(no subject)

Aug 17, 2006 20:12

Title-Day Tripper

I own nothing except my iPod and any of the characters I make up along the way.

Warning- HEAVY drug use (most of the story’s about getting high), sex, language, mild violence.

Summary- AU set in 1966-1969. San Francisco, the Mecca for the drug and rock movement. 17 year old Bam Margera has run away from home to find himself, but ends up finding more than he bargained for when he meets a free-spirited hippie named Ville Valo.

Rated NC-17






Ville smiled down at the sleeping young man, he looked so beautiful when he slept that the Finn just wanted to lean down and kiss those pouting lips. He wondered silently what Bam tasted like for a moment before he shook the thoughts from his head. He couldn’t think that way towards the teen. Bam was confused enough already, he didn’t need Ville making advances at him on top of it.

Sighing Ville leant down and gently picked Bam off of the couch, causing the teen to groan sleepily as he wrapped his arms around Ville’s neck. The Finn carried Bam into the spare room of the apartment and laid him down on the old creaky bed.

“Sleep well Bammie,” he whispered as he ran his fingers through Bam’s silky brown hair.

Bam swallowed nervously as he sat down on the bus that would take him to Pittsburg and then from there he would hop another bus until he got to San Francisco. He wasn’t quite sure what he would do when he actually got there, but he had to get away.

The teen jumped slightly as he felt the bus begin to move and he knew that there was no turning back now.

“I’m sorry mom,” he mumbled as he watched the town of West Chester fade away into the distance.

But he didn’t feel sorry on the inside, he felt liberated for the first time in his life. As Bam watched the landscape roll by a familiar song popped into his head and he chuckled at how appropriate it was.

Let us be lovers,
We'll marry our fortunes together.
I've got some real estate
Here in my bag.

So we bought a pack of cigarettes,
And Mrs. Wagner's pies,
And walked off
To look for America.
"Kathy", I said,
As we boarded a Greyhound in Pittsburgh,
Michigan seems like a dream to me now.

It took me four days
To hitch-hike from Saginaw.
"I've come to look for America."

Laughing on the bus,
Playing games with the faces,
She said the man in the gabardine suit
Was a spy.

As he hummed along with the song, Bam’s fear and nervousness seemed to disappear just like West Chester had. It was behind him now and there was nothing else to do but go forward.

Bam moaned as the first rays of sunlight fell onto his sleeping form. Putting his hand over his eyes, he slowly opened his baby blue eyes and was surprised to see that he wasn’t in his room.

“So it wasn’t a dream,” he whispered to himself.

Throwing the old comforter off of him, he quickly stood up, automatically feeling dizzy. “Shit,” he mumbled as he put his hand to his forehead. His head felt like a swollen balloon and in a sense he was still a bit giddy from the pot. As soon as he got his bearings, he exited his room in search of the kitchen.

The apartment was small and he found it quiet easily, the food however was not so easy to find. He went through all the cupboards and the refrigerator and not so much as a cracker was found.

This got the young man confused; didn’t Ville give him food last night? Sighing in slight disappointment he went off in search of the Finn.

He walked down the hallway, past the room that he had stayed in to the room at the end of the hall. Poking his head into the room he saw Ville sprawled out on the bed, a tattered notebook lying face down on his bare, pale chest.

Bam took another cautious step into the room and called out softly “Ville.”

The Finn moaned softly and shifted on the bed. Bam cringed slightly as his stomach growled loudly. “Ville?” Bam called out a bit louder.

Ville opened one emerald eye and smiled as he saw Bam standing in the doorway of his room. “Hi,” the Finn mumbled to the young man.

‘Um, hey,” Bam said.

“You’re hungry,” Ville said, it was a statement not a question and Bam nodded his head.

“Um yea, you…you don’t have any food in the kitchen.”

Ville sat up, the notebook sliding off his thin chest to the floor. Bam swallowed the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat at seeing the older man half naked.

“We have to go and see Johnny, he’ll get us some food,” Ville said as he stood from the bed and grabbed a violet T-shirt and pulled it on.

“Who’s Johnny?” Bam asked.

Ville grabbed Bam’s wrist and began to drag him out of the apartment “You’ll see young one, you’ll see.”

*AN-For all those who read my story 'Protector' this is going to be Johnny Knoxville, not Johnny Depp...unfortunately.

It's a tad shorter than I wanted it to be, but my research has been momentarily interrupted so I had to cut it short because I didn't want to go one without knowing what I'm talking about. Please Comment and more is on the way.
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