(no subject)

Aug 28, 2006 19:30

Title: Here Comes The Fucking Groom.
Pairing: Vam
Rating: MA- for strong language.
Summary: Just read it!
Status: In progress
Disclaimer: I have both of them tied up under my bed...*insert evil laugh*.  Don't own any of it. Just my imagination.

~Bam's P.O.V~

I stared at you from across the room. You were dancing with her, the girl you had just proposed to about 5 minutes ago. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me when I seen you get down on one knee & pull out a small black box. I almost choked on my Jack Daniels when I heard you say those dreadful words.

"Will you marry me?"

I was praying to who ever was listening that she would say no. I know that's selfish, I should be happy for you. You're obviously happy with her. But, how could I be happy for you?

I love you.

I don't want you to love someone else. I want you to want me like I want you. To need me like I need you.

Why don't you?

How is it that I seem to have fell hopelessly in love with you, and you don't even notice? It's not like I don't give you hints or signs. You couldn't be that dense. What do you want me to do, put "I love you Ville Valo" on a flashing neon sign so that maybe you'll see it? I wish I could just tell you.

What good would it do now though?

I could walk up to you right now and profess my dying love for you infront of all these people and you would just laugh. You'd think I was playing another fucking joke like I'm always doing. Yeah, that's right, Bam Margera, one big fucking joke. It's funny, everyone sees me on t.v and thinks I'm such a bad ass...I'm not. I act like it, all the time. That's why whenever I try to get serious, no one believes me. I know they wouldn't believe how I feel. I can see it now,

"Bam Margera, pro skateboarder, gay!"

Yeah, I know that would ruin my reputation. That's why I've kept it a secret so long. But, you know what, I'd give it all up for you. For you just to look me in the eyes and honestly say you love me too. That's what I want. That's all I want.

Just you.

But, I can't have you.

No, thanks to her I'll never have you. Ever. It's a good thing they're no sharp objects around. I swear she'd be in deep shit. I bet I could make you a million times more happy than she could. I know I could.

I know what you want. I know how to give it to you.

Does she?

Probably not. I never thought you'd end up with someone like her..so ditzy. She's so flaky.

What do you see in her anyways?

You sure as hell can't say personality, I'd have a better conversation with a wet sponge.

You're looking at me now. You probably think I'm drunk since I'm standing in the corner alone talking to myself.

You're walking towards me now.

Oh god. What do I say?

"Bammie...you hurt my feelings you meanie."

You were giving me a dramatic pout. I had to physically stop myself from kissing you. It's so hard though. I want to kiss every inch of you.

Over and over.

"Willa, why are you mad at me? I haven't said anything to you."

You stepped closer.

"Exactly my point mister. I just got engaged and you haven't even said congratulations, not once."

He seriously wants me to say congratulations?

He has got to be fucking insane.

"Well, if you don't mind me lying straight to your face, then congratulations! I'm so thrilled! I'm so damn happy that you are getting marred to some chick that I hate! I'm so fucking glad that you are gonna have a bunch of little kids with her! Yes, I'm so god damn excited, I can hardly contain myself! I'm absolutely floored Ville! I mean, really, I'm practically going into convulsions from all this fucking happiness! You might want to back up though, I just might simultaneously combust from all the joy and love going around! "

I put a hand over my mouth.

Shit. Fuck. Damn. I bet the whole neighborhood knows my issues now.

You're just standing there. Not believing a single word that just escaped my mouth. I'm trying to read your face since you won't say anything. We're just standing here looking at each other, not breaking eye contact. I can feel everyone's eyes on me as they wonder what the fuck is going on. I've never wanted a power failure more than I do right now. Then, I wouldn't see the hurt on your face. I couldn't see the pain that I caused. I want to take you in my arms and tell you I'm sorry. But, I meant everything I said. You know what they say though, the truth hurts. Never has that statement felt more true than it does right now. The best thing for everyone would be for me to leave. But, I can't. I can't move. The house could be on fire, but I still can't tear my eyes away from your gorgeous green ones. Please say something before I die. Please...

*Yep, I'm an evil bitch for leaving a cliffhanger. But, I wanted to know what ya'll think before I continue. I'm sorry for any errors. This is my first story. So, be nice!*

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