Chapter Eight, Here and Gone

Aug 28, 2006 17:31

Title: Willing Hostage
Chapter: 8/?; Here and Gone
Status: In Progress
Rating: R With Droplets of NC-17...
Disclaimer: Didn't happen, don't own, don't know, yap yap, blah blah...
Summary: Ville and his friends orginally were out to torture those whose souls were beyond redemption. But soon his friends get out of control and will take and kill anyone they find. Does Ville realize that the one boy he saves may be the one who doesn't want to be saved?
A/n: There may be a few mistakes because I rewrote this just now...So if there are some please tell me! Thanks darlings. And by the way, this update is a little longer than the past few so enjoy!

And, of course, much love to my darling beta, dyingforyourluv

Previous chapters:
Prelude - I See It In Your Eyes
Chapter One - Malice and Hostility
Chapter Two - Healing Words
Chapter Three - Azure
Chapter Four - First Victim to Live
Chapter Five - Answers
Chapter Six - Dark Sekret Eyes
Chapter Seven- Demon of Redemption

"Hey," Bam muttered sheepishly when he entered the hotel room that he and Ryan stayed in. He closed the door quietly behind him when Ryan didn’t answer. Bam assumed he was asleep, until he walked past the bathroom and saw Ryan laying on the bed watching some movie he brought along.

“Hey, Dunn,“ Bam said again, a little louder, wondering if maybe he just didn’t hear him before. Ryan didn’t even look up. He just stared at the TV from the bed, still laying on his stomach, ignoring Bam completely. Discouraged, Bam sat himself on the opposite bed, passing in front of Ryan sight. Still, no response. Bam sat down. his body stiff and uncomfortable. Ryan still remained silent, as if Bam was a ghost and didn‘t have a physical form. With any other person, Bam would get irritated and try desperately to grab their full attention, but with Ryan he knew it would be better to just stay put and let Ryan do whatever he wanted to do with him. Whatever he wanted. Like always.

Not wanting to bother him, Bam curled into the sheets. He whispered to Ryan, telling him he was going to sleep, despite it being still rather early in the day. This time, Bam didn’t expect a response, which he didn’t get. Uneasy as hell, Bam lay under the covers, trying his hardest to fall asleep. All he could hear was the movie playing and Ryan’s breathing, which weren’t helping at all. Bam’s mind wandered everywhere in thought, searching for some sort of comfort.

Warm arms caressed down Bam’s back, holding his body against a thin body. The touch didn’t startle him, because they weren’t really there. It was his soothing memory of Ville’s embrace, holding him lovingly to him as they slept. His fingers ghosted over his spine, rubbing circles in the fabric of his shirt. Bam smiled a weak smile, sleep finally coming to him.

But a cold hand stroked his cheek, knocking him out of his gentle world. Bam kept his eyes shut, not daring to strain his eyes so he looked asleep. He felt the bed dip and Ryan’s arms clung to Bam. But Bam remained still.

Whatever he wanted.


Bam continued to visit him as if nothing happened. He would go to back to Ville's hotel during the day to talk of random things like weather or music. But Bam would leave before sundown, leaving Ville feeling torn and confused. Although he hated to admit it, he felt such a strong lust for him. He left no regret from that night except never having true intercourse. But he wouldn’t dare push the boy any further.

For days, he visited Ville. Bam would come see him and leave before the sun set, just teasing Ville. Even though he didn't know it and was only innocently visiting a friend, just letting Ville look at him and hear his sweet voice made him want to touch the boy. But again, he threw the feeling away and merely enjoyed his time with the skater.

Bam left, as always, an hour before the sun sat. Throwing a casual goodbye, he left the room. Ville stared at the door for barely a minute, already missing the boy’s company.


“You forgot your board.” Ryan said sternly once Bam came into the hotel room.


“You said you were going skating today, but you forgot your board,” he said, his voice even more serious, but didn‘t look up at Bam. Bam felt his heart drop into his stomach.

“…So, where were you?” he asked, finally looking at Bam. Panicking, Bam struggled to come up with an explanation. He couldn’t come up with even a plausible alibi, except the truth.


Ville took his ever-awaited stroll down the street the next morning before Bam showed up. He loved being surrounded by people, especially now that everyone wasn't so tense as before. There hadn't been a kidnapping since Bam got away alive.

But something was amiss. People didn't seem as cheery or even as content as he had seen them the past few days. All their faces were somber and distraught. A new, strong fear had risen in Ville, and expected the worst as he scanned a newspaper at the store.

Sure enough, another one; A 19 year-old girl. Ville only skimmed the article and was disgusted at the new grotesque level of violence his ex-friends had reached. And she hadn’t survived.

Ville felt sick, knowing his friends were at this again. And he felt only worse that they maybe, just maybe, were after Bam again.

The tension in the streets’ air was noxious enough to send Ville over the edge. Ignoring his love for wandering about the streets, Ville returned to his hotel to wait for Bam.

But he didn’t come. Immediately, Ville’s imagination ran wild. It made him extremely nervous that he didn't know where he was. He could be dead for all Ville knew. But all he knew was that he had never felt so anxious, so afraid, in his entire life.

He couldn't sleep. All night he waited, hoping Bam would come that morning. The police issued a new curfew; from sunset to sunrise no one was allowed on the street. It didn't matter; no one would even dare walk outside in the dark. Still, people could be captured. After being with his friends in the kidnapping business for so long, he knew a little curfew wasn't going to stop them. There was always a loophole or two from that.

But once the sun rose, it was safe. By morning, the gang either would found a new victim and abandoned their body, or just had given up for the night. It was more likely that they found someone. Even though the morning meant safety for everyone else, Ville knew that someone had died again.

Ville didn’t even go to walk outside before Bam was expected to come. He waited an hour or so, with still no sign or the young skater. Ville sighed, his fear ever so strong, and left to search the streets for any news.

Nothing seemed wrong with the people on the streets that day. Everyone was wrapped up in his or her usual moods: happy, excited, bored, rushed, content, and so on. But no one looked gloomy or afraid. No one looked upset or sorrowed.

Except one.

A strawberry-blonde. His face was full of melancholy, walking stiffly. Ville could only stare at him, studying his features for any kind of clue of what was on his mind. It was obvious that whatever he was thinking had nothing to do with Bam. No one knew, or seemed to care that the skater boy was missing.

“What?” he spat in English, catching Ville’s still staring eye.

“N-Nothing,” Ville replied sheepishly, sinking his head down and walked past the man. Immediately, Ville spun around and raced back to his hotel, his fears squeezing his heart in a death-tight grip.
And thus, the plot thickens....Bwahahahaha....

*coughcough*And yeah, that was Dunn.....coughcough*
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