam, bewildered at Ville’s small speech.

“I’m going to die soon, I just want to say goodbye when I have the chance.” Ville’s teeth nipped at his bottom lip, trying to stop it from quivering, trying to stop the tears that were forming.

It didn’t work. No matter how hard he bit down, no matter how much blood started to leak into his mouth, he couldn’t stop the tears that were now rolling down pale cheeks. Bam wrapped his arms around his petite waist, and held him close, whispering soft mutterings of comfort in his ears. He told him that it would be alright, that he wouldn’t let anything happen to him, that they would make it through this. The sobs quieted after a few minutes, until the giant Grandfather clock in the library start to chime.

Bong… Bong… Bong… Bong… Bong…Bong… and then silence.

Ville’s face paled instantly, knowing it was finally time to meet his destiny: death. He slowly rose from the chair that he and Bam were sharing, and started walking towards the French doors that separated the library from the hallway. The others got up in an instant, following him to the Great Hall, their hands in their pockets, fingers clutched around wands, ready at a moments notice. They walked in a line next to one another, shoulders almost touching, Ville a mere twenty yards ahead of them. The seven walked as if they were walking towards death, yet with heads held high, never looking upon feet, but ahead as if towards the future, perhaps a happier time than now.

Ville was now only a few steps before the entrance to the Great Hall, he stopped, and looked in, just watching what was going on, seeing who was in, marking his surroundings one last time. Bam walked briskly from the pack and next to Ville, looking once more in vivid emerald eyes before entwining fingers together perfectly. Green sparkled with wonder as they looked down to the interlocked hands on his left side, before looking up into a pair of spectacular sapphires, unshed tears making them sparkle in the dim light even more.

One foot before the other, as they began to walk into the Great Hall, the six still forming a pack behind the duo. They felt eyes on them, and looked around until they landed on the staff table, nods were given from each of the professors as they passed to head to the Gryffindor table, where more eyes were glancing on the group. Seats were taken, no food was eaten, no questions answered. This was their time, maybe even their last time, and they enjoyed it to the fullest as they could in the situation, fingers entwined, head resting on the shoulder of the shorter.

He heard footsteps. Blue eyes scanned the room quickly, until he spotted him. Long sweeping blonde hair wisped through the air as the tall man paced outside the door way. Fingers tightened in a squeeze of the other hand, as signals were given. Palms sweaty as hands were broken from one another, taken out from pockets, and slender digits were placed delicately on wands.

Pandemonium struck through the hall as an explosion went off, a fog spreading through the air, making it hard to see. This is what the students had wondered about all day, panicked about, nerves tied up tightly about. The explosion that the two were waiting for, they stuck together as a circle of light came from the floor in front of the staff table.

“Where are they?” Bam asked, wondering where his father and Vito were.

A crack filtered through the smoggy air, and in an instant everything was clear again. Green and blue darted through the room, looking for them. They were just about to look towards the staff table when Bam’s name was called through the air.

“Bam, it’s time to go against everything and everyone, and help Lord Vito kill Valo!” It rang through the air like a bullet moving in slow motion, the shrill whistle of the message penetrated Bam deep inside his soul.

The ring of light was replaced by Vito, in a dark cape, holding his wand, old eyes looking for a certain person. Linde stood next to him, long blonde hair shining in dim light.

“There he is! Kill him Lord Vito!” Yelled Linde, pointing at Ville.

It seemed as all time had stopped as Bam’s father pointed at Ville, Vito’s eyes darted to where the finger was pointed, and then it all stopped, and the two fateful words were hurled through the air, wand pointed directly at Ville’s heart.

“Avada Kedauwaga!” Shouted Vito.

Everything was in a standstill, it all moved at a super slow speed as emerald eyes widened at the blast of green light came at him.

“Nooooo!!!!!” Bam shouted as he jumped in front of Ville.

Bam shielded Ville’s body with his own, but it was too late, both of them were engulfed in the emerald light as they both crumpled to the floor.
A/N: I just had to do it. Had to leave you all with a cliffhanger. I couldn't give away most of the plot with one chapter, now could I?
*prays I wont get killed for this one*
Uhh.. I give ye.. VAM COOKIES!
*sets of platter of vam cookies*
Don't kill me, 'kay?
Until next time my lovlies (well hopefully)
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